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The ending that has been written on the last chapter were meant for those who are already tired of the current trend of the story.

As a matter of fact, there are only more or less 3 major arcs that needs to be written so that the story can finally end.

Yes, the story will be coming to end soon...

Just that with the rate the readers were complaining, I have to give those readers who complained a lot their fix, their happy ending. Meaning no more drama for them that irritated them to no end.

Lol, I realized that there are several types of readers...

A.) The first type are the ones who complained and grumbled a lot everytime they read something they don't like in the story and bashed the Author.

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B.) The second type are the silent type readers who rarely comment and voiced out their opinion, they just read the chapter then go on with their lives.

~To satisfy these two types of readers~

 I decided to give a quick ending to the type 'A' readers. Meaning, if you belong to type A readers, your ending was already given to you. You don't have to read the next chapters, because the succeeding chapters will f*** your brain out! Opps! I'm just kidding...hehehe

Btw, kidding aside, the next chapters won't be to your liking so stop reading the next chapters because it will only make your blood boil, just be contented with the happy ending I had given you guys in the last chapter 361. Let's just part our ways...peacefully...and I wanna thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting the story 'till the end.

~~~Important for silent type "B" readers this concerns you!~~~

I actually belong to silent type readers....hehehe.

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I'm the kind of reader who will gonna say to an author...something like this...."Give me all you have! Shock me to my core! The more twist and drama the better!" 

I continue reading until the end even if all the characters I love are all dead. But I never blamed the Author because every story has different ending. Every story is unique. I am like that....

Maybe because I have read tons of different story already and nothing can shock me anymore.


I will continue writing the story for the silent type readers, the reader.... 'B'....

I will give you your ending guys...don't worry....the story will be ending soon once am done with the 3 arcs.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Thank you for sticking with me...through thick and thin...!


For Readers who belong to type 'A'...

I suggest that you don't continue reading the next chapters because you might not like it...

You might not be able to survive the trauma...

Stay with the last chapter which is already a happy ending.

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Reader "A'...I don't want to torture you anymore....I want to preserve your sanity...the next chapters are for brave soul only...if you can't take the heat then stop reading, it's for your own good.

But if you still want to continue reading....then it's up to you.

But don't blamed me and complained again because I already warned you! 

Okay? Are we clear?

I shall continue writing the story for the Reader

Let's continue....Reader B?

Give me a shout out, please?

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