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After staying for a total of twenty minutes inside the church, the couple finally decided to visit the Ayala Triangle Gardens once again. But since the sun was sweltering hot at this very hour, they decided to visit the garden later at 5:00 PM when the surrounding is already cool. That garden looks pretty nice at night when the light is all up illuminating the entire garden. Some people would carry out jogging and strolling in the late afternoon and during night time to take advantage of the cooler atmosphere during the evening.

John brought Catherine to his office in the Infinity Jade Tower to pass time.

Once again the employees got to see the lovely couple. The love birds rewarded them with a lovely smile and a sweet gesture.

Catherine settled comfortably inside John's office.

"You want to go upstairs, Cath? You can sleep and rest in my bed there if you want?" he suggested.

Their eyes met...

Catherine shook her head. "Nah. I'm comfortable here inside your office. I love to see my husband working," she smiled sweetly at him. She felt proud to see him working hard for their future, he was such a responsible husband and father to their future children.

John smiled back at her. "Just tell me anything you want or anything you like to eat we can order some foods at a nearby restaurant," he said.

Catherine's eyes twinkled. "Can I have a delicious refreshing Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie, please?"

"No problem, Cath. I will instruct Ramon to buy the smoothie for you," said John.

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"Make it three large orders, please," she beamed. "One for you, one for me and one for our son," she grinned.

John smiled in return. "Anything else?"

"That's all," she replied.

John called Ramon from his phone and instructed him to buy the Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie for his pregnant girlfriend.

Ten minutes later the smoothie finally arrived delivered by Ramon.

Catherine began sipping the irresistible delicious watermelon smoothie with great delight. "Wow, this tastes refreshingly good!" she exclaimed.

John also began devouring his smoothie and he has to agree with her, not only the smoothie healthy its also thirst-quenching, the smooth texture is juicy. The blending of strawberry and watermelon was so cool to his mouth.

After finishing his drink...

He walked towards Catherine's side and sat beside her on the sofa bed for a quick rest. "Come sit here in my lap love," he murmured huskily in her ears.

Catherine obeyed his order, she sat on his lap eagerly.

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John's mouth twitched. "OMG! You are getting heavier my love!" he complained.

Catherine grinned from ear to ear. "Blame your son inside, his gaining weight," she said.

John runs his hands on the inside of her thighs. "How about we do a quickie here inside my office?" he suggested cheekily. His hands moved up and down on her thighs trying to arouse her.

She glared at him playfully, trying to swat his hands away, but he was persistent.

Catherine's eyes grow bigger when his hands were already stroking the surface of her underwear. "No way!" then she laughed hysterically and pinched his sides. "Horny man!"

John grinned and kissed her passionately on the lips instead. They shared a sizzling kiss that lasted for a few minutes. Then John reluctantly tore his mouth away from her lips and put her down into the sofa bed and moved towards his desk with a cheeky grin on his face.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John opened his laptop to start working.

Catherine was alternately switching the channel between nursery rhymes and watching her favorite cooking show on the television while John was now engrossed in his office works. They were having such a nice bonding together.


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~Forbes Park~

Two days later...

Ella already booked her flight out of the country for tonight's departure, she will have a three days terrific holiday in the Maldives. She will specifically stay in Soneva Fushi Maldives one of the hottest destinations for holiday seekers all over the world. On the resort's website, she reads many ravishing reviews declaring the resort as a tropical paradise unrivaled in the world for its breathtaking beauty and natures picturesque scenery.

She can't wait to visit the island!

Done luxuriating in the bathtub inside her spacious bathroom, she wore her robe and exited the bathroom. She went to her closets and pick up a sexy blue denim dress that was below the knee in length and donned it on her body.

She picked up a blue Hermes bag and put all her essentials into it.

Ready to go, she exited her bedroom and walked down the staircase leading to the ground floor.

The Mercedes Benz car was already parked on the entrance of their mansion, the driver opened the passenger's side door for Ella to enter.

Once she was already settled comfortably inside the vehicle the driver asked her where she wanted to go. "Where are we going, Ma'am?"

"Bring me to Zen Garden Hotel," she answered.

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"Okay, Ma'am," the driver replied and he turns the key to start the engine of the car.

The driver drives the car smoothly out of the Forbes Park gated community and into the busy streets.

Thirty minutes later they finally arrived at the Zen Garden Hotel, the driver parked the vehicle in the parking area after Ella exited the car at the entrance of the hotel.

Ella went to the reception desk and ask for the suite #50 'coz she will stay in the room for two hours to do some reminiscing.

The reception girl argued with her politely that the hotel doesn't have a suite #50.

Exasperated, Ella left the reception desk and entered the elevator that will take her to the location of the suite where she and John have taken the challenge three times.

She exited the elevator and walked briskly towards the end of the hall where the suite was located. She was walking back and forth trying to find the suite# 50, where the hell it is? Why can't she find it? It simply disappeared out of the blue! She checked the other suites name, they don't have numbers on them, instead, all the suites in that hallway were named after precious stones like Emerald Room, Amethyst Room, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Opal and so on.

This is strange!

Where the heck is suite #50?

But she was sure she was on the right hallway!

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