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Ella felt a sinking feeling inside her stomach.

Oh no! He seemed to look like he was not affected by her irresistible charm! This is impossible! Nobody can resist her charm and seductive dancing! Where on the planet John come from, why can't she seduce him? Is there something wrong with her dancing? Her clothing attire, her type of music? What the hell was wrong with her performance today? She was sure that even if she doesn't perform striptease dancing any normal male won't be able to take off their eyes on her body with just her sexy bra and underwear on. But John is a different beast!

Ella wanted to scream aloud inside the room, she can almost smell her approaching defeat. She tried to execute more exotic and alluring strip dance moves. But her body was getting heavier, she was not able to sustain the momentum during the first few minutes of her dancing unto the last minute because panic already sets in. It seemed like her body already knew her incoming defeat yet her mind was too slow to accept it.

They should have been touching and groping each other's body right now in the bed. But they weren't and her disappointment was soaring higher as high as the Petronas Towers. Crap!

Dammit! she failed!

She knew it before even the timer ended signaling her defeat on the first round.

The timer suddenly let out a piercing sound, the thirty minutes allotted time is finally over!

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John stared at Ella. Her face looks so sad as if the whole world were crashing down around her. She was looking pathetic.

"Game over, Ella!" said John. He released the breath he was holding. He rose to his feet and about to exit the door. As much as he wanted to say to Ella that her dancing isn't the problem, the problem lies within him. He just doesn't want to engage in a sexual relationship with Ella. He kept his mouth shut.

"Wait...!" said Ella. "When is the next round?" she asked, feeling sad and miserable that she failed to seduce John today. She wanted to comfort herself with the thoughts that the next round will produce a better result compare than today. In the next round, she will emerge the victorious one.

"Next week Friday, same place and...same time," answered John smirking at her.

Ella pouted up a storm. "Why---why you are not drawn to my striptease dancing, John?" she asked on the verge of crying. She had done her best to entice John yet she failed! It's a major blow to her confidence.

He looked straight into Ella's eyes. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me!"

With that being said, he proceeds to exit the door leaving Ella alone in the room, pouting, feeling so upset with herself.

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She had John all to herself in the room yet her charm failed to work on him! Dammit! She's such an epic failure!

Ella donned back her dress to her body feeling angry at herself. She picked up her shoulder bag and steps her toes into her stiletto shoes and exited the room to go home and practice more. Next week, on the second round she must not fail! She only has two rounds left, she must not waste it or else she will lose the chance to make John her lover and husband in the future!


When John exited the elevator, Ramon rose to his feet quickly.

Wow! That was quick more or less like 45 minutes. "How it's going, Boss?" asked Ramon, curiosity glowing on his expectant face. He was about to walk towards the elevator to go up to the suite so that he can interrupt the challenge himself.

"I won!" said John smirking.

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Ramon scratches his head. "Wow, you impressed me, Boss! Tell me, what she's doing inside the room?" he asked.

"She took off her dress, only her black bra and black panties were left on her body, then she performs strip dancing complete with steamy music inside the room," recounted John.

Oh My God! exclaimed Ramon. "How come you weren't tempted, Boss? What's your secret? Care to share?" he said grinning.

"Nah, nothing special, I just think of Catherine and our son. The thoughts of them were enough to prevent me from making another mistake," replied John. It becomes easy resisting Ella's allure when he starts thinking of his beloved Catherine and their baby, the more he thinks about them, the more Ella's tempting body starts to lose it's hypnotizing appeal that fades away in his mind as minutes passes by.

"Are we going to Twin Tower now?" asked Ramon.

"Not yet, I will go back to the suite first to have a quick shower because I smell of Ella's perfume. Catherine might smell another woman's perfume on my body, she might go ballistic again, and I can't afford that to happen," said John smirking.

Ramon smiled. "Okay, Boss. I will just wait here."

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They saw Ella walked straight towards the entrance wearing big sunglasses on her face. She didn't even throw a glance on the two men that were watching her back exiting the hotel's entrance.

John went back inside the elevator.

Fifteen minutes later, done showering, he was now back in the lobby feeling fresh and feeling mighty victorious that he was able to control his urges there inside the room with the vixen Ella, the crazy woman that was hell-bent on seducing him.

"Let's go now to Mystic Bay Twin Tower!" he said excitedly, wishing to see his beloved pregnant girlfriend.

The two men exited the hotel's entrance and boarded the vehicle in the parking area. Ramon navigated the car out of the hotel's vicinity heading towards their final destination.

They were now traveling smoothly along the busy highway.

John was recalling in his mind all the things that happened earlier inside the suite #50. Ella's allure was taunting and teasing his body arousing his primal needs but his mind can not be swayed at the last minute, his sound mind and logic prevailed. And he feels good that on the second time Ella did not succeed in seducing him. He was proud of himself today, proud of his self-control that didn't waver on the last minute! 

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