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~Forbes Park~

The time was 4:00 in the afternoon.

Ella entered his father's study room already dressed up from head to toe.

A middle-aged man in his late fifties raised his head upon seeing his youngest daughter entered the door.

"Dad, can we have a date? I want to bring you somewhere," she said excitedly.

Oscar's eyes lighted up upon seeing his daughter. "Why, where are we going? Are you gonna introduce me now to your husband to be?"

Ella pouted. "My husband to be is not interested with me, so we'd better not talk about him, besides I have no boyfriend today, my love life is zero!" she said.

"I'm a bit busy today, some other time," he said trying to tease her.

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She pouted. "Dad, why you keep working and always busy? You have armies of workers working for you round the clock, why can't you slacken a bit? Relax a bit, please, and let's do some chilling outside!" she suggested.

Oscar sighed. "I have to keep working because you are burning my money with your frequent expensive holiday outside the country. I keep working hard and yet, dear daughter spends all my money with your extravagance. So how can you say that I need to relax, with the rate you are burning my money we will become poor in just a matter of months," he said jokingly.

Ella did not leave the room. She was adamant to have a date with her father today. "Dad, if I can still remember, the last time we go out together that was a year ago. I miss our bonding session! Come on let's go out! Just for two hours please!"

Oscar ignored his daughter.

"All I need is two hours please!" she said in a sing-song voice.

She kept repeating the words for the next ten minutes, making a song out of it that nearly irritated his father's ears, she won't stop until she can persuade her father to go out with her.

Oscar finally relented. "Okay fine, wait for me downstairs, I will change into casual clothes first," he said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Ella's face brightens up in glee. She exited the study room in high spirits. She waited for her father in the living room downstairs.

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After fifteen minutes, Oscar finally went down the stairs wearing casual clothes, he and his daughter boarded his Black Ford Mustang vehicle waiting for them at the entrance of their mansion.

"So, where are we going my dear daughter?" asked Oscar.

"Somewhere special, Dad," said Ella and winked at him playfully.

Earlier, she already instructed his father's driver on where to take them.

"This better be good, okay? I rarely go out and you'd better bring me somewhere really nice!" her dad said.

Ella snickered, she knew that the place that she was about to bring her father is not something he will like for sure.

Thirty-five minutes later, they already arrived at the place.

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Ella brought her father into the slum area. As she was looking at her father's reaction he was just being his usual silent self. She instructed the driver to park the car in the corner near the bakery. She ordered the driver to get out of the vehicle and leave them inside for a while.

"Why you brought me here?" Oscar asked her daughter, his eyes glued to the bleak depressing surrounding outside the car.

Ella stared at the same area where her father's eyes were fixed.

"Why there are poor people in the world, Dad? Why they exist? Why can't they be like us?" asked Ella.

Oscar blinked his eyes, his mouth was set in a hard line.

After a few moments of silence, he started talking...

"Because not all people had the same opportunity just like us. Your grandfather is also poor but he works hard to give his family a good life thus creating a great fortune for his wife and only child which happens to be me. I grow up rich already and so are you. The people you see here are just unfortunate," explained Oscar.

"Are they lazy that is why they are poor?" asked Ella.

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Oscar shook her head. "Some are lazy, but the majority I think are hardworking just that not everyone can have the same lifestyle that we have. In life, everyone struggle and work hard to reach to the top, unfortunately only few can reach the top because not all people had the same opportunity, same educational background, the same intellect, same connection and so on. In short, people are vastly different from each other. Children's upbringing also plays a big role in shaping up their future, how they grow up will play a big part in their lives in the later years. It's easier for rich people to make themselves richer because we have many opportunities and resources available to us. While poor people have limited resources, to begin with. In this life if you are born poor, chances are you will also die poor," he explained.

"Dad, I think life is unfair!" she commented.

Oscar stared at his daughter's face. "What is unfair, Ella? You would rather be in their place?" he asked.

Ella shook her head. "No, that is not what I mean. What am trying to say is that small children should not suffer hard too early in their existence, they were the most fragile member of our society, they are already born poor and continue to suffer poor when they grow up. How high are their chances of able to escape poverty when they grow up?"

Oscar shook his head a few times.

"Frankly speaking, their chances are very slim. Poverty breeds poverty. Wealth breeds wealth. Since there are already many poor people in the world they also multiply a hundredfold. That is the way it is, that is how life works in this world," said Oscar.

Ella was silent for a while.

"Tell me how grandfather become rich since he was born out of poverty? Tell me his secret, how he did it?" she asked out of curiosity.

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