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She knocked on the door where the suite #50 used to be located.

A middle-aged woman opened the door wide. "Are you bringing our orders, Miss?" she asked.

She was mistaken as one of the room service delivery personnel. She peered inside the room wanting to have a closer look inside. Ella saw a middle-aged man lying on the bed. They are probably guest of the hotel. The whole room has a different appearance and interior design, it's not suite #50!Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Sorry, Ma'am. I knocked on the wrong room," answered Ella.

The middle-aged woman closed the door gently.

What the fuck is going on?

She was deeply puzzled by everything.

She needed to talk to the General Manager of the hotel.

She went down to the ground floor and ask the receptionist where she can see and talk to the General Manager. She was directed to the hallway on the right corner, the last room was the General Manager's office.

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Ella walked towards it.

With just three knocks on the door, it was opened by a man in his fifties. "Good afternoon, am looking for Mr. Satorno, the General Manager," she said.

The guy smiled at her. "Please come inside Ma'am, by the way, I'm Mr. Satorno, how may I help you?" he asked politely after the woman settled comfortably on the chair in front of his desk.

Ella was astounded!

No! This can't be!

Ella can't believe what she just heard and seen. The Mr. Satorno she had seen three times during the challenge was younger and good looking and the one she was talking to right now wasn't the same person!

What the heck is going on?

Was she in the wrong hotel?

This is impossible!

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Was her mind playing a trick on her?

"Are you sure you are the General Manager of this hotel and your name is Mr. Satorno?" she just wanted to be sure.

"Yes. You are correct, Madam. How may I help you?" he asked again. His eyes were filled with amusement upon watching the bewildered woman's face.

Ella stood abruptly and left the room without even saying goodbye to the manager.

While she was walking in the corridor, she was debating if she was just hallucinating or not. How come the suite #50 disappeared completely? Unless John abolished the room and wanted to wipe out from his memory the happenings inside that room.

That must be the case!

She felt unbearable sadness squeezing her heart, she drags her feet towards the entrance of the hotel.

Outside the entrance, she murmured to herself. "Goodbye John!"

She opened the car's door and entered in the passenger's seat.

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"Where to, Ma'am?" asked the driver.

"Back to Forbes Park," she said. A look of gloominess still hung heavily on her face. No time to feel sad, she still needs to pack her things for her 3 days holiday to the Maldives tonight. Although she and John never had a real relationship, he has been occupying her mind ever since the first time she set her eyes on him. She feels like she had just broken up with her boyfriend. A crazy feeling that is hard to overcome due to her stupid heart.


Later that night in the international airport, Ella boarded the commercial plane that would take her to the Maldives.

The seven hours and thirty minutes of travel passed so slowly...

By morning comes she already arrived at the Soneva Airport lounge. Soneva has its fleet of luxurious seaplanes that can take the guest to the resort.

The thirty-minute seaplanes transfer to Soneva offered an amazing view of the Indian Ocean, the sapphire blue ocean was breathtaking and the turquoise colored lagoons look sparkling bright from above. The guest was taken to the magnificent resort by a five-minute drive aboard the speedboat.

The whole island was covered with dense jungle and pristine powdery white beaches. The soft beaches were considered as one of the best and finest in the world.

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Soneva Fushi is one of the largest islands in the Maldives. Upon arrival, the guest was given bicycles that they can use to get around on the island. One can ride above the bicycle and travel around the sandy path of the jungle and be mesmerized with the variety of trees that were growing on the island all year round.

The resort has a 'no news and no shoe policy,' meaning it offered a top-notch retreat for rejuvenation, relaxation and harmonious communion with mother nature. The hotel pavilion and villa accommodations were made of local materials.

The luxurious villas were strategically dotted along the coastline.

Ella stayed in one room villa with its very own pool, she can opt to stay swimming in her private pool or go to the shoreline to take advantage of the white sandy beach. She has her butler to cater to all her needs and whims. There was also a library, a private gym, and a large swimming pool and an amazing water slide.

It's truly a splendid paradise on earth!

The Resort offers a world-class Michelin awarded restaurant that serves mouthwatering dishes that caters to everyone's discriminating tastes. A variety of international cuisines were being served in the restaurant for the guest to enjoy during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

As Ella was relaxing lazily in the lounge chair beside the shoreline, the images of the slum area suddenly appeared in her mind marring the beautiful heavenly paradise in front of her. Those dark and pitiful images of the people living in the slum area haunted her mind for the duration of her stay in the resort. As if those images were making her feel so guilty...she doesn't know why?

Those haunting images intensifies when she had nightmares during night time. On the second day she would wake up in the middle of the night because she dreamed she was living in the slum, her clothes dirty, she was married to a drunkard man who regularly beat her and she had five malnourished children to take care. Their house was dilapidated and nearly crumbling to the ground. Dirt can be found from the floor up to the ceiling, foul-smelling garbages were thrown everywhere, the canals were clogged up producing dirty murky water and all kinds of dirty garbage were bubbling in the surface of the river. It was such a horrific nightmare living in such a destitute condition. She only breathed in relief after she woke up from the horrible dream and find herself lying in a comfy bed inside a sparkling clean and spacious looking room.

She dreamed again of the same nightmare on her third day stay in the resort.

Those soul-stirring images were trying to tell her if a poignant message was being deliberately delivered to her mind in a cryptic symbol.

Her awakening has just begun.

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