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Ella brings her laughter to an end, she's now back to the task at hand...

She bit her lip seductively.

She was fully naked now, no more garments left that covers her body parts. This is the time to go all the way knowing the timer was ticking faster towards the finish line. She gyrated her body in rhythm to the music and performs a very sensual and erotic dance choreography. It's so sizzling hot that she loses herself in the process.

Ella's body was on fire...her sensual movements were releasing erotic endorphins in the atmosphere inside the room.

John groaned, nearly choking on his saliva. The atmosphere inside the suite was getting hotter as Ella already go all the way baring every inch of her creamy voluptuous body for him to ogle.

Damn! He was drooling now as the intoxicating smell of sex was starting to suffocate his senses, traveling from his head down to his abdomen and settled nicely on his hard arousal between his legs.

John was now in dilemma on where to focus his eyes if he looks at Ella below her chest his eyes will come in contact with her ample pinkish breast. He didn't even dare venture his gaze below her navel since he knew already what lies below her navel, what lies in the center of Ella's pelvis is every man's greatest weakness. Dang! This is getting more difficult than he anticipated, but he will hold on to his sanity and strong-willed mind. This is the time he must not let the call for quick sexual gratification weakened his self-control. He must survive this episode in his life and prove to himself that he can remain loyal to Catherine no matter what.

He glances at the timer, thirty minutes more to finish line! He was positive he can survive another minute of jaw-dropping seduction from Ella.

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As his eyes focused back on Ella's body, he can very well see how beautiful and alluring her body was. Kudos to her she got a smoking hot body. Although she was oozing with sex appeal right now, he wanted to win and that's all that matters for him. Later, he will find some remedy regarding the throbbing of his manhood between his legs. He won't masturbate in front of Ella even if he was itching to stroke his erect manhood that reacted wildly to Ella's obscene nakedness.

Oh man, this is pure madness! He groaned louder.

Ella was throwing bewitching looks in John's eyes. She knew he was controlling himself based on his appearance, at this point, it will be hard for any man to resist the temptation when her whole body was already displayed provocatively ready for hot fucking. John is not gay, he is straight, it's just a matter of time before he will leap into the bed and pounced on her, she smiled silently, wishing and anticipating of his next action.

She was counting on her mind...

Three minutes...

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

She glances at John, he's still not moving!


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Time for the last resort...!

Her right hand moved an reached for her dildo vibrator inside her shoulder bag and took the sex toy out of the box. She positioned it above her naked crotch...and she looked straight into his eyes. "This is for your eyes only, John, let's just pretend you are the one fucking me," she said breathlessly. Slowly she plunged the 7-inch vibrator into her core and when it's entire length was already buried inside her softness she turns on the vibrator, soon enough her nonstop moaning flooded the entire room. Both her hands were grasping at the bed sheet and her back was arching imitating the movement of a woman in the process of getting fucked mercilessly by her imaginary lover. Her eyes were closed, she was immersing herself to the euphoric sensation that her sex toy was producing inside her body.

Ella was now floating in her make-believe bliss, she even has forgotten to maintain eye contact with John. She was now entirely living for the moment of sexual gratification with her very own sex toy.



She moaned repeatedly.

The intensity of her moaning tortured John's very own arousal that was wanting to get out from its confinement to participate in the action.

John was completely mesmerized and stunned watching Ella having sexual intercourse with the fake penis. She seemed to be enjoying her one-woman show, evidence was her loud moaning that was echoing in his ears. She was now lost to her erotic world. But no matter how deliriously hot she looks like right now, he won't still pounce on her.

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After a few minutes...

Ella stops moaning and lay still on the bed...both arms spread out, eyes closed.

Did she already reach her orgasm? John asked himself.

Then all of a sudden her body spasm and then she lies still in the bed, no longer moving.

John was surprised, what was that for? He was deeply puzzled.

As he kept staring at her immobile body from where he was sitting, he watched for any changes in her breathing...OMG! Something is seriously wrong with her!

She was no longer breathing! Damn!

What is going on?

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Did she have a serious medical condition and was currently suffering from it?

He began to panic...

If something happens to Ella he will be drag into the controversy for sure! He was not liking where his mind was going. Tonights headline news would be...

'A businessman and his woman partner the RGM pharmaceutical heiress were having sex inside the suite of Zen Garden Hotel and the heiress was suffering from a heart attack while they were having sexual intercourse! Further investigation is required to see if there is a foul play going on, or if the couple was doing BDSM inside the hotel!'

Damn, hope it's not the case!

She was still not breathing her chest is not moving!

He had to do something!

How about perform CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation on her and call the medics after he can stabilize her? Or call the medics right away, in both cases, it will involve outsiders participation and it's something he cannot afford to happen.

He rose to his feet. No other choice, he will perform CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation on her!Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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