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John and Ramon arrived at The Zen Garden Hotel at 3:45. When they entered the hotel's lobby, Ella was already waiting for them. She was wearing a daring sexy short black dress that accentuated her gorgeous body. She had an expensive shoulder bag hanging on her arms and she was wearing black stiletto shoes looking every inch like a glamorous movie star.

She smiled sweetly at John when he assesses her appearance from head to toe, and then she strikes a pose like a model. She saw his appreciative glance on her body. Wait, until you see me performing my striptease dance, John! I'm sure you won't be able to resist my charm! she said to herself.

OMG! Ramon's eyes grow even bigger upon seeing Ella's overall attire. As a straight guy himself, he was deeply starstruck by the woman's sexiness. "Holy cow, Boss! Can you handle that hot body? I mean, can you resist that kind of tempting and provocative body? I think not even the Pope in Rome can't say no to Ella's body. You're dead meat, Boss! I bet even before the 20 seconds timer is finished you are already pinning Ella to the bed pummeling her nonstop! Her hot arousing body is simply too hard to resist! She was oozing with mind-blowing sex appeal that is hard to ignore by a straight male like us. Right now I'm telling you I got a hard-on," exclaimed Ramon jokingly.

John smirked and thoroughly amused by his bodyguard's obvious admiration of Ella's sexiness. "Huh? Really? You want to be inside that room and be the one on the hot seat with her?" asked John.

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"Oh, no, no, Boss!" he began shaking his head vigorously. "Even though my wife is not as sexy and beautiful as Ella, I love my wife so much. I won't betray her behind her back. I could only look and admire sexy ladies from afar but I would not go all the way with them. I'm a good boy, probably one of the few good men left standing," said Ramon cheekily and boastfully.

John grinned from ear to ear upon hearing Ramon's ramblings. He was chuckling, amused by his bodyguard's brazen outburst.

"Lol, Ramon, I'm already feeling guilty just doing this behind Catherine's back, but there is no other way to deal with Ella's obsession towards me. Anyways, we will be going upstairs now to start the challenge. Wait for me here, I'll be back after 30 or 40 minutes," said John. He turned around heading towards the elevator's area.

Ella followed John to the elevators area excitedly, sashaying her provocative hips like she was one of the candidates for Miss Universe pageant. The onlookers can't help themselves but admire at her gorgeous sexy body and captivating movie star appeal.

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Ramon sat on the sofa in the lobby, fidgeting, watching Ella and John entered the elevator up to the 10th floor of the hotel. Well, he was Pro Catherine since day one! lol. He was the one feeling worried and restless inside. Although his Boss was looking confident that he will get out of the room unscathed but the moment he saw how sexy Ella is up close, he was now doubting John's confidence. Ramon was sure that when Ella will start executing her striptease dance and take out her clothes one by one, John can no longer take off his eyes off Ella's mouthwatering body, the temperature outside that room will get hotter and the fire of desire will devour the two human being inside that room. It's been a rule of thumb for centuries: put a desirable woman's sexy naked body in front of a man, it would be impossible not to be affected since man's greatest weakness is always about sex. Ramon shakes his head, he was thinking of going upstairs and knocked outside the door just to make sure John won't be tempted, but it will be against the rule of their challenge. Besides, he doesn't know when will the timer starts. But he just can't stay in the lobby and do nothing! He had to do something!

Hmmm, Ramon set the timer on his phone to 30 minutes. If John won't get out of the elevator after 45 minutes he will get up there and knock on the door and screamed fire!


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While inside the elevator...

Ella was trying to latch at Johns' arms, but he avoided her touch. She can't control herself and her urges, just the sight of John and his six-pack abs beneath his t-shirt can easily turn her on. Oh God! Just the faint smell of his masculine scent can set her on the edge! He was like this rare kind of drug that she was desperately wanting to devour but she can't have. His sexy aura and animal appeal took her entire system hostage, her attraction towards him was more enhanced by his constant refusal of her advances. The more he avoided her the more she craves his presence and attention.

"Oops! Touch me once and you will be disqualified!" said John.

Ella pouted up a storm but her eyes remained smiling. "How can I get disqualified, we are not doing our challenge yet!" she giggled very much excited. She advances again to his side wanting to feel the warmth of his body. The jacket he gives her was already filled with her body fluid because every time she masturbated on herself with her sex toy she will squirt a lot and then she will wipe her squirt with his jacket. The smell of his manly scent that was left on the jacket mixed well with her body fluid, creating an intoxicating unique fragrance that can make her high anytime she smells it. Until now she had not washed his jacket yet, she was preserving his manly smell on it as long as she can.

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Right now, she finds his somber demeanor cute though, his aloof cold personality only adds up to his magnetic aura and appeal.

John continuous to look at her with indifference.

She continuous giggling amused of her thoughts about him. Just looking at him right now, her pheromones were going haywire starting from the floor all the way up to the ceiling of the elevator, too bad, John was not affected by it yet, she eyed his rough hands, those were the same hands that clasped at her naked waist to press her body to his in the swimming pool area. Her eyes went up to his mouth, she bit her lip in anticipation, the same mouth that sucked at her nipple greedily, ahhh, gosh! her nipple erected all of a sudden.

"What are you thinking, Ella?" asked John, his brows knitted together. He asked even though he knew already what she was thinking right now in her mind. The way she looks at him was pretty obvious.

"I'm making love to you right now in my mind," she replied, then she starts giggling, her eyes alight with the fire of mischief and desire.

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