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Oscar was waiting for John's enlightenment regarding the issue he was asking.

John folded his hands on his lap. "Sir, first I have to tell you that nothing serious is going on between me and Ella. I never courted her. We just meet once, then she had taken an extreme liking on me. But I am already in a loving relationship with my pregnant girlfriend. I have no wish to fall in love with another woman. I did not take advantage of Ella even if she wanted me to. I wish her well in her life and hope she can find her true love someday," he went straight to the point, hoping that Ella's father will drop the subject.

Oscar stared at John's face amazed by how he was so frank and direct.

"By the way, Sir, did Ella send you here on her behalf?" asked John.

Oscar shook his head. "No. She doesn't want to talk about you. She's not aware that I am at your office right now. I come here on my own accord," he answered.

John breathed in relief, he was glad Ella was honoring the rules in the challenge. He was also deeply puzzled with the older man's intention of coming to his office. What could be his real intention of this impromptu meeting between them?

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Oscar released a deep sigh. "If you will have a daughter one day, you will understand a father's worry. Ella has always been a spoiled child. When she grows up and start finding the opposite sex desirable, that's when the problem starts arriving, her notoriety marred her public image, but she doesn't give a damn. I'd rather want that she settles down, marry and have children rather than continue playing around like a loose cannon, especially that she is a woman. It's kind of embarrassing the way she was being portrayed in the media. Last week she brought me into the slum area, and she mentioned you. That is how I finally understand that you somehow influence her, she wanted to help the children in the slum. She pitied those children. Of course, I was shocked and stunned by her drastic transformation..."

Oscar paused a bit catching his breath, then he continues talking...

"I'd rather have her busy doing charity works left and right than going out every night continue living her sinful nightlife. So, I have to come here and personally thank you for influencing my daughter the good way. You didn't take advantage of her even if she seemed to offer herself to you. You could easily manipulate her for monetary gain, but you didn't. So, that goes to show that you had a good character which I am looking for a son-in-law..."

John's eyes grow bigger. "Sir, I have no plan to enter a relationship with Ella because I'm going to marry my pregnant girlfriend after our baby is born," he said. "I'm very sorry to say that I don't have any romantic feelings for your daughter, Sir. I'm just being honest with you regarding this matter," he explained.

Oscar shakes his head a bit. "That's a pity, we could have a good business partnership together in the future if you will end up marrying my daughter. It looks like you indeed is a man with principle and I admire you for that. But if you will have a sudden change of heart call me on this number," he took out his wallet, opens it and picked up a golden calling card that was embossed with RGM Pharma logo. "There might be a time that we can do business together in the future," he added.

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John accepted the calling card and put it inside his wallet so as not to offend him.

Oscar rose to his feet ready to leave the office. In his mind he was thinking about John, 'this young man has a low key public profile, but he already has at least fifteen hotels under his name in different parts of the country and he also has other businesses aside from hotels'...Oscar said to himself. He was impressed not only about John's wealth and business acumen but because of his principle and gentlemanly attitude in handling his daughter.

"I'm going home now, John, nice meeting you and thank you for your time!" said Oscar.

"Thank you also for visiting my humble office, Sir! I'm very much honored to finally meet you face to face!" said John.

They shook hands again. 

Oscar patted John's shoulder and smiled sadly. "You are the son-in-law that I could never have," he said to the younger man.

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John only smiled at him.

They exited the office together, John accompanied Ella's father inside the elevator down to the parking area where his car was waiting.

Oscar looked at John's face for the last time. "Hope to see you again one of these days, John," he said.

John smiled pleasantly at the older man. "Maybe for business purposes, Sir, but not about Ella," he replied.

Oscar sighed deeply. "In that case, we will just have to wait, the earth is round, our path may cross again in the not so distant future," he said. Then he entered the passenger's door of his Ford Mustang vehicle.

John waved at Ella's father who waves at him back.

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He only walked back inside the building when the Ford Mustang already faded away from his vision.

Whew! What a conversation! John murmured to himself.

When John went back to his office...

Romeo was already waiting for him in the hallway. "What does the old man want from you, bro? I'm so curious! Did he proposed to you a business partnership?"

John smiled at his friend's question. "No. He didn't. He wants me to marry Ella and become his son-in-law," he explained.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Romeo was chuckling. "Wow! Such an amazing million-dollar offer! What did you answer him?"

John shrugged his shoulders. "What else? I told him that I'm going to marry my pregnant girlfriend soon. I'm not interested in marrying Ella, that's all there is to it, period!" he said.

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