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Catherine was all smiles when the weekend comes. The dishes were already prepared ready in the table as well the unlimited juice drinks for anyone to quench their thirst.

A portable electric barbecue grill was set inside the swimming pool area, marshmallows, hot dogs and pork barbecue are waiting to be grilled when the visitors start arriving.

Ramon already fetches her family from Cavite City as per John's instruction.

Catherine was very much excited to see her whole family again!

John was sitting on the sofa with Catherine by his side. "Are you going to swim in the pool later, Cath?" he asked.

She nodded her head. "Of course, everyone is excited to go swimming we should accompany our guest in enjoying the pool," she answered nonchalantly.

He smiled at her and change the channel of the television into a sports show.

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Catherine already prepared the swimming attire to be used by her family including Grace.

Half an hour later, the visitors finally arrived.

As soon they all started pouring inside John's flat, his dwelling was instantly filled with their noisy animated chatter.

Caroline was the last to enter, she roamed her eyes around John's flat. It's more impressive than the Mystic Bay twin Tower! More spacious and grand looking and the painting on the wall looks expensive. The furniture's were classy. To put it simply the flat has a warm modern interior design.

Caroline and Catherine's eyes met...

Catherine's face paled instantly upon seeing Caroline's hair transformation! Her twin sister just dyed her hair brown!


No, she can't allow it!

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Catherine sat down on one of the sofas in the living room, Lily and Jacob gathered around her and began caressing her stomach.

"Baby, when are you going out?" asked Jacob, his eyes sparkled.

"I want to play with the baby when he gets out from sister's tummy," said the smiling Lily.

"He would be so small after he goes out, he can't play with us yet!" explained Jacob to his younger sister.

Catherine's eyes twinkled in amusement, she smiled at her siblings and messed up their hair adorably, wow, they had grown rapidly!

"Who wants to go swimming?" asked John in a loud voice.

"Me!" screamed Jacob.

"!" shouted Lily excitedly.

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"Okay kids, let's go to the pool area now and starts swimming!" said Catherine.

Thelma walked beside her pregnant daughter. "When are you going to deliver the baby, Catherine?"

Catherine kissed her mother's cheeks. "On the second week, Mother," she responded.

"That's good. You want me to be here by your side on the time of your delivery date?" suggested Thelma.

She shook her head. "No need, Mother. I have John and my nurse companion to take care of me. Jacob and Lily need you more than I do. I will inform you all if I already delivered the baby so that you all can see your grandson," she smiled fondly at her mother.

Thelma smiled back at her heavily pregnant daughter and rubs her back.

They all entered the swimming pool area. Minerva took the initiative to begin grilling the barbecue, marshmallows and hot dogs in the electric barbecue grill.

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Catherine brought the kids first into the toilet and have them change into their swimming attire, then Grace next, she handed to her cousin the swimsuit that she bought for her.

Grace was delighted. "Thank you for the swimsuit, Cath, the color is nice and it's super cute!" she commented.

Catherine smiled at her cousin. The swimsuit is just a conservative type of swimming attire that doesn't show much skin.

Grace exited the toilet and headed for the pool area.

Caroline entered the restroom.

Catherine handed the swimsuit to her twin sister, glaring at her. "Why did you asked John's permission to stay with me? I already told you, I won't allow it. So why did you still ask him?"

Caroline strips her clothes and change into the swimsuit. She then bowed down her head trying to suppress the irritation that was beginning to appear in her eyes. "Your boyfriend already permitted me to stay in his condo unit, there is nothing you can do about it, so just bear with it. Don't worry, as soon I can save enough money I will leaved the condo and I will find a place for me to rent. I'm just staying with you guys temporarily," she said in a low voice. It dawned on her that her twin sister is not happy with her plan to stay with them under one roof. She was wondering, why?

Catherine continues observing her sister's face. "Why did you dye your hair brown just like mine?" she suddenly asked.

Caroline sighed. What now? Does her hair color now become a big issue for her? She's been dying her hair with any colors that she can think of. Can't she dye her hair with brown color this time which has always been her natural color?

"What's your problem, Cath? Don't tell me you don't like me dying my hair brown which is my natural hair color just like yours?" she asked her sister defiantly. 

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