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"Huh? Why are you giggling like a lunatic? What makes you happy?" asked John.

"I'm happy 'coz you know what--? I have been making love to your jacket a million times already, your jacket can make me orgasm all night long," then she was giggling again.

"Holy Christ! Are you nuts?" exclaimed John, his eyes grew bigger upon hearing her absurd sick revelation.

She just looked at him seductively not even offended by his words. "Why don't you give me your new jacket? I will give you back your old jacket as our souvenirs from each other, that way you can smell my scent all night long," she suggested and grinned broadly while her eyes were glued to his face.

John almost wants to gag. He took a deep breath. If Ella won't cure herself, she will go crazy soon!

"Lalalala...lalalala...lalala...," Ella hummed a song feeling happy. "Today, I'm so happy because I can finally have you alone in the room. Let's forget about the challenge, let's just make love right away, John! Gosh, I'm so horny already! I'm so ready to eat you!" Ella was trying to press her ample breast on John's arms, but he moved away from her reach before she can even do the act. 

John was eyeing Ella with a mixture of amazement and horror. She was acting like she was some kind of sex starve kitten. "Since when was the last time you got laid Ella?" asked John.

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"One year ago when I broke up with my last serious boyfriend, since then, no guy had ever touched my body, until you come along and you sucked at my tits hungrily inside the swimming pool that really turns me on, and until now I can't get over it," explained Ella while twirling her hair with her fingers. "I wanna give you a mind-blowing blow job once we're inside the room," she winked at him.

John snorted. "In your dreams!"

She giggled at his reaction like a naughty child. Oh My! Every little reaction and words coming from his mouth makes her super delighted.

Finally, they exited the elevator...

Mr. Satorno, the General Manager of the hotel was waiting for them at the lobby on the 10th floor.

"Good afternoon, Sir...Madam. Sir John, here's the key to your suite. Have a nice stay, Madam, and Sir!" said Mr. Satorno.

"Thank you Mr. Satorno," replied John.

John and Mr. Satorno's eyes met and linger for a brief second. John nods at him signaling at the manager to leave them.

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The General Manager turned around and walked away from the couple.

John and Ella walked towards the end of the hallway where the suite #50 was located. When they arrived at the door, John inserted the key to the door and then push it wide open for them to enter.

Ella entered the room and jumped right into the wide comfy bed, tossing her stiletto into the floor with a thud. She was feeling elated and the happiness and excitement she feels right now with the awareness that she and John were alone in the room for a few minutes lighted up her face. She started gyrating on the bed, showing him her sexy enticing bedroom skills as if she was making love to herself.

WTF! She is getting hot and wild already! commented John.

John was shaking his head while looking at Ella. He closed and locked the door behind him. He walked towards the chair on the corner and sat upon it. He was observing his horny lady companion gyrating above the bed like a worm.

Then Ella started moaning while she inserted her fingers inside her upper clothes cupping her breast. Not satisfied, she gives John a sultry look and withdraw her hands from her breast and then she traveled her hands down to her lower region cupping her crotch with her fingers. Then she inserted her fingers inside her underwear and began moaning as if she was being fucked by someone...

Lol, John's eyes grow bigger with astonishment while staring at Ella's moves, was she masturbating on herself? He smirked. This woman was already consumed with the fire of desire before he even had a chance to touch her! He grinned very much amused. On a man's perspective Ella's sexy body was truly a sight to behold, an appealing visual feast for the eye.

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"Ella, tell me when you're ready so that I can set up the timer," said John.

She smiled at him, then withdraw her hands from the inside of her underwear. Her well-manicured fingers rummaged the inside of her shoulder bag, she took out a small portable music player and attached a USB on it. A piece of erotic steamy music instantly floats in the air.

"I'm ready, John," she blew him a kiss. She made some slow tempting moves in front of John for warm-up.

John took out his phone from the pocket of his jacket and was about to set the timer to 30 minutes. He walked towards Ella for her to see that he was being generous to her and increases the time of their challenge to thirty minutes instead of twenty minutes only.

"Wow! You are very generous, John. I like that! Don't worry you will surely enjoy my striptease performance tonight, for your eyes only!" she said breathlessly. She took out a small bottle of expensive perfume from her shoulder bag and sprayed herself with it.

Ella's perfume filled the entire room and drifted to John's nostril.

He wrinkled his nose, Ella's perfume was too strong for his sensitive nose. Aargh! He doesn't like women wearing strong perfume!

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John walked back towards the chair and nods at Ella. "The timer will start now...1...2..3!"


Ella starts performing enticing erotic striptease dance move in the bed. She began unbuttoning the buttons of her upper dress, baring her creamy cleavage, she was wearing a sexy black bra underneath the dress, she discarded her upper clothing, it landed on the floor in front of John. He didn't bother to pick it up.

Ella's hips swayed erotically to the beat, her arms and her fingers made swaying motion making love to the rhythm, she throws John a hypnotizing looks now and then. Her body gyrated to the seductive beat of the steamy music, next that comes out was her lower clothing. She performed a perfect split in front of John that took his breath away. The center of her pussy was almost poking out from the flimsy garments of her panties.

John swallowed his saliva down his throat and groaned. Jesus!

The temperature of the room was steadily rising and getting hotter!

Damn! Every fiber of his being was already aroused! 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

This is not good! 

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