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John decided to sleep that night in Mystic Bay Twin Tower. He wants to spend some quality time with Catherine and his son inside her womb.

Catherine wasn't eager on coming back to the Infinity Jade Tower since the last time she last set foot in the swimming pool area. He had to visit her in the Mystic Bay Tower every day just to see her. Tomorrow they will go shopping together to buy gifts for her family member because the next day will be Thelma's 60th Birthday.

When John arrives in the condo, Catherine was resting in the master's bedroom, sitting on the bed and watching nursery rhymes on the flat-screen TV.

She smiled when John come inside and put his briefcase on the table on the corner.

He walked to her side and kissed her lips.

"Cath, Are you done eating dinner?" he asked.

"Yes. How about you?" she responded.

"I had already eaten my dinner in Jade Tower before I come here." He went back to the table on the corner and retrieved something from his briefcase. It's the envelope containing the new ATM debit card that was already loaded with PHP 50K.

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John placed the envelope in Catherine's hands. "Here's your ATM debit card, Cath."

Catherine smiled and opened the envelope. A shiny new debit card was inside, she inspected the card it had her name written on it. She smiled broadly at John and kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you so much, John."

"No need to thank me, my love, since you can no longer work because you are pregnant with our son, then consider this card as my rewards for you for taking good care of our son and making me happy."

John lay down on the bed and embrace Catherine from behind. "Do you still want more nursery rhymes for our son, I can download more songs cause I had plenty of time, just tell me," he said.

She shook her head. "No need. I think you already downloaded 100 nursery rhymes, it's more than enough. By the time our son is born in this world he already had memorized all the songs," she jokingly said.

He laughed while nuzzling her neck with his lips. "Okay."

The couple snuggled and cuddled in the bed, spending sweet moments with each other.

"Tomorrow, I will fetch you here so that we can go to the mall early to buy all the gifts for your family, how about 10:00 AM?" he suggested.

"After lunch, I don't like going out in the morning," she answered.

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"As you wish my Queen. After lunch then," he murmured and began sucking at her earlobes while caressing her arms.

Catherine turned around and faced him. "Let's discussed about our wedding," she said with excitement in her eyes.

John smiled. "You want to start planning now?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"We will organize it just like our previous plan, we will have a civil wedding then church wedding later, the church wedding will take place after my family is already back in the country. That would be a double celebration, their homecoming, and our wedding," said John. "Speaking of my parents, I told them the other night that you will gonna meet them one of these days, so now is the time to meet your mother and father in law," he winked at her.

John gets up from the bed and walked toward the location of his leather briefcase and extracted his laptop. He powers on the laptop and set up his messenger and make a video call. Hector and Clara, John's parents were already online on the messenger app waiting excitedly to meet their daughter in law.

John brought the laptop into the bed.

Catherine saw the middle-aged couple smiling at her via the video chat. They waved at her, she waved back and smiled at them.

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"You can now call them Mom and Dad, that handsome man is my father and that pretty woman is my mother," said John.

John types something in the dialogue box. "Mother and Father, meet Catherine your daughter in law!"

Her mother replied on the mic. "Wow, she's beautiful! Hello Catherine!"

"Hello daughter, nice meeting you!" said Hector.

Catherine smiled at the older woman and the older man. "Hello Mom, Hello Dad," she greeted her future mother and father in law with a little bit of shyness.

"Catherine is seven months old pregnant with our first child, it's a boy! You will have a grandson soon, Dad and Mom!" John excitedly broke the news to his parents.

Hector and Clara were overjoyed with the news, their face was beaming with excitement and happiness because of the fantastic good news they had received today.

John focused the camera on Catherine's protruding stomach. His parents clap their hands in glee.

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John spends the next hour chatting with her father about their family business.

While Catherine and Clara continue talking using video calls. The women discuss pregnancy issues, health, and diet topic. Clara shared her pregnancy tips to Catherine regarding some good diet and how to exercise effectively and properly to deliver the baby quick with less pain and less labor time. Catherine was grateful for her mother in law's suggestions and advice.

At 10:00 PM, their conversation ended in high notes. Catherine was feeling happy and grateful to finally get to know John's parents. They seemed to be genuinely kind and good folks based on their warmth receptions towards her.

"What do you think of my parents?" asked John afterward.

"Your parents are nice! I like them already before I even meet them personally," replied Catherine.

"Am glad that you like my parents. Nice to know that you and my mother are getting along well, there will be no awkward moments when you finally meet them in the future. Don't worry, they are nice people," John assured her.

One hour later, they finally get ready to retire for the night.

John was contented snuggling Catherine, spooning her in the process. Catherine was already sound asleep but John was still wide awake, taking his time watching his pregnant girlfriend's sleeping face, sometimes he would caress her tummy letting his son know that he was sleeping beside his mother. His heart was filled with such tenderness towards Catherine and their son.

A few minutes later, John fell asleep soundly and peacefully throughout the night.

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