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Although Caroline was gasping for breath, she directly flattened her right-hand on John's chest, trying to hold and cling on to his naked upper body, like a hungry leech. Inside her mind, Caroline was rejoicing. Yaay! She was finally able to touch his hard-muscled chest, nice!

"Are you okay?" asked John worriedly, peering into her face.

She nodded her head.

Caroline took advantage of the situation by wrapping her arms around his neck as she was being carried by him out of the pool and he deposited her gently into the lounge chair.

Minerva followed them into the lounge chair. "Are your feet still hurting, Caroline?" she asked.

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She nodded her head. "Yes, it's still hurting," she answered.

John looks at her, the worry was fading away in his eyes.

"Caroline, I will leave you in Minerva's care because she is a nurse, you will be fine under her care," said John.

She nodded her head. "Thank you, John, for saving me!" she smiled sweetly at him.

"Don't mention it," he turned around heading towards the area of the restroom.

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Minerva massage the area of Caroline's feet where it's hurting.

John went inside the bathroom to take a shower and change into dry clothes. On his way out he passed by on the two women, Minerva still massaging Caroline's feet. He exited the swimming pool area to find his pregnant sweetheart.

The moment Caroline saw that John was already out of the pool area, she stops her acting. "Thank you so much, Minerva. My feet are getting better now."

"Are you sure?" asked Minerva.

"Yes. Thank you! You can go out now to join them outside if you want," said Caroline.

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Minerva looked at the location of the portable barbecue grill that still has 5 pieces of pork meat left to be grilled. "I still have to finish grilling the pork barbecue," she said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. I will continue cooking it for you. I still want to stay here for a while enjoying the view," reasoned Caroline.

Minerva smiled at her. "Okay, I will go to the bathroom now and change into my dry clothes."

A few moments later, Minerva exited the pool area.

Caroline was left alone in the pool, comfortably sitting in the lounge chair, watching the spectacular view of the Makati City's skyline. A bright smile appeared on her lips. Wow! She could get used to this kind of life, she sweeps her eyes around the pool, then her gaze lingers at the phenomenal view of the city, sitting like this, feeling like she was a rich girl and the owner of the entire building, this is the kind of life that she always wanted for herself! Her sister Catherine is very lucky, she will be enjoying the stunning view every day and swim in the infinity pool anytime she likes. Her sister will be living her dreams, sadly, she can only dream about it. She wonders if she ever has a chance to find a rich guy like John in her lifetime. She doesn't want to marry a poor guy. It's tiring being poor all the time. She has many things she wanted to buy but her salary isn't big enough to allow her to buy all the things she wanted for herself.

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She was dreaming of a rich handsome guy like John who would sweep her off her feet and offers her the life of luxury. She wanted to travel around the world to visit exotic places that she only heard and seen on TV and in magazines. John is a perfect candidate for that position, not only he was handsome and rich he was also kind to her, unfortunately, he's already taken and worst he was her sister's husband to be. If John's woman is not her sister, she would try her best to seduce him.

She tried to shake off that insane feeling away from her mind. It's not right to fantasize about her sister's future husband. It's morally wrong and against the society's perception of good conduct and ethics, as if she had a good moral, to begin with, she giggles.

No, she maybe had a bad reputation in their province but she won't go to the extreme to rip John away from her sister. But a little bit of fun is not bad as long she won't make it so obvious to her sister, because right now her sister was watching her actions like a hawk. She might not be able to set foot in John's property ever again if she began acting stupidly.

Caroline was grinning from ear to ear upon recalling what happened earlier when she acted as if she was drowning in the swimming pool, she was pretending she was suffering severe cramps in her feet. The worried expression on John's face was priceless and she was able to touch his muscled chest without him detecting her lewd advances, yummy, his six-pack abs were deliciously hard! That incident will be the highlight of this weekend get together!

Caroline shuts off her eyes for a moment...then she continues grinning...and opened her eyes again, bathing herself with the spectacular view of the city in front of her.

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