The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 359: 359

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Caroline saw John's naked upper body before he jumps into the water! Oh my, she gasps. Her eyes were following his every move. John has tantalizing six-pack abs! His lean athletic body can captivate any woman's eyes! She was smirking. Too bad, soon, he will become Catherine's husband. She may be a sinner type of person but she wouldn't dare betray her sister by seducing her beloved boyfriend. But it doesn't mean she will deprive herself of drooling over her brother-in-law's impressive physique. There is no law in the land that prohibits anyone from observing, watching and admiring such a magnificent specimen. She smiled and bit her lip. When she looked at her sister's side, their eyes met. Catherine's face darkened instantly. She was looking at her all along and probably studying her reaction, damn! Catherine had caught her ogling at his husband's sick-pack! She suddenly turned to her side to talk to Grace. They were currently in the 5 ft part of the pool, while the kids and Thelma were staying at the 3 ft area.

Catherine rises from the lounge chair and went to the bathroom to change into her swimming attire. Inside the bathroom, she released a deep sigh. Caroline was now manifesting slutty behavior towards John. Although the situation isn't severe as of this moment if Caroline stays with them for a longer time, who knows what could she do? Her twin sister is now giving her a headache!


Caroline saw that John went to the swallow part of the pool to join Thelma and the kids and now chitchatting with them. She smirked, she wanted to see John's spectacular abs up close! Why not? She let out a girly giggle all of a sudden.

"What are you laughing at, Caroline?" asked Grace. Her eyes were glued to the barbecue grill feeling hungry a bit after smelling the tantalizing meat aroma that filled the entire pool area.

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"Nothing, I will go to Mother's side and play with the kids," said Caroline. She left her cousin's side and joined the kids to see John's abs up close.

John was talking to the kids animatedly about anime stuff they like to watch on TV.

Caroline sneaked in slowly in their midst, she hangs to his every word finding him fascinating to watch and study. She began fantasizing in her head on how it feels like if she can run her hands freely down his amazing abs! What the heck? She groaned all of a sudden. What was she thinking? She should not think about something dirty and sinful like running her hands on John's muscled chest. She shook her head a few times to clear the fog of forbidden desire that was starting to grow in her mind. Then she secretly checks out John's abs, she can't help herself but feel mesmerized by it.

She was so engrossed in watching she did not realize that Catherine already sat beside John on the pool and staring angrily at her. Caroline sighed. She left them and went to the bathroom to compose herself.

Catherine's eyes followed her sister's form into the bathroom. She caught her sister ogling at John's abs! Her slutty sister was hell-bent on trying to ignite her fury!

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A few minutes later, Caroline comes back into the pool and continue swimming, occasionally looking at John's magnificent physique.

After one hour of swimming, they began eating the barbecue, hot dogs and marshmallow with unlimited ice tea drinks.

The parties stop swimming altogether and decided to shower and change into dry clothes.

Catherine, Grace, Thelma and the kids were already getting out of the pool area and went into the living room.

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Done with cooking the barbecues, Minerva decided to swim, Caroline stayed in the pool a little bit because she had seen that John was still executing some butterfly stroke in the pool. She loves watching his mighty body slicing the water in the pool with his powerful strokes.

"Minerva, let's go to the deepest part of the pool!" said Caroline, urging her companion to accompany her to the deep.

Minerva shook her head. "It's 6 ft in there, my height is only 5'2, and I'm not a good swimmer, so I will just stick here in the 5 ft. You can go ahead," she said.

Caroline swam to the deepest part of the pool...hmmm....a naughty idea suddenly pops up in her mind! Her eyes twinkled. She might as well try it since her sister was nowhere to be seen.

John was nearby just a few meters from her...Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Now is the time!

Caroline acted like she was struggling to stay afloat in the water...

"Help! I got severe cramp in my feet!" she shouted for help and slowly she sinks below the water.

Minerva shouted at John...she can't help Caroline because she isn't a good swimmer.

John quickly swam towards Caroline and pulled her up from the deeps of the water.

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