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The doorbell sounded signaling him of the delivery boy's arrival to deliver his lunch. He walked to the door and opened it and took the foods from the delivery boy and give him a tip.

A few moments later he was already eating his lunch...

He paused a bit and then reached for his phone to send a text to Catherine, telling her to eat her lunch.

He received a quick reply from her...

'You too, eat plenty of lunch. I and your son has already eaten our lunch. See you later!'

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He typed a quick reply...'I love you, Cath!'

He wasn't expecting any reply from her...but he did receive a reply from her to his total surprise. She sent him 3 heart emoji! Awww, so cute! John so love it, his heart was fluttering and then melted into a puddle...due to so much kilig and happiness! He misses Catherine's presence in his life so much.

He continues eating his lunch with a wonderful smile on his face.

John went back to his office and work until 3:10 in the afternoon. Once the clock strikes at 3:20, he exited his office and went upstairs to his flat to change into casual clothes.

He changed into blue Levis jeans, white round neck shirt, and a brown leather jacket. Done dressing, he called Ramon to ready the car.

Then he put his phone into the pocket of his jacket and exited his room heading towards the ground floor.

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Ramon was already inside the vehicle when John entered the front seat.

"Where are we heading, Boss?" asked Ramon.

"To Zen Garden Hotel, I'm going to meet Ella there for a showdown!" said John smirking.

Ramon was smiling a bit and then cough a little. "Good luck Boss, hope you won't get tempted! Or else this might backfire on you and will put an end to your relationship with Catherine as we know it."

John sighed a bit. "This is the only way to put an end to Ella's crazy fantasy, it's worth exploring. I have nothing to lose," he replied. This better be good, he said to himself.

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Ramon no longer opens his mouth to attempt to hold a conversation with his employer. Deep inside he was worrying a bit. John and Catherine have not fully recovered yet from their conflict now this is going to happen, again? He can't fathom what was going on in his Boss's mind right now.

John swipes at his phone and called the hotel's general manager Mr. Satorno.

"Good afternoon, Sir!" greetings by Mr. Satorno on the other line.

"Is the suite #50 ready now? Did you follow all my instruction? I won't be using that suite for long, just a few hours, maybe. It all depends on how skilled my challenger is," answered John grinning.

"Good luck, Sir," said Mr. Satorno, laughing at the other end.

"Bye," said John. After ending the call he put his phone back into the pocket of his leather jacket.

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Ramon who has eavesdropping on the conversation was shaking his head a few times, he needs to speak his mind. "Boss, what if you got tempted to have sex with Ella and get addicted to her? It could lead to more problems if Catherine will know about it. I volunteer to enter the room just to make sure nothing of sort like that happens. We all men...our weakness is always been a woman's naked body considering that Ella has a gorgeous body that most men find hard to resist. I have to remind you that you've already been tempted once in the swimming pool area. How can you make sure that you won't pounce on her this time around considering you are the only two people inside the room?" Ramon was bold to ask not minding that his employer might get angry with him because of his being nosy.

John stared at Ramon. "Stop being a worry rat, Ramon! Don't worry I am more aware this time compare to the first time that Ella took me by surprise. I have a fixed set of rules for her to follow, besides we had the timer. Just in case I got tempted what do I have to lose? I'm still not married to anybody, I still have all the rights to fool with anyone," explained John nonchalantly.

Ramon's eyes grow bigger with the last statement of his boss. "Huh? Boss? You don't love Catherine anymore? Why I have this feeling that you don't care anymore if you get tempted by Ella or not? I mean, you already hurt Catherine, why would add to her injury by telling me that you have nothing to lose and you are still single and is entitled to fool with anyone? With that kind of statement you are already disregarding Catherine's feelings, I find you so out of character today, please forgive me of my ramblings," he said, a grim look was registered on his face.

John was amused and grinning at Ramon's reaction to his last statement. "Relax Ramon, you're so emotional! I'm just kidding and teasing you. I just want to see how will you react with my last statement."

Ramon smiled and was feeling relieved.

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