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Ten minutes passed...

John was staring at Ella, swallowing his saliva down his throat. He had to admit to himself that he was just a man, not a saint and seeing a sexy woman dancing sensuously to the erotic music is arousing to watch, it's like watching pornography online. The temperature of his body is rising rapidly! Dang! Although his body was getting aroused slowly, his mind was still sane, he still knows what is wrong and what is right. When the last piece of Ella's clothing was already taken off from her body, she was now sporting her sexy black bra and black flimsy sexy panties that leave a little to the imagination. She was indeed well prepared to win tonight. If not for the 'no touching rule' he set first on the day he declared the challenge, Ella was already pouncing at him right now.

John's gazed were glued to Ella's provocative body and her alluring dancing expertise. The music was so steamy and the smell of sex was thickening around them, arousing all his senses.

Fifteen minutes passed...

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In fairness, Ella gives her all to her performance, she's a beautiful natural dancer. Her dancing choreography was really good and visually arousing and enticing! If he was another man without any responsibility and has no pregnant girlfriend right now, it would be easy to forget about the challenge and pounce on Ella, as she was looking so tempting and appetizing right now, evidence of his weakening resolve was the throbbing of his loins and the hardening of his manhood.

When John glanced at his phone, there still fifteen minutes left to the timer.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

He reprimanded himself. He's here to prove to himself that the power of the mind can win over lust.

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He might be physically weakening but his mind is clear! Ella might be good for some hot fucking carnal session but he can't detect any deep level of connection with her. What is the use of a few minutes of sexual nirvana and then after the deed, he will only hate himself to the core for betraying his beloved Catherine? The amount of guilt he will feel afterward will be ten times more severe than the last time he was overcome by his weakness in the pool area. If he will indulge in his sexual lust right now and embark on a physical sexual relationship with Ella, he and Catherine's relationship will deteriorate faster like a dying lamp. There's still a big chance that the current conflict between him and Catherine can be resolved in a matter of time. If he adds to his sin right now, Ella will never let him go, she will forever cling to his life like a viral disease. Besides, he doesn't like Ella's personality, slutty and shameless. While Catherine is pure, innocent, straight and a decent woman every inch of her body.

No! He won't be tempted this time...!

He might as well go home straight after the challenge and masturbate on himself to his heart's content inside his room while looking at porn videos online than indulge in real sex with a temptress like Ella that will only wreak havoc in his life later on. Right now, he was fighting the urge not to touch his manhood that was now throbbing painfully between his legs, he was fighting the urge not to masturbate on himself in front of Ella. No, he won't give her the satisfaction of seeing him affected by her sensuality. In short, he would rather mastrubate on himself rather than touch Ella. He will hold on as long as he can, waiting for the timer to alarm suddenly.

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In a nutshell, he was served with two options right now, it's more of sexual gratification that will only last for a few minutes, versus, life long regrets later on...losing the woman he loves because of a few minutes of sexual pleasure with other woman is not worth exploring!

The options were very clear from the very start and he knew already what's the best path to follow...

What he and Catherine shared is true love, they have a true deep level connection that will last forever. Ella is just a disturbance that was thrown to her by the cruel destiny to tempt and test him. While he can have any woman he wants with his good looks and money, yet, Catherine is only one. There is only one woman like Catherine! The happiness and joy he felt every time she was around him, even the tiniest amount of her presence can turn his heart into a puddle, he did not feel that way around with Ella. What he feared the most in his life was the situation when Catherine will finally leave him and a better guy will come along in her life and snatched her away from him. It's gonna be a devastating scenario in his life. It's something he can't afford to happen!

Ella continuous swaying her body in a sultry and sensual way while her eyes never leaving John's face with all the intention to seduce him.

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Their eyes meet...

John had to admit that Ella got a sensual, sexy and gorgeous body. She is the only woman that can come close to Catherine's sexiness. The thought of his pregnant girlfriend put a smile on his face. He was looking forward to seeing her again and excited to spend the night with her tonight. He misses her so bad! He misses her womanly smell and her smile, he missed running his fingers on her rounded belly and talking to their son inside her womb.

Ella continuous to look at John, for a moment she was happy because he was smiling when he looked at her. Her fingers were itching to touch his six-pack abs! She was pretty confident that he would be pouncing on her hungrily before the timer is over. Unfortunately, he's not moving towards her! What's going on? Why is he not moving towards her yet? She was getting worried that the timer will suddenly alarm signaling the end of the 30 minutes challenge.

Inside her mind she was panicking already...her body was not moving anymore, dammit! She must continue gyrating to seduce John, but why her body was no longer cooperating? Fuck!

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