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Thirty minutes later...

They finally arrived into the entrance of Mystic Bay Twin Tower.

John exited the car. "Ramon follow upstairs I ordered foods for our dinner, " he said.

"Okay, Boss, I will just park the car in the parking area," replied Ramon excitedly because he was feeling hungry already.

John entered the entrance and walked towards the elevators area heading to the 20th floor.

"Good evening, Boss!"

John was greeted by Allan and George in the hallway.

"My shift ended already, Boss. I will go back now to Jade Tower," said George.

"Eat dinner with us first. I have ordered lots of foods for tonight," said John.

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They entered the flat, Allan and George went to the living room area while John went to the dining area to find Catherine. He found her helping Minerva and Cora arranging the foods in the table. He went to her side and planted a quick kiss on her forehead.

Catherine bit her lower lip.

Minerva and Cora winked at each other and giggled. They exited the dining area to give the couple some privacy moments.

"How's your day, Cath?" asked John in a gentle voice.

"Just fine," she answered avoiding his gaze. This is hard, she told herself. She was the one who invited to see him, and now that he's here, she couldn't find the strength to face him and engage in a decent conversation with him.

John runs his hands at the small of her back. "I miss you so much, Cath!" he whispered in her ears.

Catherine edges away from him and sat down on the chair. "Let's start eating, John. I'm very hungry," she throws him a little hesitant smile and began filling her plates with foods.

John holds the spoon and fork and began putting foods in his plates, they start eating in comfortable silence.

Fifteen minutes later they were done eating. They left the dining room area so that the others can eat their dinner as well.

They went to the master's bedroom and brushed their teeth together in the shower room. John exited the bathroom so that Catherine can do her thing.

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After Catherine was done cleaning herself she exited the bathroom and went to the closets, she changes into her maternity dress sleeping attire with all the buttons lined up at the front.

Then she lies down on the bed and covered her whole body with the blanket including her face, she shuts off her eyes and pretended she was already asleep.

A few minutes later...

She heard the door of the bathroom opened.

Then the closets were being opened and closed back in.

Then another weight was being added to the bed. John was positioning himself beside her.

Catherine continues pretending to sleep, but John knew better, he tore the blanket away from her hands.

He propped his elbow on the bed and watched her face intently. "Still angry at me, Cath?"

"I hate you!" she suddenly blurted out.

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John smiled at her fiery outburst. "I know love. I'm so sorry about what happened between us. I'm sorry that you caught me cheating on you. Well, it's not cheating because I never had a relationship with that woman but more on tempted, yeah I was tempted for a brief seconds only. I know it's not easy for you to forgive me and forget everything. But we have to move on from the past and start a brand new beginning for the sake of our son," he explained.

Catherine's tears fell from her eyes. Then she began sobbing.

John gathered Catherine in his arms and allow her to cry as much as she wants. "I'm so sorry that I hurt you, I do! You're the only woman I will ever love, please believe me! No one can take your place in my heart. I have been tempted sinning against you for a few minutes but I never stop loving you," he said softly.

Catherine pounded her fist on his chest repeatedly wishing for him to also feel the pain she was feeling inside. Why it's so hard to forget the pain? Why it's so damn hard to forget that horrible image of him and that woman? Why did it keep tormenting her? When is the day she can finally forget that damn image! She doesn't want to remember it anymore! She wants to completely erase it from her memory! But how?

"Tell me how to forget and delete that image of you and that woman inside my head, John? Tell me what is the way!? Answer me!" shouted Catherine.

Her eyes were emanating extreme pain that was piercing John's heart, squeezing it painfully. He was agonizing inside too because he doesn't want to see Catherine suffering this way.

"There is a way how to erased that painful memory from your mind, Cath," said John.

"H-how?" she asked.

"By allowing me to stay by your side. Let's create beautiful memories together every day until that ugly image will get buried down into the deepest recesses of your mind. Please don't push me away, if you keep hating me, you will never be able to get over the trauma. You will just keep torturing yourself every time you remember and think about that scene," explained John softly.

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"Easy to say, huh? But I hate you!" she said.

"I know, but I love you, Cath!" he replied.

"I hate you so much, John!" she said, her eyes were flashing with anger.

"I love you so much, Cath!" his voice was soft and loving. His heart was only capable of loving her and nothing else.

Her eyes continue to flash raw hatred towards him.

"I hate you!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you!" she screamed louder in his face.

He released a deep breath, feeling sad all over again. He can not allow her hatred to go deeper, it has to end tonight, they had to reach a truce before her hatred will tear them apart from each other and breaking them down completely, it's now or never!

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