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John woke up early the next day at precisely 6:00 in the morning, Catherine was still sleeping when he left her side. He bestowed her a loving kiss on her forehead.

Unknown to him, she was already awake when he exited the room.

Catherine rises from the bed and entered the bathroom.

After getting out of the toilet she lies down again in the bed. She was staring at the ceiling above her, listening to the quietness of the room.

She recalled what made her so bad-tempered last night, she even snap at John. They were not even talking last night the way they used to do before they sleep. She has gone to sleep with an irritable mood, thankfully John respected her silence and did not press the issue further or else it could escalate in a nasty quarrel between them.

This morning, she wanted to have a serious talk with John and apologize for her foul mood last night. Too bad he already went out too quickly before she can even muster the courage to say what was in her mind.

Tears filled her eyes.

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She felt terrible and guilty that she was getting jealous and suspicious of her sister's true intention of staying in the condo with her.

That makes her a bad sister!

She overthinks too much!

She felt guilty that she snap at John even though he was just trying to treat one of his family member with absolute kindness.

John is too kind. He doesn't deserve a moody and temperamental wife like her!

That guilty feelings were making her feel bad about herself.

She was about to reach for her phone to write a short message of "SORRY!' to John, but the door to the master's bedroom opened, John came inside bringing a tray of foods.

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"Good morning, Cath! I prepared a delicious breakfast in bed for you!" he beamed.

Catherine immediately wiped the tears from her eyes feeling happy and touched with his sweet gesture.

John saw her tears before she successfully concealed it, he was worried why she's suddenly crying. He placed the food tray on the table and walked hurriedly to her side. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Please tell me why?" he cradled her head gently in his hands, he examined her misty eyes looking for clues.

Catherine smiled at him. "I'm okay now. I'm sorry I'm being irritable last night," she continues gazing into his eyes looking for coldness in his dark orbs, instead, what she saw was a vast ocean of understanding and affection for her.

John planted a sweet kiss on her lips. "No need to apologize for love. Let's just pretend that it never happened, okay?" he said. "Let's now eat our breakfast. Where do you want to eat, here in the bed or on the table?" he asked softly.

She got up from the bed assisted by John and they walked towards the table where the food was waiting for them. The dishes consist of scrambled egg, bacon, stir fry vegetable, steamed fish, rice and there's a hot cup of coffee and milk as well.

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Catherine's stomach starts grumbling produced by the sudden hunger of seeing the mouthwatering array of foods in front of her. She sat down on the chair and began filling her plate with small servings of rice, egg, vegetable, and steamed fish to control her weight.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Since John was not on a diet he finished eating all the foods with gusto after Catherine already stop eating.

Having a full stomach...

The couple looked at each other's eyes in amazement and satisfaction.

Catherine placed all the platter, bowl, fork and spoon back into the food tray.

"Cath, I'm going back now to Jade Tower to work, see you tonight! I love you so much!" he kissed her forehead and picked up the food tray to bring it to the kitchen on his way out of the condo unit.

"I love you too!" she replied at his retreating back.

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He turned his head slightly to look at her and he rewarded her with his most charming smile and left the room.

Catherine smiled cheerfully.

John was gone already for thirty minutes yet his sweet gestures still linger in Catherine's mind. Her morning started sad and gloomy, but John always saves her day, he was able to bring back the smile and happiness in her eyes with just a snap of his fingers just by bringing her a special breakfast in bed! Wow! She smiled broadly, her eyes sparkled, so sweet! She felt so treasured and loved. She was indeed lucky to be loved by him. His romantic and sweet loving ways of showing her how special she is in his life made her appreciate his unique qualities even more.

As her entire consciousness was flooded with good and pleasant feelings, her mood improved in leaps and bounds. She suddenly feels good all over. From now on she must not think of undesirable ideas and notion regarding her twin sister. It's wrong to accuse Caroline too early and jump to the negative conclusion right away when nothing happens yet!

But she will keep observing her sister for any early sign of possible trouble that she will bring into their lives. After all her sister is her responsibility, she will always be her sister's keeper.

For now, she will inspire and motivate herself towards the brighter side and get busy planning the weekend get together with her entire family. She will list down her menus later and also incorporate Minerva's suggestion.

She rose to her feet and left her bedroom to start the new day with great optimism.

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