The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 350: 350

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Ella was entering and exiting boutique stores empty-handed, there are so many beautiful expensive bags and dresses that were designed according to the latest fashion style, flashy shoes and a lot more to buy. She has all the money yet she can't find anything worthy of her attention today. The truth is she still has two expensive bags that she hasn't used yet and that also includes many unused dresses and pairs of shoes that were waiting for her attention inside the closets and shoe cabinet in her room.

She was stunned to realize that she had accumulated too many expensive things in her position yet she keeps buying and adding to all those extravagant things---what for?Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Was she wasting money just for vanity?

Then all of a sudden...the ugly images of the slum area appeared in her mind for a brief seconds.

She ignored those images and continues hopping from store to store, still, she can't find anything worthy of her money today! She's getting frustrated.

She finds it strange!

It will be the first time in the history of her life that she will go home empty-handed, not because she doesn't have money to buy things, but because she finds her shopping activity useless and no longer enjoyable to do so.

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Tired of strolling inside the mall, she entered a fast-food restaurant and ordered foods. She began eating slowly trying to enjoy the food...feeling full she can no longer finish the foods in her plate.

As she was staring at her leftover foods, the images of those hungry malnourished children appeared so vividly in her mind.

An idea pop up suddenly in her mind.


Why not?

Her budget for her shopping today was PHP 20k, and so far she hasn't buy anything yet.

She left her table and approached the cashier. "Can you accommodate 100 pieces of pack meal take out?"

"What type of meal Ma'am?" asked the cashier.

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"Just the Meal#1...the one that contains one fried chicken, rice and drinks, at PHP50 each," she answered.

The cashier went to the kitchen at the back to check their food stocks if they can accommodate the heavy order. "We can only accommodate 50 orders Ma'am and it will be ready within one hour. You can also order the rest in our 2nd branch on the ground floor," suggested the cashier.

"Okay, I will pay now the 50 pieces packed meal," said Ella handing her debit card to the cashier.

After paying the cashier she exited the restaurant and went into the ground floor to order another 50 pieces fried chicken meal take out.

She was lucky because the restaurant was able to accommodate her bulk orders. She called his driver to come into the restaurant to wait for her orders.

"Domingo, I ordered 50 pieces of take-out meals that will be ready within one hour. Bring them all to the car and ask for the staffs' assistance," she said.

The driver was puzzled. "W-where shall I bring them...I mean where to deliver all the foods Ma'am?" he asked since he knew that there are lots of foods in the mansion.

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"Wait for me in the car, I also ordered another 50 take out meals on the 3rd floor there will be a total of 100 pack meals. We will distribute the foods to the children in the slum area and give the rest it to anyone hungry," explained Ella, then she turned around going back to the 3rd floor to wait for her order.

Unbelievable! Domingo was scratching his head, he had a hard time believing this sudden transformation of his spoiled brat employer. Where was the old Ella gone to who doesn't give a shit about poor people? What happened in her vacation in the exotic paradise outside the country that changes her attitude all of a sudden? Maybe she was bitten by some kind of insect and got infected thus her behavior suddenly changes. But overall it's a good thing though, she starts caring for others, not only for herself. Hope her sudden change of behavior isn't temporary only, hope it's for forever. The driver was still reeling from what he just witnessed from Ella today, he was thoroughly stunned of her actions.

One hour and thirty minutes later, all the 100 fried chicken pack meals, were already placed carefully in the compartment section of the car.

Domingo started the engine of the vehicle and drove towards the slum area.

After thirty-five minutes of traveling, they finally arrived at the slum area. They saw many children playing in the dirty streets.

"Domingo, call the children and have them stand in two lines at the rear of the car. We will start distributing to them the packed meals," instructed Ella in a relaxed manner.

Fifteen minutes later, the children were standing excitedly in two lines upon hearing that they will be given fried chicken meals for free.

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Ella exited the car and together with her driver, they began distributing the pack meals. All the seventy children got their meals and were smiling while saying wonderful thank you's to Ella and her driver for their generosity.

She felt a sudden surge of joy squeezing her heart upon seeing their grateful smiles, ironically, she also wanted to cry, their happiness was contagious, she just realized that she was able to put a smile of happiness and excitement in the children's hungry faces. With just a simple act of kindness from strangers, their world lighted up considerably in a way that she can never imagine.

Al the kids were scattered in the sidewalk eating their packed meals.

There were still 30 more pack meals to give...they waited for more children to come...

Then out of the blue, elderly people wearing dirty tattered clothes that look like beggars start lining up in the rear of the car hoping that they can also be given with free meals that seldom happens once in a blue moon.

The elderly were able to get their free meals and felt thankful for the generosity of the strangers.

Soon enough all the pack meals were gone and what was left in Ella's heart was a true sense of joy and a new purpose in life. Everything was clear for her now, her life suddenly has a new direction.

She was now willing to embrace her new purpose in life!

After waving goodbye to the people in the slum, Ella's car left the area going back to Forbes Park, the gated community where the wealthy and mighty resides. 

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