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John was inside the office of the General Manager Mr. Satorno looking at the video footage of the naked Ella performing striptease dancing for two hours and thirty minutes.

Just thirty minutes clip of the pornographic video being leaked to the media can cause a heavy stir in the business world and can bring Ella's name down affecting her family as well.

John didn't mean to film Ella on the entire duration of the challenge because it's against his principle to use the video footage against her, but if Ella will continue to give him a hard time it's his only weapon to counter her destructive obsession towards him. If Ella continues to pester him, he has no choice but to threaten her that he will leak the video to the media so that she will stop disturbing him.

It maybe sounds harsh, but some extreme situation needs an extreme solution.

"How about the room... Mr. Satorno?" he asked.

"I've already instructed the housekeeper to change the bedsheet, all the paintings in the wall, and all the furniture's will be replaced. Then I also changed the number of the room, from now on #50 suite no longer exist. We will eliminate all the evidence at once!" answered Mr. Satorno.

"All the video footage's of Ella entering the hotel will also be erased, no record of everything, as if she never set foot in this hotel at all, you got me?" said John.

"Yes. That woman never set foot in this hotel at all," replied Mr. Satorno.

After making sure everything was taken care of according to plan, John leaves the premises of the hotel with a calm demeanor. Ella should never cross the line again, or else it will be her total downfall.

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He brought with him the video footage and he will hide it for safekeeping in the safety deposit box somewhere.

"Where are we going next, Boss?" asked Ramon.

"Back to Infinity Jade Tower, I will take a rest there first before going to Catherine's place," he replied.

After a while....his phone starts ringing.

It's George calling...

"George, what's the news on your side?" asked John.

"I trailed Ella's car to the slum area. Her car stayed there for more or less thirty minutes, then I followed them back to her home in Forbes Park. I only left after I saw her car entered their mansion safely," explained George.

"Okay, that's good," commented John.

"Shall I continue doing surveillance on Ella, Sir?" asked George.

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"Yes, for the time being," answered John.

"Copy Boss," said George.

John ended the call. He was surprised to hear that Ella visited the slum area. What drove her to the slum area? He did bring her once in the slum for her to realize how lucky she was compared to others who are suffering from poverty all year round.

Whatever the reason why Ella visited the slum area it's no longer his problem, as long she stays away from his life from now on then all ends well for both of them. He only had good wishes for and hope she will finally meet the guy who can appreciate her true worth as a woman.


They arrived at Infinity Jade Tower.

John went to his flat, entered his bedroom and lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. The last round of the challenge finally ended bringing a definite closure between him and Ella. It's kind of suffocating when somebody bombarded you with their love and affection yet you don't want any part of it. Ella had been determined to seduce him again for the second time around yet his strong self-control prevail in the end. Even if she cheated on the last round she still won't get his love and affection. She was just stupid to believe she can win his love and attention with her sneaky ways.

While she was lying there in the bed not breathing he was genuinely fearing for her life. She almost tricks him, but even if he did perform mouth to mouth resuscitation on her, she still loses the challenge because she cheated. He felt disgusted by her scheming ways. She can never be trusted and that is one thing he hated the most about some people. Ella is one woman not worth his time, attention and affection. She just put herself in the lowest category of his ideal woman.

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Now that the Ella issue was already behind him, he will no longer feel guilty every time he sees Catherine.

After resting, he took a luxurious shower inside the bathroom, he scrubs his body with soap to make sure Ella's perfume can no longer be smelled from his skin, satisfied with his bath, he change into clean clothes after getting out of the shower.

A moment later they were now back on the road traveling towards Catherine's place.

John arrived at the Mystic Bay Twin Tower, thirty minutes later.

He brought with him a bouquet of red and pink roses. He found her watching and listening to the nursery rhymes playing on TV inside the master bedroom.

He walked to her side and planted a kiss on her cheeks.

Catherine accepted the flowers and smiled broadly. "Wow, roses! Thank you!" she smelled the flowers, then she walked out of the room and arranged it in the flower vase in the kitchen.

She brought the flower vase back inside the bedroom.

John was lying in the bed waiting for her to come back in the bed...

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A few moments later...

John and Catherine were already cuddling each other in the bed.

"How's your day?" asked John.

"Pretty fine," she replied.

John began nuzzling her neck and nibbled on her earlobes. His hands went underneath her maternity dress and began stroking her thighs. "Let's have a quickie before eating dinner!" he suggested, dark pool of desires were gathering rapidly in his eyes.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Catherine laughed, her eyes twinklled in amusement. "No way! Let's have dinner first then quickie all night long, how about that?" she winked at him and inserted her hands cheekily inside his t-shirt to cares his six-pack.

He smirked.

John claimed her mouth for a passionate kiss, their steamy kiss lasted for a few minutes, then their mouth parted, they stared at each other's eyes full of love towards each other.

A moment later, they rose from the bed. The love birds exited the bedroom to begin eating their dinner and later on spend some romantic passionate lovemaking all night long.

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