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The following day...

John was reporting to his office in the morning just to finish all his works early because he will be gone out the whole afternoon to accompany Catherine in her shopping. He was looking forward to spending quality time with his beloved pregnant girlfriend.

Romeo comes inside the office to deliver some important papers that need John's signature and approval.

He sat on the chair facing the table, aside from the documents that need signing he also comes for a little bit of chitchat with his buddy. He was dying to know what happened between John and Ella during the 2nd round challenge.

"Bro, spill the beans! I'm dying to know what Ella did the whole time she was with you inside the room? By the looks of things you win again on the 2nd round, am I right?" asked Romeo.

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"As usual she performs striptease dancing in front of me for one hour," John answered.

"What? One hour? I thought it was just thirty minutes," asked Romeo bewildered.

"Yes. But she asked for another thirty minutes extension because she thought the previous time is too short for her performance. So, I just let her have her way," explained John.

"Wow, bro, you're too kind. What if on the third round she asked for two hours extension? Would you agree to it?"

"Romeo, even if she asked for an overnight stay in that suite, I still won't touch her. Short time or a long time, it will still yield the same result, I won't lay my hands on Ella's body ever again," he spoke with firmness in his voice.

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"You're the man bro! So, what tricks did Ella performed on the 2nd round to seduce you?" asked Romeo excitedly.

John smacks his buddy's shoulder with the newspaper he was holding. "Geez, you're a gossip monger bro! She has no new trick for the 2nd round except parading her naked body in front of my face, that's all she can do, since she can't touch me, then she rested for a little while in the bed, her face getting frustrated knowing she can't bring me to touch even an inch of her skin," said John proud of himself.

"Wow, you're so lucky indeed bro! It would have been nice to have a sexy woman like Ella striptease in front of me," said Romeo, a twinkle of mischief glowing in his eyes.

"Ask your wife to do striptease for you, Romeo. I'm sure she will willingly oblige you," suggested John chuckling.

"You got a brilliant idea bro! Why I didn't think of that all this time? Tonight when am back home I will ask my wife to do that," he grinned from ear to ear.

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John starts laughing, Romeo joined with his best friend's contagious laughter.

After a while Romeo becomes silent. "Seriously bro, if Ella will ask for another one-hour extension. Don't ever give in to her demands. I think the longer you stay in that room the higher the chances of her getting in under your skin. What I'm trying to say is that you might not be able to control your urges and get tempted to touch her enticing body. Men have a low tolerance when it comes to seeing a woman's naked body inside a closed room."

John shook his head. "Worry not my friend, if she didn't succeed on the first and second round there is no way she will succeed on the third round. There's nothing she can do on the third round that will make the difference on the way I see her. I simply won't touch her no matter what happened. Besides I already survived on the two rounds I will make sure I will survive the third round to remain not being tempted by her," muttered John in a confident manner.

"Okay, as you say so, bro. The third round will be next week, Friday, right?" asked Romeo.

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"Yes," answered John.

Romeo scratched his head while in deep thoughts. "I'm just pondering what Ella is thinking right now? I am sure she won't be resting and doing nothing, as of this moment, she might already be planning anything to win the next round, I'd like to guess and think what will be her next move," said Romeo.

"Chillax bro, don't think and worry about her so much. Leave the rest to me. You are not going to be the one on the hot seat with her inside the room next Friday, I'm the one who will be there with her. So, just leave this Ella issue to me, I am 100% sure I can handle and manage her," said John.

Romeo shook his head. "I don't know bro. Right now, I think something wrong will happen in the third round. I have a bad premonition about it. I think you will lose in the third round."

John was amused by his buddy's worried face. "Romeo, stop worrying about the challenge! Nothing wrong will happen in the third round. And I can assure you, I will win the third round, I'm sure of that," he said confidently.

Romeo observed his friend's calm face, not an ounce of worry can be seen on John's handsome face. "I dunno, maybe because I feel guilty that I am the instrument that brought Ella into your life. I felt responsible somehow that you are putting yourself in this crazy situation," he said sadly.

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