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Later that afternoon, ten minutes before 4:00 PM.

John and Ramon arrived in the Zen Garden Hotel.

Ella was early, as usual, sitting pretty in the lobby. She wore big sunglasses on her face. She brought with her a big shoulder bag.

Surprisingly her attire for today isn't that sexy, she's covered with clothes all over. Instead of her usual provocative attire, she wore a simple skinny jeans and matches it with burgundy sheer floral long sleeve blouse, her hair was tied in a ponytail. Her stiletto was gone, instead, she wore a low heel strap black sandal. She was not exposing plenty of skin today, which greatly surprises Ramon. Today, she exhibited a new personality which is different from the previous persona she presented in the first round.

"Wow, she looks different today, Boss!" commented Ramon.

"Really? Are you disappointed, Ramon?" John smirked.

"Ahh, no, no, Boss. But honestly, her previous attire was much nicer to look at!" Ramon grinned mischievously. "I don't mind being treated to some eye candy from time to time as long it's free," he laughed.

John saw the stark comparison of the previous Ella and the same woman he saw today. She becomes super conservative all of a sudden. Surprisingly, John liked her attire today compare to the first round. But it really doesn't matter because once he and Ella will get inside the suite, she will always reveal her true colors by stripping her clothes and do all types of erotic seduction just to capture his interest.

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"Hello John," Ella greeted him sweetly.

"Hello Ella," answered John for formality's sake.

"Can we go now upstairs?" she asked.

"Okay, let's go!" said John.

They wasted no time. They walked towards the elevator area.

Ramon was left in the lobby, watching them disappeared inside the elevator.


Inside the elevator...

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John and Ella were staring at each other...

Ella was hiding her eyes behind her big sunglasses.

John looked at her with narrowed eyes. What this woman is up to?

Ella was smirking at his reaction. "Relax, John. Don't worry I won't do something stupid against the rules of our challenge. I'm playing fair and square."

"I warned you, Ella, please behave yourself, do not do something that I don't like. I'm being lenient to you already. These 3 round challenge is all to your advantage. I'm giving you all the flexibility, your way, if you still fail to seduce and tempt me then it's no longer my problem. Hope you get my point," said John giving her a stern look.

"I know, John," she grinned innocently.

John eyed her big shoulder bag. "What's in your bag? Why are you bringing with you a big shoulder bag? What's inside?" he asked feeling suspicious of her.

Ella looked at her shoulder bag. "Nah, it's just props and clothing for my performance today. Don't worry before we enter the suite, I will let you have a look of what's inside my bag so that you won't have to accuse me of doing some hocus focus just to win on our second round challenge. Just keep your mind at ease. I'm sure you will be enjoying my performance for tonight because I poured all my best into it," she said smiling.

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John noticed that Ella was no longer trying to touch and flirt openly with him compared to the last time that she was acting crazy and can't get enough of him. This new personality of Ella was much more refined compared to her previous slutty persona in the first round. But he won't let his guard down. She might be brewing something that would jeopardize his plan.

The elevator's door opened.

John and Ella exited the elevator and walked towards the lobby where the sofa was located.

"I would like to see first what's inside your bag!" demanded John.

"No problem," responded Ella in a relaxed manner.

They arrived at the location of the sofa.

"There you go," she said while pouring all the contents of her bag onto the sofa. Her sexy lingerie, lacy bra and panties, a masquerade mask, beauty essentials, two bottles of soda, a bottle of purified water, a perfume bottle, portable music player, handkerchief, mobile device, and other small novelty items were all being displayed for John to see.

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John inspected all her things with his laser eyes. Seeing that nothing of the items can pose a big threat to him, he motioned for Ella to return all her things inside the bag. "You can now return all your things into your bag," he said.

"Okay," she dumped all the things into her shoulder bag and smiled at John.

The General Manager Mr. Satorno was watching them a few meters away, he was standing in front of the suite #50. The key to the suite was dangling from his right hand.

John and Ella sauntered casually to reach his side.

"Good afternoon Sir and Madam, nice to see you again. Enjoy your stay!" after greeting the visitors, he handed John the key to suite #50.

"Thank you, Mr. Satorno," John accepted the key.

The General Manager turned around and walked away from the couple.

John inserted the key to the suite and opens it wide for them to enter.

Once inside, John closed the door and locked it from the inside. He walked to the chair where he used to sit to watch Ella's performance. He checked his messages first before he muted his phone, then he placed it above the center table near him.

He fixed his eyes on the woman in front of him.

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