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The next day...

John woke up to a beautiful new day, the sun already risen ahead of him, he made some arms stretching, then he heard a beep tone from his phone, he reached for his mobile device from the bedside table eager to know who's texting him early morning, a dazzling smile appeared on his lips the moment he knows who was texting him so early today!

His beloved Catherine! Wow! He received four text messages from her, he read her messages excitedly...

'Good morning...!'

'Can you visit me here? Can we talk?'

'Looking forward to spend a night with you by my side tonight!'

'I miss you...!'

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John felt he ascended into heaven after reading her messages. He was feeling truly happy today! Catherine was finally reaching out to him! It's hard to believe at first. But her text messages were evidence that she was finally warming up to him again. It does sound so abrupt though, that she finally turn around a full 100 degree just to make peace with him considering that the last time they saw each other she was very angry at him, but he can't complain though, because it's what he'd been wishing for on these past few days. He would do anything to win her love and trust again.

He typed his replies right away, he reread them twice before he sends them one by one...

'Good morning love! Kiss...muahhhh!'

'Yes, of course, I would love to visit you tonight, Cath! Thank you very much for inviting me. You have no idea I'd been waiting for your invitation every minute of the day.'

'Ah, yes! I love to spend the night with you by my side. I miss you so much! I miss cuddling with you! I miss kissing your lips! I can't wait for tonight...'

'I miss you too, Cath! I miss our son inside your belly! I miss you more than my words can say. See you tonight! Eat your breakfast and drink your milk to nourish our baby...'

'I love you so much!'

His good mood kick starts his day. He was looking forward to seeing Catherine tonight. He rose from the bed and went inside the bathroom to relieve himself.

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He went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and made himself a sandwich with the strawberry jam spread. He went to the door to pick up his morning newspaper.

As he was reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee, he received another text from Catherine...

'Can you come early? I want to eat dinner with you?'

John grinned from ear to ear. He began typing...'Of course, I will come early. I would love to spend my dinner time with you.'

He sent the message and sipped his coffee...

Another text message comes, he reads it.

'Hmmm...there is a problem...I want our dinner dishes to be special but I don't have money, can you order some foods and have it delivered it here? Pleaseeee...'

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He typed again...'No problem, Cath! I will order the foods and have it delivered at your place at 6:00 PM tonight. How many dishes you want and what type of cuisine you like to eat?'

Catherine replied...'Just 7 types of dishes, I want vegetable and seafood this time, you can order meat though if you like, for Cora, Minerva, Allan's and George dinner as well.'

John smiled broadly, oh God, he can't contain his happiness. He typed again...'Yes my love. I will order all your request, leave everything to me.'

He sends the text message.

He continues sipping his coffee waiting for her reply...his phone beep again...he reads her message.

'That's all. Thank you, John.'

He typed his last reply to her for the morning...'No need to thank me, my love. I love you so much! I will give you anything you want! Just ask...'

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He sends his last message and waited for her reply...

He was a bit disappointed that she no longer replied to his message.

Oh well, maybe she got tired of typing...or probably already eating her breakfast. He doesn't want to get his son starving inside her tummy, right?

Awww! The smile on his face lingers on...

He focused his attention back to reading the newspaper.

After reading the whole business section of the newspaper, John rose to his feet and washes his cups and spoon in the sink.

He was feeling energized today! He and Catherine were now on speaking terms. If they can sustain the momentum they will eventually have a peaceful relationship while waiting for the arrival of their baby into this world. And maybe, somewhere down the road, they finally able to iron out their differences and live as a husband and wife under one roof.

He went back to his bedroom and took a bath to get ready for his daily activities.

Fifteen minutes later...John exited the bathroom and went to his wardrobe to chose his work attire for the day, black slacks and a white polo shirt. He combs his Ivy League hair cut and styled it a bit with a gel. Satisfied with his looks, he exited his room to go down to his office on the 13th floor.

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