The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 326: 326

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John ignored Romeo's doubts and worries. He was the one involved in the challenge and he knew full well where he stands in the challenge.

"As I have said earlier if worst comes to worst and then something happened inside that room and I touched her. The price to pay is that I will be going on a date with her twenty times in one month, even if go on a date with her I will never engage in a sexual relationship with her. I'm not that stupid to enter a relationship with her since I'm in a happy and loving relationship with Catherine. It's not like I'm gonna be killed inside that room because I touch her. If I win or lose in the 3rd round of the challenge, nothing long-lasting damage can happen to me," elaborated John.

"I volunteer to be on guard outside the door of the suite bro," said Romeo looking serious with his suggestion.

John laughed.

"Lol, no need bro. Nothing will happen in the third round. So, let's stop talking now about my challenge with Ella because you're the one getting paranoid. And I find it hilarious that you are getting so disturbed and obsessed with the challenge." John stood up from his desk, walk a few steps and make some stretching of his arms.

Romeo fell silent for a moment, indeed, he felt paranoid for no reason at all.

John returned to his desk and starts reading the documents, fifteen minutes later, done inspecting the papers he signed all the documents with his signature and give them back to Romeo.

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Romeo picked up the signed documents and exited the room still bothered by the upcoming 3rd round challenge that will be happening next week.


That afternoon...

John picked up Catherine from Mystic Bay and they went to the nearest mall to go shopping.

Catherine and John entered a children's clothing store.

She was having a good time choosing 3 pretty girls dresses for Lily and 3 pairs of t-shirt and shorts for boys clothing for Jacob. She also brought them new shoes one pair each.

Done shopping for the kids clothing.

They entered the clothing store for ladies. Catherine brought 2 sexy summer dresses for Caroline and Grace in different style and color. Then she brought two sexy women's sandal as well to match the outfit. Since she already brought a gift for her mother on their last shopping, she decided to buy her mother a new wallet. She paid all her purchases with the new ATM debit card that John had given her.

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Next, they went inside the grocery store to buy foods and other stuff needed in the condo. Catherine brought ingredients for the cake, she wanted to practice baking cake again.

John noticed the cake ingredients.

"Cath, on our way home we will get the oven from the Jade Tower so that you can bake with it in the condo any time you wish," suggested John.

"Wow, I love that!" her eyes twinkled. She rewarded John with a quick kiss on his lips in spite of the presence of some shoppers surrounding them.

She brought new measuring cups and spoons for her baking utensils. She also brought a new apron and 5 baking pans of different sizes. She was smiling broadly feeling happy just looking at the array of baking tools in front of her. She also likes to bake pizza one day.

"You want to make pizza? I can buy you a pizza maker oven, exclusive for your pizza making practice. How about we buy now?" suggested John.

"No. Not today. I like to master the art of baking cake first, then after am done with cake baking, I will practice making pizza later on," she said excitedly.

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"Okay. Just tell me if you need the pizza maker, we will buy it together. I want you to choose the brand and design yourself," he said.

"Thank you, John," she said adoringly into his eyes.

"What's the thanks for?" he asked, he raised his eyebrow.

"Thanks for this," she held the ATM card on his face.

John caresses her cheeks lovingly. "I love watching you spending my money, you're so worth it, Cath!"

Catherine's face glowed with happiness and love for John.

John's face was also showing the same degree of happiness and love towards his pregnant girlfriend.

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The couple proceeds to the next section of the grocery store.

They went to the vegetable, fish, meat and poultry section and brought enough amount for their food consumption for the entire week. Catherine decided to cook their food from now on and not rely much on the restaurants cooking on the ground floor of the condominium building.

"I will start cooking our meals, starting this week," declared Catherine.

"You can continue buying cooked foods in the restaurant, Cath. I don't want you to get tired," said John.

"Cooking is not tiring at all if you had all the ingredients available at your disposal, it's only get tiring if you have nothing to cook in the first place," she said grinning. She remembered too well how hard her life was in the province when sometimes they don't even have rice to cook. Those were the hardest times of her life. Looking back, she never expected to experience a life of luxury and able to buy anything without worrying where to get money to buy stuff she needs and want. Until she meets John, her life had drastically changes in all aspect after meeting him. By his side she experienced so many things in life, joy and pain included.

In the middle of the grocery store, Catherine planted a wet kissed on John's lips again. "I love you," she whispered affectionately at him.

"I love you too, Cath!" he responded, amazed by her sudden PDA.

They were holding hands while exploring every aisle of the grocery section.

While the couple was engrossed in their grocery shopping, two pairs of eyes were following and observing their movements a few meters away.

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