The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 318: 318

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Her heart turns cold.

"So if I didn't come on time and interrupt your rendezvous with that woman, you will go all the way with her?" her eyes were dark, the suffocating jealousy she felt inside was like blazing flames that came out of her nostrils and make her want to explode.

The truth on that night, he was already aware that kissing and touching Ella was wrong and he was about to disengage away from Ella but that was also the time Catherine starts talking and interrupted them. But right now, even if he will tell Catherine the truth she won't listen and she will think and insist the other way. His explanation will still be useless. "Yes. I might go all the way with her," he finally conceded, he dropped his eyes on the floor, he can't continue seeing the anger in her eyes, it tore him apart inside. He might as well agree to all her accusation just to appease her anger. He was already a cheater in her eyes and there's nothing he can do that can change his overall image on her. Unfortunately, what she saw in that pool was the painful reality, the guilt he was feeling right now was magnified in a hundredfold.

Due to his eyes being fixed on the floor, he didn't see her right-hand moves quickly...

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He was hit by her hard slapping on both his cheeks. It was forceful enough because he feels the sting but not enough to kill him or do real damage to his face. He was expecting more slaps to hit his face but no more follows.

"Bastard! Cheater! I hate you!" she screamed in his face.

All John can do was massage the area of his face that was hit by her slapping. "I'm so sorry, Cath!"

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"So, tell me, when is the last time you saw her? Did you two no longer contact each other? Or you two continue fucking each other behind my back?" She knew her accusations may be too harsh, but if they did, he better come clean now.

John groaned. He's not liking her questions but he had to endure as much as he can to make her feel satisfied.

"We don't see each other, no reason to, I have no interest to see her again," he lied. He can't confess to her that he was involved in an intimate 3 round challenge with Ella inside a room, a contest of will and power of self-control, who will surrender first. It's something that Catherine will never understand because her mind was clouded with jealousy. For him, it's the right thing to do but for Catherine it is unacceptable, it might give her a negative idea. He has a different approached and solutions when it comes to a difficult situation. Because men and women's minds were wired differently, their mind was working on a different level, vastly different from each other. Even though he understood her emotional outburst, he wants to continue dealing Ella his way.

Catherine shuts her eyes due to so much pain.

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"Cath, let's stop talking about that woman, okay? Don't pester me about her and I won't pester you about Mike," he said in a flat tone. He went on a completely different route just to douse water on the fire of anger that was raging hot between them like a volcano waiting to erupt.

Her eyes open instantly upon the mentioned of Mike's name. "Don't involve him onto our conversation, he has nothing to do with us!"

"And who the hell is Mike in your life, Catherine?" he asked, his piercing gaze bores into hers.

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"He is just a gay friend of mine," she answered.

John snorted. "Gay friend aka suitor? Guy friend with a penis? The one who wants to marry you? Are you kidding me-?" he laughed.

Catherine sighed. "Don't turn the tables on me, John. I have a clean conscience. You are the one who is at fault here with Ella. My friendship with Mike has nothing to do with Ella and you!" she said in a loud irritated voice.

"Okay fine. Whatever. I will tolerate your friendship with that gay Mike, but on one condition, let's not talk about Ella, she has nothing to do with us. The more you talk and think about her the more you won't be able to forget that incident, your obsession with Ella will never give you peace of mind, if you won't give up on her, she will destroy our relationship in the long run. If you keep bringing her in our conversation that means you are not ready yet to forgive me. For me, she is a dead topic, no need to resurrect dead topic. Honestly, if I truly wanted to pursue a relationship with Ella, I can always do it behind your back. I bet that woman is willing to become my fuck buddy anytime if I wanted to. But I don't want to fool around with anyone at this stage of my life. I want to settle down with the woman I love and that is you, Cath. Please believe me I don't have any romantic interest with that woman, she's not my type," he looked into her eyes with all the honesty that he could muster hoping she will believe every word he says to her.

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