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Ella went inside the bathroom bringing her shoulder bag with her, then she changes her attire into the sexy burgundy lingerie that leaves a little to the imagination. The more flesh John will see today the better to entice him. After all, her purpose in this challenge is to seduce him. Then she arranged her long black wavy hair behind her back. She fastened the masquerade mask on her face to give her appearance a mysterious appeal and boost her sexy aura.

She holds the two bottles of soda in her hands, one of the soda was mixed with a chemical that is odorless and tasteless that can make the person who drinks it lost consciousness for several hours. She will give it to John hoping that he will drink it. She will drink the other one in front of him to make him feel at ease.

She was getting excited imagining the many erotic ways she can do to his body while he was sleeping...

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She exited the bathroom and walked towards John. She places the bottle of soda on the table near him. "Here's a soda for you, just in case you will feel thirsty later," she said. She opened the bottle she was holding in her hands and drink from it.

She did not finish drinking her soda, she put it on the bedside table and looked at John. "John, can we make it to one hour challenge, please?" she asked with a puppy dog eyes.

John sighed. "Okay fine. Just tell me if you're ready so that I can set up the timer," he said looking calm and composed.

Ella took her time, she inserted the USB into the portable music player and a sensual steamy music floats in the air. She took the bottle of perfume from her shoulder bag and sprayed herself with it.

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She glances at John and gives him the signal. "Time starts now!" she said.

John set up the timer to one hour, he places back the phone in the table and shifted his eyes to watch Ella's performance. Her perfume floated in the air, good thing the fragrance this time was not that strong, it's something pleasant and not repulsive to his sensitive nose.

Then John focused his attention on Ella...

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She gyrated into the music her usual erotic way, the masquerade mask on her face added a mysterious aura to her performance which is entertaining and visually appealing as well.

It's gonna be a full hour of striptease dancing in which she will be doing her best to seduce and attract him. Honestly, one hour inside the room with a sexy enticing woman would be too much to endure for a normal guy without doing anything. The next minutes are going to be torturous for John and he would have to erect his barrier and defenses in high alert just to ensure that he won't be tempted by Ella's allure. Or else, once he will fall to her temptation she won't be contented with just one episode of steamy sex, she will be pestering him again and again until she can get a slice of his life and become a fixture of his life permanently. He knew her kind because he and Ella are of the same league. The ways he forced himself on Catherine's life and chases her until she finally falls in love with him. That's what Ella had been trying to do to him. Before Ella will cross the bridge of no return, he has to do something about it.

Seeing himself in Ella's personality is interesting...

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It's fascinating, to say the least.

Although he had no romantic intention towards Ella, he will try to influence and turn her life around before she will fall hard for him. Unrequited love is always been painful, it's a one-sided love that can never be returned by the other party. Trying to make Ella see the truth is difficult as of this moment because she was so immersed in her obsession towards him. She was so focused on seducing him, but after 3 failed rounds she may be able to see for herself the truth that he was not reciprocating her affection towards him. Hopefully, she will come to realize that she was just wasting her precious time on him.

Right now while she was executing her sensual strip dance move, he was also observing his reaction to her provocative dancing. Being a male, his body was getting hotter reacting to her sexy body, the lingerie she was wearing is very enticing, all her womanly curves were displayed prominently, and the flimsy clothes cannot give justice to her gorgeous body.

Even if the temperature in the room was soaring high and his body was getting hype up for a possible sexual connection with the woman gyrating in the bed, John is in full control of his mind. He knows what is wrong and what is right. He knew the main purpose of this challenge, it was meant to convince Ella that he isn't interested in her seduction. That he isn't interested to fool around with her. If he can get his message across she will start distancing herself away from him. 

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