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She stared at him with empty eyes.

Inside she was seething with rage, look at him, he can completely shove his sins behind the rugs and still feel okay as if he has done nothing wrong.

She's the one feeling tormented...he's not.

She can't move on...he already moves on.

In the end, she will suffer more... he will suffer less because he got lots of money, he can have many women as he like...

John took advantage of her silence.

He holds both her hands and showered them with kisses. "Are you gonna keep condemning me for the rest of my life with that single mistake? Please have mercy on me. Please, don't cancel our wedding, Cath," he begged, fear was gnawing at his stomach. It's the repetitive canceling of their wedding that gives him the trauma.

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She stared at his downcast head. "Huh? Who is canceling the wedding? Not me?" she said.

John raised his head feeling grateful. "Thank you so much, Cath. I was afraid I will have my heart broken into pieces again tonight," he said, emotions were overflowing in his eyes.

Funny, isn't she the one who's heart was being broken to pieces right now with his revelations? He must be recalling about those previous times she left him.

"Come on, let's go to our bedroom now, Cath. Let's rest a bit. It's not advisable for you to harbor stress inside your heart cause our son will suffer inside your womb," he said.

She roamed her eyes around the pool one more time and stood up ready to leave the room. "Take me out of here," she said, eager to leave.

They hold hands while exiting the swimming pool area.

The clock strikes at 7:00 in the evening.

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John and Catherine were lying down on each other's back in the bed, both facing the other end of the bed. Talking about painful past is always been a stressful event for both of them, it's mentally and emotionally draining.

They let the thick silence engulfed them. They have come so far, their path was never smooth and easy. Yet, it's always been the love that they both cherished that bring them back to each other. The love that is worth fighting for is within their reach, if one of them will let go, the love they have for each other will wither like a flower losing their beauty during the winter season.

"Just don't hurt me again, don't ever cheat on me again, John," suddenly she cried and hugged him tightly from behind. In the end, it's her who surrendered first, just to prove to him again that if his love for her was as vast as the Pacific Ocean, her love for him has no ending surpassing the galaxy above and beyond.

A single tear fell from John's eye the moment he felt Catherine's warm arms hugging him from behind. He faced her and starts kissing her tear-stained face. "I won't hurt you again, Cath. I promised you that!" John embraced her, his love for her was overflowing from his heart coating them with a refreshing feeling of forgiveness and he was feeling elated with her intention of moving on forward leaving all the pain behind.

At 8:00 that evening. Catherine complained of feeling hungry. They ordered foods for their dinner at John's favorite restaurant.

The foods arrived at 8:30. They began eating in silence. After eating, they retired into the living room to rest for a while.

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"Are you still angry at me, Cath?" asked John.

She shook her head. "I'm done with being angry. I just want to concentrate on our baby's health," she responded.

"Do you still love me?" he asked with the anxiety still troubling his eyes.

Her brows knitted together. "What kind of question is that?"

"I just want to be sure that you still love me," he said.

"Yes I do," she said without further thinking.

"Say it, Cath. I wanna hear you say it," he challenged her.

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She smiled and looked into his eyes. "I love you so much, John."

"Prove it!" he said.

She showed him her lovely smile. She edges closer to him and planted a wet kiss on his lips, which he received so graciously, he devoured her mouth hungrily and they kissed passionately for a few minutes.

After a while, John tore his mouth away from her. He rose to his feet and cajoled her to come with him into the bedroom.

"Let's cuddle in the bedroom, Cath. I miss you so much!" he winked at her, his eyes were already blackening with the pool of desire.

Catherine grinned. Of course, she knew what he meant by a cuddle, for sure, it will also include, fondling, stroking, kissing and intense steamy make-out session to follow.

Inside the bedroom, John attacked Catherine's body with hot kisses and caresses as his desire for her grew with each passing minutes. After their heated argument earlier, he was now ready to spend a sizzling night of passion with her. A few minutes later, Catherine was already riding John's hard erection cowgirl style, her loud moaning joined with John's panting and groaning filling the entire room with an erotic atmosphere.

They sleep that night after their pleasurable lovemaking that sealed their new beginning.

John was the last one to sleep on that night, he closed his eyes looking forward to facing the new day with Catherine and his son.

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