The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 365: 365

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Romeo gave John a thumbs up. "You did the right thing, bro! Money can be made by any means but true love and happiness can not be bought and it seldom arrive in a person's lives, once it comes to your life you have to hold on to it as long as you can. Besides, you are already rich, all you need is make your life complete!" he winked at his best friend with his usual jolly expression.

John smiled at his buddy's merry countenance.

"Got to go, bro! See you later." Romeo exited the room to go back to his office.


That night before going home to Catherine's side at Mystic Bay Twin Tower...

John destroyed the video footage of Ella dancing erotically on the suite in his hotel so that the possibility of it accidentally ended in the hands of other people can be prevented early. He was doing it for Oscar's love toward his daughter.

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He will be a father soon and one day he will have a daughter of his own and he doesn't want somebody taking a video of his daughter. Now that Ella seems to be turning a new phase in her life, it's the least he can do for her. Ella is not a bad person, she was just blinded by her stupid obsession for him. Now that he and Ella were completely over on that issue in their life, they can all move forward.

Deep inside him, he knew, he did the right thing.


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Catherine was sitting in the living room with Minerva, they were watching a prime time drama show on TV.

"How's Cora?" she asked.

"She's doing fine with her new employer," replied Minerva.

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"That's good," she murmured. Ever since she recovered from her Dissociative Amnesia illness, they no longer need an extra nurse. Minerva is more than enough to help her, besides there is a housekeeper that cleaned the entire flat 3 times a week, the rest of the household chores were light and doesn't require much time and attention on daily basis. Just a simple vacuuming and dusting and all furniture were sparkly clean.

"I'm also applying abroad in Canada, I'm just waiting for my papers to get approved, I have a best friend there who worked as a private nurse and the paycheck is huge," added Minerva.

"That's nice," commented Catherine.

They were silent for a while, both eyes were glued to the TV screen because the show that they were watching was getting thrilling, one of the main lead's relative was drowning in the ocean, experiencing a severe feet cramps, good thing some bystanders were ready to help and save the woman. Minerva recalled the other day that Caroline experienced the same feet cramps, thanks to John, Caroline was saved instantly.

"The other day, Caroline was suffering severe feet cramps in the pool, good thing Sir John was there and he was able to save your twin sister quickly, if not, I would not be able to save your sister coz I'm afraid of the deep water and I'm not a good swimmer," Minerva commented casually.

After hearing Minerva's statement, Catherine's heart faltered.

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Her evil sister already made her first move!

Catherine was gritting her teeth in anger. "So, tell me what exactly happens in the pool...?"

Minerva turns her attention on her. "Caroline went to the deepest part of the pool and then she got severe cramps on her feet, Sir John save your sister and carried her out from the pool and deposited her into the lounge chair, and I massage your sister's foot to bring back the blood circulation in her thighs and feet," she explained.

Catherine's face darkened. John carried her sister from the pool into the chair! Her mouth twitched in displeasure. For sure her sister has been smiling triumphantly all along when that incident was unfolding. She can conclude that her sister staged that fake accident. Catherine sighed, the more that she can't allow Caroline to stay with them under one roof, her sister will drive her crazy because of her insane jealousy towards her twin!

"Where they talking to each other?" asked Catherine.

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Minerva looked at her trying to recall what happened after John put Caroline down the lounge chair. "Your sister just said her thank you to Sir John and then he left us alone in the pool," she answered.

"They were not alone even for a few minutes?" Catherine asked again.

Minerva shook her head. "No. I was there the whole time..."

The nurse stared at the younger woman trying to decipher why she was asking too much question. Then it slowly dawned on her why...

"Hmm, are you harboring malicious suspicion about your sister," asked Minerva.

Catherine's face went blank. "A-am I that obvious?"

Minerva smiled knowingly at her. "Your twin sister is much sexier and prettier than you right now, although you exactly looked the same, she is more desirable in the eyes of any man compared to you since you are pregnant. Are you getting jealous of your twin sister?"

Catherine masked her anger. Her eyes suddenly turn glossy, she squeezed her eyes shut. "Yes. I am," she confesses. "My sister wants to live with us here. If you are on my shoes, would you allow your identical twin sister to live with you under one roof along with your husband?"

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