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~Friday~ Round 2 Challenge~

John's gaze was drawn to the panoramic view of the Makati City Skyscraper. Today is Friday, later at 4:00 PM, he and Ella will meet again in the suite #50 at Zen Garden Hotel. That woman hasn't called him this week which is a good thing, he was kind of hoping she would call and inform him that she will no longer be participating in the challenge and she will disappear from his life. If Ella will give up the challenge because she already got tired chasing after him, that would be even better.

The 3-round challenge should be enough for her to realize that he isn't the type of guy that fools around with her and he has no vested interest in her. He was confident enough to pass the round 2 challenge later without any further complications.

With too many men around this planet, of all people why him? Why it has to be him that catches her interest and attention?

Just when he was trying to stay away from trouble, the trouble catches up with him.

Dealing with an obsessive person is a delicate and tricky matter.

If he can make Ella turn her life around, that would be good.

The door to his office suddenly opened.

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Romeo came inside grinning, he dumped some folders and files in John's desk. "Bro, today is Friday, you and Ella would be meeting again for another showdown. Are you excited or afraid?" he asked.

"None of the above bro," replied John.

Romeo examined John's serious face. "Hmm, not excited and not afraid, that's good that means you are confident to win in the next 2 challenge. Tell me, bro, aside from the challenge, don't you have Plan B, just in case Ella won't abide by the rules of the challenge?"

"What do you mean?" asked John.

"For example, the 3 round challenge is already over and she failed in seducing you. But she will still insist on stalking you to get your attention. Obsessive people can sometimes act out of control or out of the ordinary, and sometimes they can be destructive, what you're gonna do about it?"

John was quiet for a while. "I do have a Plan B in place. I won't initiate the challenge without a Plan B," he answered.

"Now that's clear. Can you tell me, what is your Plan B? I'm dying of curiosity bro," asked Romeo.

"Not now. I will tell you after the 3 round challenge ended. I'm looking forward to the end of the challenge so that I can leave this Ella issue behind me," replied John.

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"Okay. I will wait," said Romeo. "By the way, regarding the apology visit that I'm asking towards Catherine, just let me know, I am available anytime," he said.

John nodded. "Okay."

"I will go now, if you are finished checking out the documents, let me know so that I can pass them forward to the finance department," said Romeo. He walked towards the door and disappeared behind it.

The landline telephone starts ringing...

John picked up the receiver.

"Hello John, I miss you!" A woman's sugary coated voice can be heard on the other line.

Speaking of the devil!

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"Ella, why are you calling me?" he asked.

"I just want to remind you of our challenge later in the afternoon at 4. Just in case you had forgotten about it. Don't be late, okay. I'm so excited to perform for you again. This time you will never be able to resist my charm. I hope you are ready for me, John, because I'm so ready for you today!" she giggled feeling thrilled and excited about seeing John once again.

John shakes his head in dismay.

"Okay. Try your best Ella. I will see you later. Bye," he said.

"Wait, can you make our challenge last up to one hour? Pleaseee?"

"Huh? It used to be twenty minutes only but am generous enough to extend it to thirty minutes. Now you wanted to extend it to one hour? No way!" he retorted annoyed.

Ella grumbled on the other end.

"I just felt that thirty minutes is too short for my performance. Why? Are you afraid that if we extend it to one hour you will fall into my seduction? That you won't be able to control your erection and you will have no choice but to pounce on me and stick your manhood on me?" she asked still giggling on the other end.

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John knew that Ella was taunting and teasing him. "What makes you think that you will be able to seduce me within one hour? If you can't seduce me within thirty minutes time then I doubt if you can bring me down on my knees in one hour. Ella, you should understand by now that I'm not into you. If you are my type, I would have dated you a long time ago. Don't you have any plan to stop pestering me? You are getting troublesome already," he said.

"Ouch, don't say that John. You are hurting my pride. Tell me, what is wrong with me? Why it's so hard to make you like me? I'm not ugly right? Everyone says I'm a beauty and any guy that I will fancy feels very lucky to have caught my attention. Why you are so different? Why I have a hard time getting a date with you? Seriously, you are the first guy that is giving me a hard time. Sometimes I'm going crazy just thinking about you. I'm going nuts devising ways how to get you," she confesses.

"Ella, please stop! Your obsession towards me is no longer healthy. You have to understand that you are getting shameless just because you are getting desperate for my attention. Please, don't tarnish the excellent reputation of your family. If you don't feel ashamed for yourself, at least have consideration for your family's name," said John.

"Stop giving me a sermon, John. Nothing you will say to me can change my mind about you. I finally found the man worthy of my attention. You are worth fighting for!" she raves on.

"If you will lose all the three challenge, what will you do next?" asked John. He wants to know if she will honor the rules of the challenge or not. So that he can think in advance what will be his next move against her.

"Of course, I will honor the rules of the challenge. But I'm going to reinvent myself so that you will start liking me. I will go the extra mile just to please you. Don't worry I won't do the extreme. Let's just see how far can you avoid me. Just want you to know I can be persistent if I really like a person. I'm not easy to get rid off," she continues to chatter.

John sighed. He got her warning, alright.

"I'm getting married to my beloved girlfriend, Ella. Please stay away from me after the challenge!" after saying that he cut their communication by hanging up the receiver for a few minutes.

John shifted his attention towards his works wanting to finish everything before 4:00 PM comes.

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