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Minerva was stupefied for a few seconds.

"If I am in your shoes, honestly I won't allow it. Considering that Sir John already cheated on you once. You and your identical sister look the same, only the voice is different. There is a tendency that Sir John will mistake your sister as you, it might lead to something unpleasant like he accidentally hug, embrace or kissed Caroline thinking she was you, you know what I mean," she said. "I'm just stating my opinion, you don't have to believe me, follow your intuition, whatever it is," added Minerva.

Caroline nodded her head in agreement with the nurse opinion. Whew! She was feeling relieved that at least another human being was thinking the same as her. She no longer thinks herself as paranoid. Somehow it makes her feel better inside.

The door to the flat opened, bringing John inside, he smiled right away upon seeing her.

Catherine rose to her feet, John halted in his steps and waited for her in the hallway, he planted a kiss on her cheeks and they walked side by side towards the master's bedroom.

Inside the room...

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John changes into new clothes and hops into the bed beside her.

"Have you eaten dinner love?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm already done eating after you texted me that you can't come home early because something comes up and you still need to finish some important things in your office," she replied.

She fixed her gaze on his face.

"Thanks for saving Caroline in the pool when she was undergoing severe feet cramps the other day, Minerva told me about it," she said.

John looked at her. "No need to say thank you, I would save anyone who is in the same situation as her. I'm just there at the right moment," he explained.

"Just don't touch her ever again!" she added.

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"Huh?" John brows snapped together. He was staring at his pregnant girlfriend with puzzlement in his eyes. "I didn't touch her...I only save her...wait..."

Catherine meets his gaze, by now John already understood what she meant with her words.

"That is the same reason why I don't like Caroline to stay with us here. There might come a time that you would accidentally mistaken her as me, I don't want that to happen," said Catherine. It's better that she will tell him what's on her mind right now as early as possible to prevent Caroline's successful residency with them.

John scratched his head, shut his eyes and opened them again. "Ah, I understood what you are trying to say to me, Cath. I want you to know that would never happen. To put this whole issue to rest and cast your worries away. We will just prohibit your twin sister to live with us, hope if it can make you happy and stop you from worrying then I will do it. I will call her myself and tell her that I've changed my mind. I will no longer allow her to stay with us. Happy now?" he asked.

Catherine's mouth curved into a smile. "Thank you for understanding my point of view, John," she said, feeling glad that he didn't make a fuss about this issue.

John embraced Catherine from behind and buried his face on her neck. He understands now why she doesn't want her twin sister to stay with them. Holy shit! she was getting jealous of her very own sister! Was she afraid that he will take a liking on her twin sister? In his mind that is impossible! They may have the same physical appearance but his heart knew who he loves truly.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Catherine turns her head and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Don't call my sister and explained to her the reason why you suddenly change your mind and no longer allow her to stay with us. Let me tell her myself and handle her. Much better if you won't give her your phone number. I don't want you to have any contact with each other," her voice carried a warning.

John decided to tease her. "And if I will give her my number---?"

"I call it cheating!" she said in a stern voice.

John shrugged his shoulder and smiled a bit. "Giving your phone number to another woman without any malicious intent is now called cheating. Jesus Christ, Catherine! You're getting cuter and wiser every day," he joked.

She pouted angrily not liking his joke.

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"Get out!" Her eyes flashing, her right hand pointed at the door.

"Huh?" John scratched his head. "I'm sorry about my joke, I didn't mean to offend you, my love," he gave her a puppy dog eyes.

Her face was still scowling at him.

John smiled and began tickling her on both sides.

Her face broke into a peal of laughter. "Stop...stop...Stop!"

John only stops tickling her when she was already feeling better and the smile and laughter stayed on her lips and eyes for a much longer time.


Two hours later, John was now cradling his pregnant girlfriend in his arms lovingly, she was starting to doze off, looking like a pregnant huge whale ready to pop up anytime, he grinned and caresses her protruding belly lovingly. He murmured sweet loving words to his son inside her womb. A few minutes later, John falls asleep in the bed beside his pregnant girlfriend.

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