The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 298: 298

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John can no longer endure the hatred emanating from her eyes. He got to do something about it! He already knew what to do, he leaned forward closing the distance between his mouth and her lips, then he claimed her mouth with a searing kiss, she tried to keep her mouth shut but John's persistent lips finally able to break her defenses and he plunged his tongue hungrily inside her mouth, soon enough they shared a very passionate intense kiss that took their breath away.

While their mouth was on a pierce duel, John's hands were already slowly unbuttoning Catherine's clothing until his hands found it's a way to her bra-less chest, he began stroking her breast erotically, giving each nipple equal stroking and kneading. John heard Catherine's mouth moaned in pleasure.

He withdraws his mouth from her lips and began trailing hot kisses on her neck, then he starts nibbling at her earlobe.

"I love you so much, Cath, let's live together under one roof, you, me and our son, okay?" he whispered huskily in her ears.

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She didn't respond...

Maybe he asked too early when the smoke has not fully come down yet, for now he had to pleasure her it's the only way to reach and communicate with her heart and melt the icy coverings that's surrounding it, besides the throbbing in his loins was getting hyperactive wanting to seek its wicked pleasure as well.

John's mouth trailed hot kisses down to her chest and start nibbling and sucking each of her nipples, sending Catherine's body to a rapturous high. Her fingers were gripping hard on his hair, she's loving the texture of his mouth on her breast so arousing and stimulating! An erotic moan of desire and passion escapes her mouth.

John's mouth went down to her navel, her growing baby bump protrudes and it's kind of mesmerizing seeing this part of her body that houses their baby son inside, Ah, the woman's body is indeed amazing! Not only that it can give men endless erotic pleasure it can also nurture a new life inside! Such a marvelous gift of life indeed!

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He showered her baby bump with sweet loving kisses, hoping that with his kisses of affection he can show his son how much he loves him and his mother as well.

"Hello baby, Daddy's here! I can't wait to see you in three months! When you finally get out of Mommy's tummy, we will play together, okay? I will put you to sleep and sing you a lullaby. I love you so much, baby! See you soon!" then he caresses her tummy and showers more loving kisses on it.

While Catherine was listening to John talking to their son inside her womb, tears fell from her eyes.

John feels Catherine's fingers dug into his scalp and when he looked into her eyes, he saw tears!

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He was alarmed!

"Cath, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" he asked, wiping the tears from her face with his thumb.

She didn't reply to his question.

In Catherine's mind and heart, a war of hate and love was brewing inside waiting to explode. She still hated him with every fiber of her being, her blood is boiling every time she got to see his face, but then her love for him will take over and calm her heart. She still enjoyed his kisses, touches, and caresses. Her body was still reacting positively and passionately to his sweet loving. It's just that she was deeply torn inside. It's sometimes confusing for her, she can't decide on what is the dominant emotions that she wanted to feel for him, is it love or hatred?

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The glaring truth still stands, she was at the lowest stage of her life right now, being penniless and jobless made her insecurity grow in leaps and bounds and it continues to make her miserable inside every day! But then if she continues to give John a cold treatment, he might seek other woman's love and company especially when it comes to sex. When it comes to sex and intimacy she can continue faking her feelings, actually, no need to fake her responses to his advances because her own traitorous body will always ready to accommodate John's voracious sexual appetite. It's the feeling of hatred that sometimes she found very hard to control.

She continues feigning her silence, still feeling conflicted inside.

John felt that she was feeling upset. He buttoned back her maternity dress and just continues hugging her from behind, spooning her. He was feeling glad that she didn't continue her tears from falling which might result in a full-blown crying. It always breaks his heart every time he saw her crying, and right now, he knew what are those tears for. He would never hurt his beloved woman intentionally, God knows that! Just that some circumstances that happen along the way that disrupts his peace of mind and his straight trajectory in life.

He made a grave mistake for a brief moment with another woman, and now his beloved Catherine was suffering hard because of it. But he was already doing the first step to get rid of Ella in his life. 

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