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John reached for Catherine's hands and squeezed them. For some reason, he doesn't want to let go of her warmth. The whole ride inside the elevator takes forever, or maybe it was just his mind trying to delay the inevitable. He was hoping she won't throw a tantrum tonight so that the sweet memories of the day in his office can be preserved in their minds. He doesn't want the momentous day to be ruin.

The elevator's door opened...

They walked side by side together towards the door of his flat.

A few minutes later they finally entered inside, John doesn't know who's hands got cold first his or hers?

"You want to rest inside the bedroom, Cath?" he asked.

"No. I want to see the swimming pool first!" she demanded.

"Okay, as you wish," murmured John, a feeling of dread was gripping his heart painfully.

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They walked towards the swimming pool area.

"Are you still using this pool every day?" she asked.

John nodded. "Yes. I love this pool and you knew it, Cath," he answered casually.

She winced. So, every time he swims in the pool, he always remembers kissing that woman's breast? Does he like their erotic memory that much? Suddenly, her face turns dark.

"You remain outside. I wanna go inside alone!" said Catherine, her voice was trembling a little bit.

"Okay," replied John. He opened the door of the pool area and switched on the light. Once Catherine was already inside, he closed the door and stand guard outside. Tonight is going to be an intense one. He needs a sip of his favorite wine. He sauntered towards the kitchen and took his favorite wine from the cupboard, he poured himself a glass of wine. He immediately took a sip and the liquid passes through his throat, a warm feeling hit his body, he feels much better now. He poured two more glasses of wine and drank them all. He felt his strength coming back infuses with the spirit of the wine.

After done drinking wine, he went back to the pool area, he walked back and forth outside the door, a sudden feeling of restlessness took over his body.

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Inside the pool area...

Catherine stared at the body of water in front of her, earlier, the dreadful feeling of seeing the place once again that brought her the most painful memory, almost crippled her.

But she willed the courage inside her to face the pool once again. It has to end tonight! She can't keep avoiding this place cause she will be going to marry its owner soon!

She stayed rooted on the spot near the door unable to move forward as the painful memories came surging in her mind in full force, so vivid, so painful! What she saw that night when she opened the door was the woman's naked body, she saw John embracing Ella tightly as his mouth was locked at her breast, he was sucking greedily at the woman's nipple as if there's no tomorrow.

Her innocent fairy tale perfect romance was shattered on that night!

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It was such a horrible sight for her to witness!

She then realizes that John was capable of touching, kissing and romancing any woman he likes and fancy, it doesn't always have to be her, regardless even if he already had a girlfriend it didn't stop him from touching another woman.

It's been known that men can still cheat and touch other women in the spur of the moment temptation, even if they were in love and were emotionally invested in someone.

Part of her mind always regarded John as a cheater.

Right now the pain is fresh.

As of this moment she wanted to cry real hard but she can't.

Way back, that scene was so painful it breaks her heart into a tiny million pieces.

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But that painful memories has to end tonight because she was now going to marry the cheater himself. Half of her rejoices, but the other half was dying.

She walked towards one the lounge chair and sit down.

The water was calm and serene. It's so inviting!

She can't understand why John can still stomach watching this pool every day, the place that almost killed her and their unborn son?

She was now asking herself, what is the thing that hurt her the most? Was it the swimming pool or the painful memories that she had witnessed happening in this pool?

Or both?

If the memories of that painful night can be taken away, would she still feel pain every time she sees the pool? It's the memories that were associated with the pool that makes her heart reeling in so much agony, not the pool itself.

She always believed that John loves her and only her. But she was unprepared for the painful truth that he was just like any other man, weak and easily tempted by a naked's woman's body. He was just human after all, not a saint. Maybe it's really hard to find a perfect boyfriend nowadays. That one guy that would remain loyal and devoted to their girlfriend no matter what, or maybe she was just unlucky that she falls in love with a man like John who can easily be tempted.

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