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He caresses her face lovingly with his fingers.

"Hmm, so how much you want to be funded in that ATM account every month? You can choose the amount, I will be giving you 3 choices. You can choose between the three choices...PHP 100k, PHP 75k or PHP 50k? Which one?"

He was studying her face. She seems to be looking confused on what to chose. She hasn't owned such big money in her entire life. Probably the staggering amount stunned her.

Catherine was pondering for a moment, then she finally made her choice. "I want the lowest one the PHP 50k," she said with all the innocence in the world.

John was impressed with her choices. If she was like other women, they would choose the highest amount, the higher the better. But Catherine is different, that's why he loves her so much.

"Are you sure you only want PHP 50k?" he asked her again, maybe she will be tempted to change her mind.

She nodded her head. "I'm sure of it."

"Okay, as you wish. Let observe for the first month, if the 50k is not enough I can always top it up. Just tell me if you want more. I can give you more than you can ask for, Cath," he said meaningfully.

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She rewarded him with a hot kiss on his lips for his generosity. They shared another sizzling kiss that deepens into a full-blown fondling and groping anywhere on their private parts, stimulating and arousing their senses.

John groaned.

"Let's do a quickie!" he suggested in a husky voice.

She smiled at him feeling amused. Her boyfriend is such a horny guy. She eased her bottom up, John reached for her underwear inside her maternity dress and pulled it down her legs. He then pulled down his shorts from his legs and released from his briefs his throbbing erect manhood that's already in its full-length erection.

Catherine swallowed back her saliva upon seeing his steel rod with all its glory, she was already drooling, then she smiled, and bit her lip feeling horny.

She slowly sat down on his erection...aaahhhhh...she moaned aloud when her moist core comes in contact with the tip of his rod, she closed her eyes savoring every second that his entire length slid into her silky wall, it was soooooooo pleasurable.

"Grind on me slowly, love," he whispered in her ears huskily.

Catherine obeyed his request. She made some slow grinding movement on her lower body. The friction between her core and his steel rod was so intoxicating and stimulating. She arched her back when John's two hands moved under her maternity dress and cupped both her breast giving her twin soft nipple a gentle kneading and fondling while his lips were running kisses on the exposed skin on her back.

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Catherine likes the sensual sensation that radiated from his hands brought to her breast, she was feeling electrified and she grinds a little bit faster and harder wanting to satisfy his voracious sexual appetite.

John groaned and his erect member was being pleasured erotically by her tight moist wall. "...ahhhhh, Cath, keep going...I love you grinding, it's so pleasurableeee...ummmm..." he gasped as the first round of orgasm hit their bodies and another wave of climax descended upon them tossing their consciousness into the dizzying heights of sexual pleasure.

Then their breathing slows down...and return to normal.

They both collapsed into the bed, John first followed by Catherine, as he catches her body in his arms cushioning her fall.

"That was fun, isn't it?" he asked her smiling.

She grinned. "Why it's called quickie?" she asked curiously.

"Because, it's done in a short time, no need for more longer foreplay. When two people are feeling horny, they sometimes foregone too much kissing and caressing, instead, they go straight to the deed and be done with their lust within ten to fifteen minutes max," explained John.

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Catherine nods her head finding the word quickie amusing. "So, how much time we consumed earlier doing the quickie?" she asked fascinated.

"Hmm, probably 10 or fifteen minutes, dunno really," John scratched his head. "I haven't timed our quickie, but if you are curious, we can do it again and set a timer," he winked and smirked at her, giving her bottom a gentle squeezing.

Catherine elbowed him. "Horny guy!" she retorted.

"Horny woman!" John pinched her nose playfully.

They both grinned from ear to ear gazing fondly at each other's flush faces.

They were done with their quickie. They have no plan to indulge in another as of the moment.

They rested for another thirty minutes, eyes glued to each other, they were both luxuriating in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

John tucked some of the strands of Catherine's hair behind her ears. Then he caresses her face with his fingers. With Catherine in his life, he was a happy man, he can't ask for more. He was thankful that she appeared in his life and he was able to capture her body, heart, and soul. "I love you so much, Cath!" he murmured.

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"I love you too, John," she smiled at him sweetly.

He gathered her in his arms gently, she buried her face into his chest. They rested for a few minutes more, listening to the wonderful beating of their hearts.

After a while...

"Shall we go now? Are you still up for your morning exercise?" asked John.

She nodded her head. "Yes. I won't miss it up for the world, especially that you will be the one accompanying me," she smiled pleasantly at him.

The lovers cleaned themselves in the bathroom before they went out to continue Catherine's morning daily exercise on the ground floor of the condominium building.

They exited the elevator and walked into the lobby, John tucked Catherine's hands securely in his arms while they were walking in the concrete pavement outside. There were some trees scattered outside the entrance of the condominium building. The well-manicured lawns produce a touch of greenery to the whole area and there were some flowers dotted along the pathway. An Olympic size swimming pool that always got crowded from 1:00 in the afternoon until the evening was always pleasing to the eyes. It is only during the early morning that only a few people will take a swim in the pool.

John and Catherine strolled along the pathways of the swimming pool area. The sparkling water looks tempting for a long dipping session.

"You want to go swimming? The water looks inviting," commented John, his eyes glued to the pool.

Catherine looked at John, swimming with him right now is a good idea, she said to herself.

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