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"You will accompany me?" she asked.

"Yeah, why not? It's good to swim at this hour because the pool is not crowded. We can stay in the water for thirty minutes or even up to one hour," suggested John.

Catherine smiled feeling excited. "Yes, let's go swimming. But I don't have a swimming attire for a pregnant woman like me," she mumbled to herself.

John planted a loving kiss on her forehead. "Worry not my love, the boutique store that sells swimming clothes is already open, we can buy a swimming attire for you. Let's go in the store first," he said.

They entered the small boutique outside the condominium building that sells swimming attire.

After done buying their swimwear, they went back to their flat and change into their swimming clothes and stuffed towels and some dry clothes into a bag with them. They exited the flat and entered the elevator. When they reached the ground floor they went straight to the pool area and deposit their things in the locker room, and then they proceed to go swimming.

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The Mystic Bay twin Tower condominium was designed with the likeness of Petronas Tower in Malaysia, but overall they were entirely different from each other when it comes to the interior and exterior design. It houses three gorgeous swimming pools, the first one for the kids, the second one which is 4 feet and the third one is the deepest 6 ft.

John guided Catherine into the deepest part of the pool. They stayed at the 6 feet deep pool, which consists of three levels, the first level is 4 feet, then another level is 5 feet and then the last level is the 6 feet. Every time Catherine felt tired she will sit down on the shallow part of the pool and feel contented just watching John continue executing perfect butterfly strokes in the pool.

He was swimming from end to end to his heart's content while his lady love was observing his movements proudly.

After getting tired with his swimming he sat down beside Catherine and smiled at her. He planted a kiss on her cheeks. "I love my wife!" he said, grinning at her.

Catherine stared at him. John is always been sweet to her, he was a touchy-feely kind of boyfriend, if they were together he would always show his affection towards her in the form of touching, groping or kissing.

"Why you like kissing me?" she asked knitting her brows together.

John looked at her and chuckled. "I just love to. I wonder why? Every time I see you I always want to kiss you, touch you, hug you and cuddle with you and make love to you. I just can't help myself. Maybe because I love you so much, touching and kissing you is a natural thing to do. Why? Does it bother you? I can tone down my PDA but I won't tone down my affection towards you when it's just you and me inside a room," he winked at her.

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She smiled a bit.

"Why? You don't like my display of affection," he asked. "Touching and kissing are normal for two people in love," he explained further for her information.

She smiled broadly. "I'm just wondering...that's all. I do love your display of affection," she continues grinning.

He finds her grinning so cute...then he kissed her lips quickly. Every little thing she does fascinate him. He doesn't know if he will get ever tired of Catherine. All he knows is that whenever she's around him she makes him happy, content and complete as a human being. Catherine is his soulmate, indeed. He only loved two women in his life, Dahlia, and Catherine. But even his love for Dahlia was not as strong and intense as his feelings towards Catherine.

"Why you become silent all of a sudden? What are you thinking, John?" she asked peering at his eyes.

John focused his attention on Catherine beautiful's face. "Ah, nothing. I just remembered something from my past. Anyways, let's continue swimming, we still have a few minutes left before lunchtime." He took her hand and guided her again into the deepest part of the pool.

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Soon enough they enjoyed frolicking in the pool.

On the kiddies pool, some mommies were swimming together with their kiddos. On the second pool, several teenagers were laughing and having fun with their friends. In the pool where the lovebirds were located, they were the only people currently swimming in the pool. The sun has not fully covered the area of the pool yet so it's still safe to swim without getting a sunburn.

They spend the next few minutes relishing in the water and enjoying each others company.

After done swimming, they went back to the flat and took a shower together in the bathroom.

Minerva went to the ground floor to buy the foods John ordered for their lunch.

While waiting for their lunch to arrive. The love birds were cuddling each other on the bed. John was busy nuzzling Catherine's earlobes, to her delight.

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"I want you to visit my office, Cath, and watch me work," he said. "I bought a leather sofa bed and a flat-screen TV for my office so that when you visit there, you can rest well and watch TV shows while I'm working."

Her face lighted up.

"Wow, I'd like to visit your office. I have never been to your office. When can I visit you there?" she asked very much interested. She had been going back and forth in his flat in the Infinity Jade Tower but she has not set foot yet in his office on the 13th floor, even once.

"After two days, I will have Ramon fetched you here and bring you to the Infinity Jade Tower. Is that okay with you?" he asked.

"Yes, since I have nothing to do here. I would love to visit your office and watch while you work," she smiled in anticipation.

"That's great. It's settled then. Let's go now to the dining room to eat our lunch together." John disengages himself from the warmth of her body and stood up, he reached for her hands and raised her gently.

They exited the room.

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