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They were eating lunch in comfortable silence, occasionally looking at each other with their loved up eyes.

John loves watching his pretty pregnant girlfriend. He adored her so much. He can't wait for the time that they will eat on the same table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He wanted to wake up into a bright new day and see her face first thing in the morning and sleep throughout the night cuddling with her. He wanted to do many things together with her. These kinds of thoughts make his heart filled with gladness and excitement. He was looking forward to a happy and rewarding marriage life with her.

A few moments later, they were done eating lunch and went inside the bedroom to brush their teeth together.

John remembered the first time they brushed teeth together in the bathroom of his old room in the ancestral home, that was a long time ago. So many things had happened from that point on forward, now jump to the present they were finally having a son and will start a family together, soon. Time indeed flies so fast! Enough for the reminiscence, he said to himself.

They exited the bathroom and settled comfortably in the bed.

John loves cuddling in the bed with Catherine, it's a nice way to kill time while waiting for Ramon to fetch him.

He began tickling her sides, soon enough the room was filled with her laughter.

Fifteen minutes later, his phone rings, he received a text message from his bodyguard informing him that the car was already in the parking lot waiting for him.

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"Time for me to go now, my love. I love you," he rose to his feet reluctantly and kissed Catherine's lips and bid goodbye.

"I love you," she replied softly.

He walked towards the door and halted his steps, he turned around and blew her a kiss then he proceeds to exit the room.

Catherine watched the door closing behind him.

She sighed and closed her eyes.

'How are you feeling?'

A small voice suddenly appeared in her mind asking her a question. She ignored that tiny voice. She shut off her eyes to rest for a few minutes. She drifted into a slumber.

She must have fallen asleep because by the time she opened her eyes it's already 2:00 in the afternoon.

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She slowly gets up from the bed and exited the room. She went to the living room area and sat down on her favorite spot on the sofa, facing the ocean view.

Minerva was observing Catherine ever since she appeared in the living room.

"So, how are you today?" she asked.

Catherine looked at her. "I'm fine. I already accepted John's wedding proposal. We will get married one month after our son is born," she revealed more details.

Minerva gives her a thumbs up sigh as a sign of approval. "Very good! You finally used your head. The baby's good future and your financial security first before anything else. You are turning into a wise and smart woman, I'm happy for you."

Catherine smiled and then sighed.

"Oh, why are you sighing, don't tell me you regret your decision?" asked Minerva.

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She shook her head. "It's not that...I'm not regretting my decision...there is something else..."

"What is it? Don't tell me you already fallen out of love with Sir John?"

"No. I love John very much. He is the only man I will ever love in this lifetime. There were times I wanted to ask him about that woman he kissed on the swimming pool, what happened to the two of them after that incident? Where they still keep seeing each other? He never mentioned that woman to me ever again," she said.

Minerva shook her head. "Since John proposed to you already it means one thing, he wants you to be his wife and not that woman. I think that is enough to calm your nerves and worries. Stop asking him about that woman, the moment you do, it might open up the cans of worms again and you will resume your quarrel with him. Now that everything is settled and you look happy with your decision, don't step back into the past, move forward. Have faith that he chooses you to marry and not that other woman." Minerva voiced her opinion the best way she could. That same question also appeared inside her mind. What if John continues to have contact with that woman? Majority of rich men are known to have mistresses out of marriage. Whether John is an exception or not it's already out of her responsibility.

"So, you are trying to tell me that I should never ask John about that woman?" inquired Catherine for confirmation.

Minerva looked at the younger woman straight in the eyes. "Yes. Don't pester John about that issue. It might only re-open the wound that has already been starting to heal," she warned her.

Catherine got it. She knew what Minerva was trying to tell her. Why destroy the happiness she and John have recently cultivated?

"What if they continue seeing each other behind my back? Like engage in a relationship behind my back?" she pressed on.

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Minerva sighed. "You're asking too much, Catherine. My advice for you is to enjoy your pregnancy, enjoy your soon to be husband's love and attention and ignored the rest. Looks like you are just barking at the wrong tree, I mean you are just thinking of negative things that are not happening yet. Focus on the positive side."

Catherine was refusing to let go of the issue.

"....And what if one day I will just discover that they resumed their relationship. What am gonna do?" she insisted.

"Just crossed the bridge when you arrive at that moment. As for now live each day as it is, don't dwell too much on the negative side. It will only hinder your chance to feel happy and contented every day," advice Minerva.

She was about to stand up...

"If it can ease your mind, go ahead asked John about that woman. But asked calmly, do not start a quarrel that you will never win. If he refused to talk about that woman don't persist, drop the subject. Remember what is at stake-? You know what I mean," asked Minerva.

"Okay. I will do that," she replied and rose to her feet to go inside her room for her afternoon nap.

Even though she was already lying in the bed comfortably the thoughts of that woman John kissed in the pool keeps hunting her mind. She feels the curiosity surging in her mind. She wants to ask John about her. She will find the right timing to ask him one of these days.

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