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A vein popped out on Catherine's neck. "If you want to stay with us, dye your hair in any color you like, just don't use brown!" she said.

Caroline released a deep sigh she was getting annoyed with her sister's nagger attitude. "I'm sorry, I don't like dying my hair again anytime soon. I think I look better when my hair is color brown just like yours," she smirked upon seeing the displeasure in her sister's face.

Catherine continues scowling at her twin. "Don't be stubborn, Caroline! Just follow everything I say," she said between gritted teeth.

Caroline was looking at her sister with her nostrils flaring. A puzzled frown appeared on her head. It's frustrating why Catherine was making a big deal out of her hair? Grrr! Then slowly, she finally got a clearer picture of why her twin doesn't want her to sport the same hair color. She smirked and grinned from ear to ear with the sudden realization that hit her head.

"Ah, I get it now! You are afraid that brother in law John will have me mistaken as you? Because we look the same. Is that the crazy issue that is bothering you nowadays?" she asked.

Catherine's face hardened and went poker-faced in an instant. "Just do as I say and we will have no issue," she said.

Caroline smiled mischievously. "Or maybe you are afraid that your beloved John will shift his attention on me because, as of this moment, I look sexier and beautiful than you?" she smirked. Of course, she was just kidding aside, provoking her twin sister's icy personality can be amusing at times like this.

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Catherine gasped, her hands were forming a fist on her sides. "W-what did you j-just say?"

"Nothing! I'm just joking. Don't worry, I won't seduce your husband to be, on the other hand, it's easy to seduce him if I wanted to," said Caroline feeling amused, she winked at her sister, a gleam of mischief emanating from her eyes.

Catherine saw the malicious intent in her sister's eyes, it irked her to the bones, she was stunned when her right hand flew instantly...PAK!...slapping Caroline on the face, hard. Dang! She was not able to control her temper!

Caroline was also shocked, her face contorted in pain. She did not expect that her goody-two-shoes twin can do something barbaric like slapping her hard over a joke.

"I'm so s-sorry, Caroline!" Catherine apologizes to her sister right away. She never wanted to hurt her sister! My God, what happened to her? Is she going crazy?

Caroline took a deep breath and throws her sister a look of contempt, she gnashed her teeth and stared at her with cold diabolic eyes, smirking. "I will make your life a living hell, my dear sister! I will steal your husband to be!" she grinned with an evil expression on her face.

The color drained out from Catherine's face. "Don't you dare!"

Caroline laughed hysterically. "Look at you, Catherine, you look like you have seen a ghost! I'm just joking alright," then she laughed again, the kind of laugh that was clouded with evilness. After a few minutes, she turns silent and starts massaging the part of her face where the slap landed, she exited the bathroom fuming, not even looking back at her sister.

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Catherine was stunned!

Aargh! Why is this happening!?

Why she had this feeling that she was the one putting those ideas in her twin's head, to begin with?

Catherine released a deep sigh and calm her nerves. She counted 1 up to 100 trying to steady her frayed nerves. She needs to get out of the bathroom and pretend as if nothing happens inside.

If she can't control her temper, this weekend get-together will be ruined just because she acted like a diva around her sister.

Damn! Why can't she make things right just for today?

Why did she have to ruin her mood today just because of her irrational thinking? She kind of heated herself today! She wanted to go back to Mystic Bay and sulk inside her bedroom all day long.

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She was brooding inside delaying her time to go out...

A knock on the door can be heard from the inside.

"Cath, what are you doing in there?" John's voice floats in the air.

She reluctantly opened the door and smiled at him. "I'm just about to go out..."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John holds her hand and they walked towards the pool area.

Everyone was already splashing water and enjoy swimming.

Catherine and Caroline's eyes met.

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Caroline was smirking...

Catherine avoided her sister's gaze.

"You want to go swimming now, Cath?" asked John.

"Later, you go ahead, you can go swimming now if you want. But wear a shirt, I don't want you to go in the pool without a shirt," she said absentmindedly.

"Huh? I don't like swimming wearing a t-shirt," John said. When he goes swimming he always wears his swimming trunks.

"Okay fine, do whatever you like," she responded.

John walked to the side of the bathroom to change into his swimming trunk.

A few moments later, he can be seen walking towards the deepest part of the pool and dive into the water.

From the lounge chair where she was sitting, Catherine was observing Caroline's reaction... 

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