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Two Days Later...

Catherine wakes up early for this day. Today she will be visiting John in his office. Last night she already had chosen her attire for the visit. It's a 'V' neck short sleeve elegant maternity dress color nude with red rose flower detailing adorning the front and back of the dress and the hem was flowing down to her toes, she matches her dress with a low heel black strap sandal for her footwear.

After eating her breakfast and taking a bath, she began dressing up, she didn't spend much time in front of the mirror beautifying herself. She just applies a lip gloss on her lips and let her long brown hair loose, sending it cascading down her back. Satisfied with her appearance, she picked up her shoulder bag with her essentials inside, and hangs it on her shoulder, she exited the room.

She waited for Ramon in the living room.

Minerva was looking at her appreciatively, she was very much pleased with the younger woman's looks. "You look lovely in your dress, Cath!"

"Thank you," she replied.

"John will finally introduce you to his world. The world of money and business. He's very much acting like a man looking forward to spending the rest of his life with you. Be a good girl and make your man proud of you," said Minerva.

Catherine bit her lip.

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"I'm going to see the swimming pool once again, the place where the painful cheating happens," she said sadly.

Minerva sighed. "You don't have to see it, if it's time to go home, you can request John to bring you back here, no need to stay in that place that will only remind you of that painful event in your life. If you are not ready yet, then don't see it!"

Catherine runs her fingers on her hair feeling exasperated. "I need to. I have to. If I am going to marry John that place would become my place too. I can't run away from the truth that he loves that place so much, I must be brave enough to accept that place again and deal with the pain in the open. The sooner I can put an end to that painful memory, the better for my mental and emotional well being."

Minerva was looking at the younger woman with a fresh admiration in her eyes. "I see. You seem braver now and getting matured each day. I'm beginning to like this new persona of yours. Continue being wise and smart Catherine, you will go a long way."

Catherine gives the nurse a faint smile and she retreated into her world of silence fixing her stare at the panoramic view of the spectacular ocean in front of her. Inside her mind, conflicting dilemma raged on. Although part of her doesn't want to see that place again especially that swimming pool area that she used to love, that pool was one of her favorite place on John's flat. They have made love in that pool countless times. But now those wonderful steamy memories were gone, replaced with those ugly memories of John sucking that woman's tits. Too bad, right now, that is the only remaining memory that was left in her mind that she can associate with that place.

Minerva saw Catherine's face starting to darken. "Hey, are you going to cry?" she asked concerned.

Catherine wiped the single tear that fell from her eye. "No. I just remembered something in the past. The past has this way of reminding you of how beautiful things used to be. I just remembered how I love that place so much," she said.

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Minerva walked towards the kitchen, a moment later, she's back with a glass of water that she handed to Catherine.

She drinks the glass of water. "Thank you, Minerva," she murmured.

Minerva rubs her back as a sign of sympathy.

Fifteen minutes later...

Ramon already arrived to fetch Catherine and bring her to John's office.

The vehicle was now moving smoothly into the highway...

Catherine glances at Ramon. "Ramon, is your Boss seeing or dating another woman behind my back nowadays?" she asked.

"No he didn't," he answered. Ramon did not take his eyes off the road.

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"Are you sure?" she asked again.

"Yes. I'm 100% sure that he's not dating anyone. I'm his driver, I drive him anywhere. I know the people he meets outside in his office. I can guarantee you that he is not seeing another woman behind your back," said Ramon unflinchingly. No matter what, he can't reveal to Catherine what was going on between John and Ella. The situation is too much flammable, a single spark can make things explode in different directions.

"How about that woman he kissed in the pool? What is her name?" asked Catherine.

Ramon was not able to answer her question right away. He was hesitating to reveal Ella's name, on the other hand, it's just a name, and so, what harm could it bring?

"Ella, that is her name," replied Ramon.

"Nice name. So, tell me more about her," she said. If she asks John about that woman he would not tell her anything about that woman, she was sure of that.

Ramon was now trapped. He just started revealing information about that woman, Catherine won't stop until she will be satisfied with his answer.

Catherine saw that he was hesitating to continue. "I'm waiting for your answer, Ramon," she said impatiently.

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Ramon scratched his head.

"All I know is that she is one of the heiresses of RGM Pharma, her family owned one of the most successful, the biggest and influential pharmaceutical company in our country. In short, she comes from an affluent family background. Much more wealthy than John and anyone of us combined," answered Ramon.

Catherine flinched.

She recognizes RGM's pharmacy sprouting all over the country like mushrooms. The pharmacy is trusted by millions due to the cheaper price of their medicine compared to other competitors in the market. She even likes the company's motto and slogan, "We offer cheaper, safer and effective medicine at an affordable price for all times..."

"What is her educational attainment?" inquired Catherine.

"She has a Bachelors Degree in Microbiology," answered Ramon.

Ouch! Catherine swallowed her saliva down her throat. So her rival is a complete package, not only Ella is pretty, sexy, wealthy, she is also well educated. Catherine was aware that she can't hold a candle against her. According to Minerva, John is a complete package and so this heiress Ella, they are perfect for each other! She felt insecure all of a sudden. That must be the reason why Ella become irresistible to John, she is a complete package!


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