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For Ella and him, he was handling their delicate situation the right way.

If Ella starts to act aggressively and continue stalking him and try to force herself on him, then has no choice but to do the drastic measure, which was something he doesn't want to do in the first place.

He decided to keep this matter a secret to Catherine because no woman in her right mind would ever allow their boyfriend to watch a sexy woman dancing provocatively inside a room for thirty minutes straight. Catherine would never understand his logic, so it's better to keep it this way. Anyways, after one more challenge, it will be over and their life will all turn to normal. All he needs to do is to make sure he won't be tempted by Ella's alluring seduction.

He keeps his eyes glued to Ella, following her every action, her every intricate dance moves merged well with the sensual music. It's like watching a professional entertainer, Ella is truly gifted when it comes to these types of dancing. She could give any stripper a run for their money.

Although he was praising her dance moves, he knew very well the reason why she's dancing for him exclusively, she wants him in bed with her, not only for one session of steamy sex, but she made it clear she wants him to be her boyfriend and her husband to be, which he doesn't agree at all, her crazy fantasy for the two of them together was simply outrageous. Ella was living in her make-believe world.

John glances at the timer....thirty minutes left!


On the other hand...

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Ella might be doing her erotic strip dance moves but she also kept glancing at the bottle of soda that John still has not touched.

Why he's not touching the soda? Why? Does he have no plan to drink it? Was he getting suspicious of the bottled soda?

Damn, she's getting tired of dancing!

She lies down on the bed and rested for a while, but even if she was resting she still makes some slow gyrating movements in the bed in an enticing way as if she was making love to her imaginary lover which had the same face as the guy in front of her.

John was observing Ella lying on the bed...she must be getting tired with all the tiring dance choreography she had performed earlier.

He was not as star-struck with her sexy body anymore as compared to the first round. He had adjusted well to her charm and already become immune to it. For him, she was just a performer who is dancing for him and nothing else.

He smirked, amused.

Ella takes off her masquerade mask and tossed it at John, it landed on his lap, he picked it up and placed it on the center table.

She giggled...even if she wanted very much to straddle him on his lap, she can't, at least her mask landed on his lap.

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John was puzzled why she suddenly giggled.

She propped her hand on the bed and looked at him enticingly...

"Come here beside me, John, I want to run my hands on your fantastic abs!" she spoke the words with her sugary voice oozing with seduction. "I want to make hot and wild sex with you, come here, join me in the bed, I will give you your best orgasm ever," she boastfully said. She runs her hands all over her body complete with moaning and gasping for several minutes, with the sole intention to awaken his sexual appetite.

Still no effect on him...

John smirks. "No thanks. I'm comfortable sitting here. You should continue resting because you tired yourself by dancing a lot," he said in a patronizing way.

Ella took the bottled water and starts sipping from it again.

Hmmp! He's not going to drink the soda! She's feeling depressed and frustrated now.

She closed her eyes...

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"How much time left?" she asked him without looking in his eyes.

John glances at the timer. "You only have fifteen minutes left, should we end this round 2 now or you will wait until the timer ended?" he asked eager to leave the premises.

"Let's wait for the timer to end," she said in a low voice. She was still hoping he would drink the soda on the last minute. She will continue to wait patiently although she's losing hope already.

The steamy music continues providing lovely music inside the room.

Ella shuts off her eyes.

Dreading the moment the timer will alarm!

John glanced at the timer...five more minutes left!

This round 2 is much easier compared to the first round, he said to himself.

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Ella looked at John with a deep longing in her eyes. Ironically, she had the man of her dreams inside the room, so damn close yet so far...dang! She can't even touch him! It's sweet slow torture on her part.

She emptied the contents of soda in her mouth.


The timer suddenly alarm!

Game Over for the round 2!

John stood up and was about to leave the room, he saw the soda above the table he planned to give it to Ramon, his hand move to pick up the bottle but Ella prevented him.

"Leave the soda, John. I'm still thirsty since you won't drink it anyway I will take it back," she said.

John looked at her for the last time. "See you here at the same time and same venue, next Friday for the last round," he nods at her and finally left the room.

Ella was left inside in the room still resting her tired body. It's now clear that John has no plan to touch her ever again. She must do her best in the 3rd round. It will be her last chance to seduce John. She rested for another fifteen minutes before leaving the room.

A few minutes later, Ella can be seen leaving the hotel's premises wearing her big sunglasses hiding her sad-looking face. She went to the parking area, entered on the passenger's seat of her car and instructed the driver to take her home.

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