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John can no longer endure the restlessness he was feeling inside, what she's doing in there for so long? He was afraid that she will do something stupid in there like drown herself into the deepest part of the pool. He must join her inside! He opened the door and saw her sitting in one of the lounge chairs, he felt tremendous relief washing over him, and he closed the door behind him.

Her countenance was calm, facing the water, immobile like a statue. He walked towards her and sat down on the chair in front of her.

"Let's go to the bedroom now, Cath, so that you can rest," he said.

Catherine looked into his eyes. "Tell me, if you go swimming here every day, are you always reminded of the memories when you were sucking that woman's breast?"

John released a deep sigh.

"No. On the contrary, I don't remember and think of her at all every time I go swimming here. I already move on from that incident. We, men, don't dwell on the matters that aren't important, while on the other hand women are emotional being, so it's very hard for you to forget and let go of small and nonsense details," he explained.

Catherine glared at him in annoyance. "Nonsense, huh? Yeah right, men and women think differently. Don't give me that bull crap!" she yelled at him.

John sighed and runs his hand over his hair.

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"I see, you're still mad at me because of that night. So, tell me, what can make you forgive me completely and erased that pain in your heart? Do you want to burn me? Torture me? Kill me? Condemn me? What do you want me to do, Cath? Tell me---?" he said in a soft voice.

She didn't reply to his entire question. Instead, she focuses her attention back to the pool.

"You want me to abolish this pool? Just say it, I will do everything you wish so you can finally move on from the pain," said John.

Catherine was contemplating the idea of destroying the pool and turns it into something useful that will no longer remind her of that painful night. But deep inside her, she knows that wherever she goes that painful reminder of his cheating lives forever in her mind. Meaning, she can always remember that incident with or without the pool.

The swimming pool isn't the problem, it's her mind that refused to let go of the memories.

It's all about herself...

Her refusal to let go was the main culprit!

It's already in the past but she keeps coming back to it, why?

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Why can't she let go and move on?

She sighed. "Tell me the truth, do you want to marry me because you pity my situation?" she asked.

"No. I don't marry you out of pity. If my marrying you was just for charity's sake then I don't have to marry you at all, I will just provide you and our child with financial support every month. I'm going to marry you because I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," John answered seriously and sincerely.

"Okay, so tell me about that woman Ella," she said.

John sighed. Here we go again!

He doesn't want to talk about Ella, but he has to...right now the situation calls for it.

"She's one of the girls Romeo wanted me to meet. She came into my life one afternoon, she sleeps on my guestroom the whole night and then destroy us within more or less 48 hours," he doesn't want to elaborate much about Ella.

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"Go on...," she said urging him to keep talking.

"Cath, listen...there is nothing to talk about her," he said wanting to end the Ella topic quickly.

"Do you like her?"


"Are you thinking of her?"


"If we go our separate ways, would you seek out her company?" she asked.


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"Do you have plans to enter into a romantic relationship with her?"

"No. She's not my type."

"When your mouth was sucking at her nipple, what are you thinking during that moment in time?" she asked.

John's eyes grow bigger with her outrageous question. "Seriously, what kind of question is that? If you are doing that kind of deed, you are so completely into it and there is no thinking involves whatsoever." His voice was getting colder, not liking where her question was leading them.

Catherine sighed. He was getting angry...angry because she was prodding deeper on what truly happened that night. But she can't stop, she has to let everything out from her system, all the rage that she's been trying to suppress inside her mind has to come out, now!

"When I look at the two of you locked in an embrace in the pool, I can see that she was stroking your manhood. Did you have an erection? Did she turn you on?" she asked bravely.

John was getting frustrated with her question. It's something he doesn't want to talk with her. What happened on that night was an instant physical reaction that exploded out of proportion and was not been planned or included on his to-do list for that day.

"Answer me dammit!" she was getting angrier with his silence.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" he erupted in rage. "Yes, at that time I am ready to fuck her senseless! I was turned on, I was aroused! What else do you want to ask? Hope that makes you happy!" he said in a cold voice. He was trying hard to control his temper, knowing that Catherine is a pregnant woman.

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