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John was looking at his laptop viewing the latest progress of the construction of Hacienda Catherine.

After knowing that Ella was already out of the country, he assigned George to monitor the update and progress of the construction in the hacienda so that he will be updated on the recent developments just in case some of the designs won't be to his liking then it can be corrected right away to limit the damage and waste of time, labor and materials.

George has sent him five to ten videos every day so that he can see the developments of the construction in all angle. So far the foundation of the ten-story building has already been erected. The gardener was already growing ornamental plants and flowers in the mini nursery that will soon be needed to beautify the pathways of the Eco Resort. Once the building construction has already been completed and all debris was taken out from the premises the landscaping will follow.

He opted to let 70% of the natural surroundings such as trees, foliage, and bushes, small bodies of lakes and lagoons untouched so that the guest of the resort can explore and interact with mother nature in its original form.

He picked up his cellphone from the desk and called Catherine.

"Love, what are you doing right now?" he asked.

"At this moment I'm going to bake Carrot Cake with Cheese toppings for a change," she answered and grinned.

"Hmmm, sounds delicious, I can smell the pleasant aroma of your baking in my office right now," he said jokingly.

She laughed. "Lol, I have not started baking yet. Come home early, if you want to taste my carrot cake," she said.

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"Yes, love. I always come home early to see you, I was never late, right?" said John.

"Yeah," she responded.

Catherine smiled sweetly while staring at the cake ingredients in front of her.

"I love you!" she replied.

"I love you, Cath. See you later!"

"See you, bring me my Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie, please don't forget it, okay?" she said.

"I will." John ended the call.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


Catherine was going to bake Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting for the first time. She got all the ingredients prepared in the table. She will try one layer first and see how it goes since it's her first time baking this type of cake.

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Minerva was helping her in preparing all the following ingredients such as hand-grated carrot, all-purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, brown sugar, cheese, butter, eggs and so on.

She played the video guide on how to bake carrot cake on the newly purchased tablet that John had given her. She can play and browse all kinds of cooking video recipes on the device, she was also able to watch different styles and techniques on how to cook dishes in so many ways and they were being uploaded by content creators all over the world. She learned a lot just by watching how those chiefs and cooking expert cooked their foods revealing their secret technique and ingredients they used in their cooking.

They are such excellent cooks! She can only gush and rave when it comes to their talents and skill in turning simple ingredients into delicious and mouthwatering dishes.

But she can always learn on her own just by following their instruction and tutorial in the video on her own pace.

Mastery in cooking takes time and she's not in a hurry to learn everything at once.

In every dishes that she cooks she was learning something new every day, she was enjoying the whole experience and want to explore more the vast exciting world of cooking.

Done mixing all the ingredient of the carrot cake, Catherine poured the contents of the mixing bowl into the baking pan and put it inside the preheated oven to be baked for at least 40 to 50 minutes.

John will be arriving three hours from now.

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Her first baked layer will determine if her first attempt of baking carrot cake is a failure, but she can always adjust the measurements of the ingredients to correct her mistakes and make her next layer of carrot cake taste more delicious.

She walked towards the living room to have a rest while waiting for the cake to be fully baked.

Her phone rings suddenly, her caller was no other than her twin sister, Caroline.

"Sis, finally it's my rest day! Can I come into your place tomorrow morning and I will go home at 5 in the afternoon?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes. You can visit me anytime. Call me first if you already arrived at the bus station so that I can pick you up there," said Catherine.

"I will start traveling in the morning at 7:00. I will give you a call when I already arrived at the bus station," replied Caroline.

"'s mother, the kids, and Grace?" she asked.

"We are all fine here. Don't worry about us. Mother and our siblings are healthier and happier than ever before thanks to you and of course a million thanks to your good looking sugar daddy boyfriend John," joked Caroline.

For some odd reason, she doesn't like her twin sister jokes. "See you tomorrow!" said Catherine to cut their conversation early.

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"Okay, gosh, I can't wait, I'm so excited to see how rich is your boyfriend!" muses Caroline.

"Sis, I still have something to do, bye," replied Catherine feeling a bit irritated with her sister's statements.

She ended the call right away without waiting for her reply.

When she looked at the wall clock in the living room, it's already nearing 50 minutes. She needs to get the cake out from the oven or else it will get overcooked. She rose to her feet heading for the kitchen area, back to her baking.

She saw Minerva already taking out the cake from the oven.

"How's it's going?" she asked.

"It looks nice to me!" answered Minerva.

Catherine took a toothpick and inserted it in the center of the cake, it comes out clean which means it's already cooked. She sliced the cake, she just wants to know how the finished product tasted. She and Minerva began tasting the cake.

"It needs some sugar!" they talked in unison and ended laughing at each other.

Again, Catherine mixed some ingredients into the mixing bowl to create another layer for next baking, this time she adds more sugar to perfect the taste, she poured the mixed ingredients into the baking pan. Then she put the baking pan again into the preheated oven. Then she began preparing the frosting, aside from the cheese topping she will also add walnut as the topping.

In short, she will have two cake variants for today, Carrot Cake with Cheese Topping and Carrot Cake with Walnut Topping for today. She smiled feeling happy with her newbie baking skill.

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