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Torn between panicking and doing the right thing, he sauntered towards the bed and with a heavy heart about to perform CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation on Ella.

As he was nearing the bed his steps slowed down still hesitating to do it...

He peered into her face...he was now an arm's length away from her body.

If this is one of her tricks and she wanted him to perform CPR and do mouth to mouth resuscitation on her that means he will lose the challenge.

But if this a serious case that needs medical attention right away, he might be able to save her life by applying CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation.

The time is ticking...

Inside Ella's mind, she was waiting desperately for him to touch her...she can no longer hold on to her breath... faster John! She was screaming inside her mind.

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As John climbs into the bed about to perform the CPR...that is also the moment the alarm rings signaling the end of the timer.

Fuck! Ella swore silently and opened her eyes and starts breathing normally again...

John stared at her for the longest time, he was right all along! It's just one of her tricks so that he will be forced to touch her, yet he was saved by the alarm on the last minute!

Their eyes met...

Ella's arms move swiftly intending to press his body to her nakedness. Now that the timer already sounded signaling the end of the challenge, she has nothing to lose anymore, she was already a loser then why not go shameless?

But John was quick enough to notice the movements of her arms and steps quickly out of her reach and out of the bed, he reached for his phone from the table and proceeds moving forward towards the door wanting to leave the premises as soon as possible.

Out of desperation, Ella hurriedly jump out of the bed and approached John from behind sneaking her arms tightly on his waist pressing her naked body on his back. "Please don't go, John! Give me another chance!" her pitiful sobbing starts to rack her body. The realization hit her hard upon knowing that she will never see him again after this.

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John groaned and sighed deeply.

"You already lose the challenge, Ella, so please accept it. From now on just consider that our path never meet. I wish you happiness in your life and please put an end to your obsession towards me. There will never be you and me. My heart already belongs to somebody else and it belongs to my future wife," he said in a calm voice.

He gently disengages her arms away from his body trying his best not to leave a mark or bruises on her arms.

"W-why can't you learn to like me?" Ella asked for the last time. She was feeling so down right now. She felt like she was being cheated by destiny, she was so close on tasting his mouth and touching his body but the damn timer chose to ring at the last minute! Wrong timing! Grrr!

John looked at the naked woman in front of him shaking his head.

"Ella, listen carefully, you are not my type, besides I can't love two women in my life at the same time. I only love one woman and that is my girlfriend. You are constantly forcing yourself to me and that is a big turn off for me. At least have some decency to preserve your dignity as a woman, you look cheap to me. Why don't you wait for the right man to come in your life rather than chasing a guy who is already a family man? You can not force love on other people, Ella, it has to be shared and the feelings must be mutual for both parties. Goodbye Ella, take care of yourself!" John responded softly.

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Then he left the room leaving the sobbing Ella alone in the bed.

She went back to the bed and lie down reaching the blanket to cover her nakedness. The tears of disappointments were falling from her eyes streaming down to her face. She let the tears fall because it's useless to stop them.

She can't understand herself why she felt so empty right now as if something was being ripped apart violently from her heart.

She felt like her whole world was crumbling down around her.

She continues crying her heart out inside the suite. She had difficulty accepting the fact that after all her brilliant preparation she still loses the challenge. She wasted 3 rounds and she still can't get John to touch and like her. Maybe, she forced herself on him too much and he got suffocated by her presence. And the most painful truth of all, he was not into her. It's not about the way she looks, just that maybe she come too late in his life and there's already a woman for him to love.

If she comes early in his life, would she ever have a chance with him? Maybe yes and maybe not.

Right now, she loses the challenge!

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He will never go out with her and he will never see her again!

Maybe it's about time to start forgetting him.

Those 3 rounds are more than enough evidence that she can't force John to like and love her.

She could continue wasting her life and her precious times creating havoc in John's life, but what's the point? She might be able to inflict much harm in his life or to the people he loves dearly but he will hate her the more if she does something stupid against him, besides even if she will try everything to get him back he still won't love her in return.

She could continue being a wrecking ball for his sake...

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She can do traveling all over the world, go back to school and earn a new degree, or go to work in his father's company, there are so many things she can do instead of hanging around with the man who likes to ignore her and continue refusing her advances over and over again.

Looking back, recalling the outrageous things she had done just to get John's attention, she starts feeling ashamed of herself as if she became the most shameful slut ever born on earth.

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