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Then she shifted her gaze from the leather sofa onto the flat-screen TV on the corner.

"Are you feeling comfortable, Cath?" asked John. "Don't hesitate to tell me anything you want, your absolute comfort is my top priority, okay?" he said softly.

"Okay," she answered.

"Would you like to drink water? Or is there anything you want, just tell me," he said wanting to make her stay in his office comfortable as possible.

"I'm okay, John, don't worry about me," she smiled at him. She wanted to lay down. "Can you please turn this thing into a bed? I want to lie down and take a nap," she said politely.

She steps aside and watched how John expertly turned the sofa bed into a real bed.

"Wow, nice, like magic!" she said gleefully.

John walked to the corner and picked a bag, inside were some blanket and pillows, he handed it to Catherine.

"Thank you, John. You are indeed well prepared!" she gazed into his eyes adoringly.

"Of course, I am!" he answered and kissed her lips for a brief second, he wanted to deepen the kiss between them but decided against it on the last minute.

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Catherine lies down in the bed and wrapped herself with the blanket.

"Would you like to watch a show?" he asked.

"Yes, nursery rhymes for our baby, keep the volume low," she said.

John browses through the channels and found a channel mostly dedicated to nursery rhymes. Satisfied, he put down the remote control into the center table and walked towards his desk to finish some office work. He was smiling from ear to ear watching his pregnant girlfriend sleeping peacefully in the sofa bed and the nursery rhymes continue playing in the background, it was such an excellent view the harmony was perfect! He felt tremendously happy seeing her inside his office.

After two hours...lunchtime begins.

Catherine was already awake.

John folded back the bed into a sofa.

She sat down on it and resumed watching the cooking show.

"Lunchtime, Cath. Do you want to eat in the conference room or just eat here inside my office?" he asked.

"I will just eat my lunch here," she answered. She doesn't know if she can survive the stares and looks that she will be getting at from the employees inside the conference room. It wouldn't be pleasant at all at close range. She doesn't want to put herself in that uncomfortable and awkward position ever again if she can help it.

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John understood why she refused to eat in the conference room. "I will just go out for a while and bring the foods here, wait for me," he said.

"Okay," she answered. She turned her attention back to the cooking show.

John exited the room and strolled casually going to the conference room. Everyone was milling inside and already in the process of eating their lunch. The lunch buffet menu was consist of Beefsteak Filipino, Lechon Kawali, Garlic Milkfish, Seafood Bicol Express, Bulacan Fried Chicken, Sizzling Bulalo, rice, and unlimited soft drinks, the desserts are Banana Choco Chip Ala Mode and Cheesecake Duo. John took a little bit of everything, with the assistance of the caterer staff, they brought the food into his office using the food tray.

The moment the delicious food's aroma entered the office, Catherine feels hungry instantly.

"Wow, delicious foods!" she commented, salivating at the variety of dishes presented in front of her.

With ravenous appetite, John and Catherine began eating in the sofa bed. Catherine violated her diet just for this special occasion cause the foods were mouthwatering and palatable.

"Super delicious indeed!" seconded John.

After a few minutes, they finally stopped eating because their stomach can no longer handle more foods.

They smiled at each other.

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She piled up the dishes in the food tray and John brought them back into the conference room.

Catherine walked towards the toilet to relieve herself.

After a while, John returned to his office desk and began working again, while Catherine continuous watching her fave show on TV.

John received a text message from Romeo asking if he can talk to Catherine and ask forgiveness, he replied that today is not the right time. He responded to his buddy telling him that there's a perfect time for everything, he must wait, he will arrange a private meeting for Catherine and Romeo to talk.

John placed his phone at the top of his desk and continue his office works. He would occasionally glance at Catherine's animated face, she was thoroughly enjoying the cooking show that she was watching.

A few times he would get up from his swivel chair, walked to her side and gave her a tender loving kiss to her forehead and he would be rewarded with her sweetest smile.

Then he would return to his desk and the smile on his face would linger for a long time, he was luxuriating in the presence of his beloved girlfriend and his baby inside her womb. He felt a sense of complete happiness surrounding him.

Four hours later...

Office hour is over.

Time to go home.

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John was finished with everything, he was thinking if, she would like to go upstairs in his flat? He was afraid that if she will see the swimming pool again, she will be reminded of everything.

He walked to her side and sat down beside her on the sofa.

"Time to go home, Cath. Where do you like to go from here, in the mall, in the park or back into the Mystic Bay?" he asked.

Catherine had been thinking about it a hundred times. Was she ready to see the swimming pool area again where she caught John and that woman kissing?

Was she brave enough to confront her fears and her demons inside?

"I wanna go upstairs inside your flat," she said bravely.

John was taken aback momentarily by her words. "A-are you sure?" he asked again.

She nodded her head and answered a definite..."Yes"... without even blinking.

"Okay. Let's go now," said John softly. All of a sudden he got a sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach.

He assisted Catherine to stand up.

The couple exited the office door...

John and Catherine were submerged in utter silence the moment they entered the elevator that will bring them to the 15th floor.

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