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Time flies too fast indeed!

Catherine was taking a shower inside the bathroom.

Today they will go to the clinic for her '8' months Prenatal checkup up. John will fetch her from the Twin Tower to accompany here into her OB-Gyn doctor for a thorough checkup in preparation for her delivery next month.

She donned her pretty pink maternity dress on her body while looking in the mirror she realized that her tummy was getting heavier and bigger. Her son inside was getting hyperactive as well always kicking and moving inside her tummy wanting to get out and see the world. Next month she will deliver her first baby and she was looking forward to seeing and touching her son for the first time.

She will be a first-time mom, and she was getting excited and getting scared as well. She knew first hand how hard it was to become a mother since she witnessed how her very own mother struggled to take care of her and her siblings when they were still young. Their situation turn to worst when her father died and her mother almost gone crazy trying to make both ends meet just to survive feeding four hungry mouths daily. Her very own mother was an example of true poverty and hardship, having to do everything single-handedly just to earn some money to buy basic foods and necessities for her children. Until Catherine can no longer stomach the suffering her mother was carrying on her shoulder, she decided to help her and become a breadwinner at such a young age.

But her situation today is different, John will take care of her and their son's well being, when it comes to financial security she has nothing to worry at all. She can only see a bright future ahead of her. Having a responsible, loving and hardworking husband was her true treasure in this life.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and gently caresses her protruding tummy. She can't wait to hold her son in her arms while the Judge officiates their civil wedding ceremony soon.

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"Hang in there, son, we will see each other soon!" she murmured softly.

She tied her long hair into a ponytail. Picked up all her essentials and her mobile phone and put them inside her shoulder bag. She's ready to go!

She was about to exit the room when a smiling John came inside.

"My love, ready to go?" he asked and with big stride walked to her side and kissed her on the lips.

"Yes. I'm ready to go," she mumbled excitedly.

"Let's go!" said John in a thrilling voice.

They exited the master's bedroom and entered the elevator holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes full of love.

John caresses Catherine's tummy. "Hello baby, you're going to see the world soon! We're very much excited to see you! I love you!"

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"Our son is busy kicking my tummy early morning, looks like he's going to be such an energetic boy when he grows up," commented Catherine.

John smiled. "He will grow up like me," he murmured.

They grinned at each other, both were excited to see their firstborn.

A few moments later, the elevator landed on the ground floor.

The lovers walked towards the entrance of the condominium building.

Ramon was already waiting outside, he opened the passenger's side door and the couple entered the waiting vehicle.

The drive towards the doctor's clinic only takes thirty minutes.

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A few moments later, they arrived at the place.

They entered the clinic and the doctors assistant took her blood pressure and wrote it down on Catherine's record.

"You have 120 over 80 blood pressure reading and it's normal," said the assistant. "Please wait for your turn Miss Ramirez, you are number 5 on the list."

"Thank you," said Catherine. She walked back to John's side.

While they were waiting for their turn to see the doctor, John swipes at his phone and browse on youtube about videos showing fetus living inside the mothers womb and then they also watch a video clip showing millions of sperm cells rushed to the Fallopian tube to be the first to be fertilized, John and Catherine looked at each other with knowing smiles.

The assistant informed them that it's their turn to see the OB-Gyn. They entered the doctor's office and after exchanging pleasantries the doctor brought them to the adjoining room for her ultrasound to determine the baby's position. After checking everything, the ultrasound ended well with a good note from the doctor.

"Your baby is now ready to be delivered next month. By now his hair, nails are growing. Continue to take your prenatal vitamins, continue exercising, eat fruits, vegetables, fiber, and low-fat protein foods, then drink lots of water. Your expected delivery will be in the second week, next month. So, I recommend that you visit me once a week before your delivery date so that we can discuss any health problems that may arise later on. We can monitor your condition closely. Here's my phone number so that you can call me anytime if something comes up," the doctor gave Catherine her calling card.

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"Thank you so much, Doc!" said Catherine.

"See you next week on Friday," the doctor smiled pleasantly at her.

They bid goodbye to the doctor and exited the clinic.

Fifteen minutes later, John and Catherine were already boarding the car, she decided to visit the nearest church.

Ramon parked the car in front of the St. Mary's Parish Church. The church was empty when the couple entered the house of God.

John and Catherine sat on the bench near the altar. They retreated in silence and say their prayers.

Catherine was thanking God for bestowing John to her and she was thankful for all the blessing that comes her way. She also prayed for her safe delivery next month and thank God for taking good care of her family and loves ones.

John also thank God for bringing Catherine into his life and for giving him a son. He also prayed of Catherine's safe delivery next month and he prayed for a happy and blissful married life with her. He also asked forgiveness of locking himself inside the room with a naked woman and for taking those secret video footage. He prayed hard that the time won't come that he has to use the video to blackmail Ella. He also prayed earnestly to God that Ella will finally be able to move on from her obsession towards him so that she also can live her life peacefully.

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