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Then he inserted the key to the doorknob and opened the door wide for them to enter.

Ella entered the room quickly and sat down on the comfy bed. She gets rid of her shoes and put down the shoulder bag in the bed. The excitement was creating ripples in her stomach. She can feel that today is the day she and John will finally go all the way. She won't be satisfied with just kissing, touching or groping. She wanted to go all the way with John this time, she wants to be writhing in ecstasy in bed while he was pumping inside her mercilessly, she loves rough sex the kind that can take her breath away and plunged her consciousness to the greater heights of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. The louder he can make her moan the better.

As she eyed his muscular body, she was already drooling, she knew John is capable of bringing her to the highest heaven and beyond with his sexual expertise. She would like to lick her tongue on his magnificent six-pack abs! And took his erect hard dong inside her mouth. Damn! She was already getting horny even before the timer began ticking!Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She grinned in anticipation.

She waited for John to close the door.

John closed and locked the door behind him. He walked towards the chair and removed his mobile device from his jacket and placed it above the table in front of him.

His eyes landed on Ella sitting calmly at the edge of the bed. "Aren't you going to start now?" he asked.

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Ella looked straight into his eyes. "Instead of wasting my time performing for you, why don't we start having sex right now and enjoy ourselves?" she suggested while giving him a sultry look, she pulled the hem of her skirt up, crossing and opening her naked shapely legs for John to see, intentionally letting him have a peek of her flimsy sexy panties beneath the garments. She winked at him seductively wanting to seduce him even before the timer starts counting.

John shook his head adamantly. "I'm not gonna touch you again, Ella, so you might as well accept that. We can always cancel the challenge and go on our separate ways, shall we do it now?" he said.

Ella sighed softly. She opened her shoulder bag and played a piece of the steamy song on the portable music player as her background. Then she walked towards the bathroom to change into her sexy red lingerie. Done changing her attire, she exited the bathroom and walked towards John and put the bottled soda in the table in front of him. She was hoping he will drink it this time to make things easier for her.

She went back towards the bed and put her shoulder bag in the bedside table. She took out the bottle of pheromones perfumed and began spraying it to all her body parts. Hmmm, the smell is very nice! she murmured to herself. Satisfied with the intoxicating amount of perfume coating her body, she then returned the bottle inside her shoulder bag.

"I'm ready! Turn on the timer now for two hours!" she said, smiling seductively at John.

"No way, one hour only!" John set up the timer on his phone to one hour.

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Then Ella began her striptease dance in the bed, gyrating and moving sensuously to the beat of the music. Her eyes never leaving his face. She was waiting for the pheromones perfume to activate its effect on John. Although his gaze was fully directed at her, she can't find any changes on his face.


Pheromones perfume is not working!


She continues gyrating sensuously to the tune of the music.

John was staring at Ella, his sensitive nose picked up the smell of something pleasant, the perfume she sprayed to her body a minute ago was pleasant to his nostrils. The scent relaxes him and there is something more to the smell...he can't quite define it.

As he kept staring at Ella's sexy body, he was reminded once again how gorgeous her body was and how an excellent dancer she becomes. But no matter how desirable she looks right now, he was here for one reason only, to prove to her that he doesn't want to be associated with her life, he must stand his ground and won't allow any small ounce of temptation to get into his nerves and his consciousness.

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Ella was waiting for John to pounce on her...

But she waited in vain...

He wasn't moving...instead he remained sitting stoically on the chair and has no intention to get up and join her in the bed.

She was furious!

The more she looks at him the more she realized that the pheromones perfume was not working on John the way it's intended for.

Maybe it's about time for Plan 2...!

She slowly took off her red lingerie from her body, she made sure John was watching her alluring moves while she was undressing in front of him.

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As the fabric of the lingerie slips from her legs, she tossed it playfully towards John. It landed on his face! Wow! Bullseye!

Ella erupted into a fit of giggles, she was feeling amused by his reaction.

John was annoyed, he picked up the red lingerie that smelled thick with her pleasant perfume, he was holding the garments for a while staring at it, for a few brief seconds he was tempted to bury his nose on the fabric, but he won't give Ella the satisfaction of seeing him doing that. He tossed the lingerie back to her, it misses the bed and it landed on the floor instead.

She pouted...

Then she continues stripping her remaining clothes in front of John. The first thing she took off was her black bra and tossed it again to John teasing him. Her black bra landed on his lap, she smiled. He picked up the bra and tossed it back on the bed it landed on the floor as well. Then Ella discarded her underwear, it's a black sexy flimsy panty and tossed it again to John, she was lucky again, her panties landed on his face twice! As in she was giggling nonstop when her underwear with all its glory landed on his face. She felt amazingly victorious inside!

WTF! John hissed!

He was annoyed more than ever with Ella's naughty antics. He took out the flimsy garments from his face and threw it somewhere, he doesn't care if it landed somewhere in planet Mars.

Ella was laughing hysterically now, she was feeling amused to her very core.

John groaned and sighed. He has to endure all this, as long he will be the one winning in the end.

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