The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 361: 361

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The next day, Sunday morning, Catherine's family already gone home back to Cavite City, morning. She was happy with the outcome of the family get together and they planned to do it again probably once a month or every two months.

Catherine pushed the negative thoughts she had for her sister at the back of her mind. She can't torture herself because of her. There's more to life than letting negativity destroys her day.

She needs to breathe and focus on her delivery date that will come anytime now.

Catherine was still lying in bed lazily and has no plan to get up early. She, Grace and her mother Thelma has been chitchatting until midnight, so she was craving for more sleep.

John exited the bathroom and lay back down on the bed.

"Hooray it's Sunday, rest day, what are we planning today?" she asked.

He snuggled down beside her in the bed, luxuriating in her presence. "I want to cuddle with my wife all day long," he nuzzled her neck. "Did you have a good time with your family last night?" he asked.

"Yes, very much," answered Catherine, her eyes were glowing with happiness. Thank you for making my entire family feel at home, for spending time with them making them welcome here in your place," she was grateful because he was the perfect host in yesterday's event.

She rises from the bed and went inside the bathroom to clean herself and exit the room to prepare their breakfast in the kitchen.

"I will prepare our breakfast," she said turning around about to exit the door.

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"No need. I already ordered our breakfast earlier and it's ready prepared in the table. What do you want, breakfast in bed or the dining room?" he asked.

Catherine went back into the bed and lay her body down beside him. She runs her hands up and down on his chest.

While John was enjoying combing her silky brown hair with his fingers.

"Let's eat our breakfast in the dining room," she replied.

After a few minutes of spending sweet moments with each other, John and Catherine gets up from the bed and they exited the room to eat breakfast.

A few moments later they were eating breakfast in the living room.

Done eating, John reads his morning newspaper in the living room while Catherine was cleaning the table.

After done with cleaning the utensils, she went to the living room and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Cath, where do you want to go today, you wanna go in the Church, mall or how about in the park?" asked John.

"I'm not going anywhere, I will just stay home today," she answered.

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"Okay, since everyone was enjoying rest day with their loved ones, we should just stay here and looked at each other's face all day and all night long," he grinned.

Catherine burst into laughter all of a sudden.

"What's funny, Cath?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just find it funny when you said we will be spending our whole day just looking at each other, she explained.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John smiled animatedly at her.

"We will spend our whole day discussing our upcoming civil wedding and thinking about the name of our son. Come here, sit on my lap," he gathered her in his lap when she didn't make a move. When all her weight was being transferred to him, John's mouth contorted in pain.

"My God, you are heavier than a sack of rice!" complained John, groaning.

Catherine was smiling broadly at him amused with his grumbling.

She pinched his sides. "Put me down then!" she pouted.

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John burst into peals of laughter and buried his face into the side of her breast. "How about we go back inside our bedroom and do some hanky-panky?" he suggested in a naughty manner and winked at her.

Catherine wrapped her arms around him trapping his head into the valley of her breast. "Let's talk about the name of our son first. I want you to be the one to give our son his name. Whatever you choose I will agree to it," she said.

"Hmmm, let me think for a about...James...let's name our son baby James, that's going to be his name!" said John enthusiastically at the same time taking small bites of her soft creamy breast above her maternity dress.

"Okay, as you wish. I like the way his name sounds in my lips, let's call him baby James, then," Catherine agreed on.

They looked at each other with infinite love glowing in their eyes.

In their eyes, they can both see their family growing in numbers in a couple of years to come.

John embraced Catherine tightly. "I can't wait to see our son soon then we will spend the rest of our lives making each other happy," he spoke the words into her ears lovingly.

Catherine runs her hands through his hair and down on his neck. "I love you," she said softly.

"I love you more!" replied John. He cupped her soft bottom and massaged it tenderly. Not satisfied he plunged his hands beneath her maternity dress and continues caressing her thighs and her buttocks, loving the texture of her skin.

"Lol, you're getting horny, husband!" she commented.

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"Indeed! Let's go to the bedroom now love, I want to get inside you now," he murmured in a husky voice. His eyes were flashing with raw desire surging rapidly in his veins.

Catherine was smiling, her eyes twinkled seeing the desire in his eyes.

John looked at her with a growing wanton desire simmering in his eyes. He claimed her lips and devoured her lips passionately. Until now, he still can't get enough of Catherine, his passion and desire for her keep getting stronger every day.

John tried to carry his pregnant girlfriend but she was too heavy, he might drop her halfway to the bedroom. He put her down on the sofa.

Catherine broke into a burst of exuberant laughter. "Hahaha, stop embarrassing yourself, husband. I can still walk with my two feet," her continuous laughter echoed inside the living room.

John grinned from ear to ear not feeling embarrassed at all, he pinched her nose and kissed her on her forehead a bit longer, to show to her that his love for her is unconditional and long-lasting than the ever-changing tides of the ocean.

"I love you so much, Cath," he wrapped her arms around her lovingly and possessively and they walked towards the bedroom.

The door opened and closed.

Inside the closed door, the couple lies down in the bed entangled in each other's arms, eyes were locked at each other. As the history of their tumultuous love from the very start playing well in their consciousness, each episode glorifying their strength and weaknesses, yet they triumphed over everything that was thrown at their steps. The succeeding hours were filled with their passionate lovemaking that further verifies their unconditional love for one another. They had proven that they can weather all the storm in their relationship and still stay intact glued to each other, come what may!

Love Conquers Time.

John and Catherine live happily ever after.


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