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Time to get up!

She had enough of her drama.

She released a deep sigh.

Ella stood up and went inside the bathroom to wash her face with water, she tied her hair in a ponytail. She exited the bathroom and picked up the two bottled soda and pour the contents into the toilet bowl and dump the empty bottle into the dust bin.

She starts gathering her belongings and put them all back inside her shoulder bag, she donned back her bra and her underwear to her body, next, her blouse and her skirt.

Done dressing, she roamed her eyes inside the suite for the last time, making sure that she left nothing behind.

She will leave this painful and shameful episode in her life for good and continue living her life the same way before she meets John.

She had high respect for John's strong self-control to resist her temptation and seduction every step all the way. He'd never taken advantage of her even if she had shamelessly offered herself to him over and over again.

For her, he will always be her ideal man, too bad he was already taken.

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And that was enough reason to stay away from him.

With quick steps, she gets out the suite and hurriedly went inside the elevator heading for the ground floor.

She exited the hotel's lobby and get inside her Mercedes Benz car waiting for her at the parking area of the hotel.

"Where are we going next, Ma'am?" the driver who is in his late forties asked politely.

"Bring me to the poorest place in Metro Manila. I don't care where it is, just take me there!" commanded Ella.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The driver was unable to grasp what his spoiled brat employer wanted to do in the poorest part of the city. But as he sneaks a glance in the dashcam mirror, she seems to be serious with her intention.

He started the engine of the car and navigated the vehicle towards the part of the city where the slum area was located.

Thirty minutes later they come to the place where the crowded area was teeming with dirty malnourished looking children, old folks who are already used to the poverty, dirty crumbling small houses that's is not fit to be called a house, everywhere she looks the streets were dirty, garbage was scattered everywhere, jobless people were milling around in the area, hopelessness can be seen on their faces, some crumbling houses were now teetering on the edge of the dirty rivers, the whole place was screaming of deprivation!

The intense poverty surrounding her was suffocating to watch.

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As Ella was watching the people's pitiful condition she felt ashamed of herself, a few hours earlier, she was shamelessly parading her body to seduce a man. During those time that was her biggest problem on how to get her man, ironically, John was not even her man, to begin with.

She got to be the stupidest person alive on this planet earth ever!

Comparing her situation to the poverty-stricken people outside, she had come to realize that other people got bigger problems compared to her. The degree of difficulties they have to face and endure every day was too much to bear for someone like her.

Earlier, she felt she was dying inside in the suite when she loses the last round of the challenge against John. While staring at the hopeless people's faces, their eyes were already dead, they're spirits died living in the slum every day for the rest of their lives with no chance to improve their lives.

What a stark reality indeed!

She used to be full of life...

And yet here she is feeling like the world was crumbling around her when John finally said goodbye to her.

Well, she can still do a lot of things...

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Instead of submerging into depression due to her epic fail to get the man of her dreams, she can do the opposite, she can go abroad and indulge in a vacation in the famous tourist destinations all over the world and enjoy all the luxury in life. She can go to a salon and pamper herself, buy new expensive and fancy bags, shoes, dresses, and jewelry. She can buy everything that money can buy just to cheer herself up.

While the poor people outside the window of her car will never be able to live the kind of life she was living.

What she was seeing and witnessing right now is the most depressing situation she had ever come across in her sheltered spoiled life. The places where she was accustomed to hanging around were fancy places, clean, and spacious...unlike the dirty and foul-smelling slum place like this one.

She has to admit to herself that after seeing other peoples suffering and problem today, she feels much better within herself and no longer depressed.

Now she finally understood why John brought her to a place like this in the early days of their acquaintance.

She indeed wasted her precious time on him...

Lot's of people outside her world was suffering from money problems, illness, lack of education, lack of job opportunity and so on.

While she is healthy, beautiful, well educated, and comes from a wealthy family, she doesn't even have to work to earn a living because her monthly allowance was more than any average peoples monthly salary.

She is fucking wealthy and very lucky indeed!

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One rejection from a guy won't be the end of her world.

Compare to those dead zombie people living in the slum outside...

She is forever blessed and continue to enjoy the life of luxury until the day she dies!

She smiled a little.

"Ma'am, do you still want to see another slum area like this? I can take you there, right now," suggested the driver.

"No need. I have enough already. The slum area is the same all over. Take me back home, I wanna go home," she said.

As the car was moving along back into the main highway, Ella looked back at the slum area until it faded away from her vision.

She will go back to their mansion to continue living her sheltered and pampered existence. While those people in the slum area continue to live their destitute hopeless lives until they die.

Until now, she's never been grateful to God for giving her a luxurious life, she has taken everything for granted.

She's indeed a very lucky girl!

"Thank you God for all the blessings!" she murmured to herself. 

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