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The cakes were already displayed deliciously in the dining table waiting for John's arrival.

Catherine has no more energy left to cook for dinner dishes so they just brought ready-cooked foods from the restaurant on the ground floor.

When John finally arrived, they began eating dinner together.

John was enjoying eating the deliciously moist and fluffy carrot cake. He was able to finish two slices of cake with cheese topping and two slices with walnut topping.

"Honestly, it's delicious, Cath! With just the right blend of sweetness, not too much and not too little. You nailed it perfectly on your first try! I'm impressed! You are a fast learner!" said John, his eyes were gleaming with admiration for his girlfriend.

"Thanks to the cooking videos as my guides they were very detailed so I was able to follow all the step by step instruction with precision and I also encountered a few hiccups along the way, but nothing serious that can't be remedied," said Catherine feeling proud of herself.

Done eating...

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The couple retired to the master's bedroom.

John draped his arms around Catherine's shoulder while they were lying on the bed watching a television show.

"Caroline will visit me here tomorrow, is that okay with you?" asked Catherine.

"No problem. All your family member are welcome here, they can visit you here anytime they want including Grace," answered John looking at his pretty face. He just wants her to be happy and he knew that seeing her family and the people close to her can make a big difference with her mindset. He wants his son to have a happy and loving mother and for him to have a happy and doting wife that will stay by his side through thick and thin.

"Thank you, John," she said softly. She got misty-eyed all of a sudden.

"Cath, please stop thanking me, okay? You are my wife, everything I owned is also yours," he said while caressing her arms.

She bit her lip feeling deeply touched by his generosity.

"Why don't you invite your entire family including Grace for the weekend get together, they can go swimming all they want in the pool in the Infinity Jade Tower, we can cook barbecue, relax and have some fun together, then we can watch movies in the mini-theater after. They can sleepover on Saturday night and returns to Cavite City the next day. How about that?" suggested John.

"OMG! Are you sure?" asked Catherine feeling ecstatic. All this time she was even hesitating to let her family visit her. She is not John's legal wife yet and she was careful not to abuse his generosity and kind heart. John has already done so much for her family and she was entirely grateful for him.

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"Yes, my love! I want the two of us to bond with your family now and then. That is what family are for," said John, he pinched her nose playfully.

"Is it okay with you?" she asked again just to make sure he was serious of his decision.

John smiled at her broadly. "Yes am sure my love, don't ever doubt my intention to make you happy every step of the way," he declared.

She smiled sweetly at him.

"I love your suggestion regarding the get-together, John. I wanna see them again 'coz I miss them already! This weekend then---?" she asked wanting to make sure he won't change his mind.

"Yes, my love. I will send Ramon there in Cavite City on Saturday morning to fetch them. So, you have to make a list in advance of your menus, dishes, and fun activities to do on that day. You don't have to cook I don't want you to get tired. We will just order foods from the caterer so that you will feel relax and spend more quality time with your family. I want your family to enjoy their stay here and we shall make it more memorable and meaningful for them," offered John.

"Awww, am so touched!" she said, truly elated. She feels special, feeling loved and adored by John.

She planted a wet kiss on John's lips and he eagerly deepens the kiss savoring the intoxicating softness of her mouth, they spend a few minutes in a heated embrace, both bodies and lips locked passionately to each other.

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"Let's do quickie!" suggested Catherine cheekily. She was just joking and teasing him.

But the way the pool of desire was gathering quickly in his eyes, she knew he didn't get her jokes at all.

"I love that!" John answered smirking while nibbling at her earlobes and his right hand already positioned at the hem of her underwear and a few minutes later his hand was already busy stroking the silky folds of her core to Catherine's delight. Later on, nonstop moaning and panting ensued inside the room.


~Forbes Park~

Ella already returned to the country two days ago, her holidays were marred with her nightmares.

Ever since she returned, she confined herself in her room, pondering what was those nightmares were all about. Then in the last two nights, she dreamed of herself distributing foods to the poor, which puzzled her the more because she was never been a charitable person. For her, her self was more important than anybody else. She doesn't care about others. The rich people of her kind stays inside their exclusive circle and never mingled with the poor and destitute member of the society.

Wealthy people like her were like Gods among lesser mortals.

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So what the heck was that recurring dream for?

Right now she'd like to call herself crazy because something inside her wanted to see the slum again!

What's in that place that she wanted to go back and see it again? That place was dirty and submerged in extreme poverty and hopelessness. There was nothing beautiful to see in that place, to begin with, so why the hell she wanted to go back there?

Feeling annoyed with herself, she rose to her feet and decided to go shopping to get rid of her boredom and her craziness.

She wore her fancy dress, and pricey shoes and shimmering shoulder bag. Looking good in the mirror, she smiled with satisfaction, she finally went downstairs to go shopping.

Her Mercedez Benz was already waiting in front of their mansion.

"Take me to the nearest shopping mall!" she ordered to her driver.

"Yes, Ma'am!" answered the driver energetically.

Forty-five minutes later...they finally arrived at the nearest mall.

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