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The next morning, John planted a kiss on Catherine's forehead.

"Wake up sleepy head, I'm heading out now to work," John said.

Catherine just groaned, opened one eye and nods her head acknowledging that she heard him and she closed her eyes again going back to sleep.

Before John left the room, he placed her 2 old phones in the bedside table. He almost has forgotten to return it to her and she also forgot to ask him about it.

After covering Catherine's body with the blanket, he exited the room.

One hour later...

Catherine finally opened her eyes wide and gazed at the closed window. She stretched her arms above her head. When her eyes landed on her old phones, she smiled broadly.

"OMG! My old phone!" Catherine exclaimed in glee. She reached for them and power them on. She smiled while holding them in her hands. She scanned on her old contacts and come across Sherry's name, she adds her name on her new phone.

She's not sure if Sherry was still using the same number. She tap call, she was elated when her phone still rings!

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"Hello, who is this?" asked the woman's voice at the other end.

"Sherrryy! Catherine here, do you still remember me? My God I miss you my friend!" she was blabbering excitedly.

"Oh My God! Catherine, is this really you?" said Sherry.

"Yes! Your's truly," she replied.

"It's been ages since you last contacted me. I keep calling and texting you on your old number, no one answered my call and nobody replied on my text messages, I was thinking that you lose your phone. What happened to you?" Sherry asked.

"Many things happened to me, it's a long story," she said.

"How about we meet one of these days?" Sherry suggested.

"I will set up a schedule for our meeting, for now, let's start communicating again, okay?" Catherine said.

"Okay. I have something important to tell you. I'm sure you will be happy. It's good news!" Sherry said.

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"What is it?" Catherine asked curiously.

"I will tell you after we see each other. It's a surprise!" said Sherry.

"Hmm, am excited to know about it!" she said.

"Catherine, I can't stay longer because I'm already inside the hotel, time for my day shift. I will text or call you later after work. Take care, my dear, enjoy your day! Bye," Sherry said.

"Bye Sherry!" Catherine said.

Catherine placed the two phones alongside her new phone in the bedside table, she almost forgotten about them, she was glad John returned them to her.

She rises energetically from the bed to start her day.

In the kitchen, she cooked eggplant omelette, then she had one cup of rice and a hot cup of milk for her breakfast.

Two hours later...her son keeps kicking inside her tummy, he was getting restless again.

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She went into the living room and sat down on the sofa and she begins massaging her belly.

Minerva was looking at her keenly. "Are you okay, Cath?"

She nodded her head, but she feels something is not right with her body. "My son keeps kicking inside my tummy. He seems to be getting restless," she said.

"Where is the part of your stomach that he hit every time he kicks you?" asked Minerva.

"Here," Catherine pointed the upper part of her stomach.

"That is good, his feet are up and his head is now positioning down at the entrance of your cervix ready for labor. What else you are experiencing right now?" asked Minerva.

"I am experiencing dull pain in my lower back, then I feel pain in my lower abdomen," she said.

"Hmm, you could be heading to labor anytime soon, let's observe more. Tell me if the pain keeps persisting so that we can go now to the birthing center of your OB-Gyn for your delivery."

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Catherine's OB-Gyn has a lying-in clinic or what they call birthing center beside her clinic.

Noontime comes and go.

Then the afternoon comes...

"How are you feeling now?" asked Minerva while preparing the toiletries, Catherine's clothes and other stuff needed during delivery such as one pack of maternity pads and so on, she also includes the infant's clothes, after checking that everything is ready for packing, she placed them neatly inside the traveling bag.

"I'm feeling a lot better compared earlier," Catherine answered.

"Okay, tell me if your water already broke, I will tell Allan to ready the car just in case we need to go to the birthing center anytime soon. Call your OB and John and inform them of the early sign of your labor," Minerva instructed her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Catherine went to her bedroom and called John from there.

"Cath, you want something? Your favorite Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie? You can tell Allan, he will buy it for you," John said.

"No. I think I'm going to go on labor tonight, I already have early signs like my lower back is hurting and my abdomen is hurting too, I can still walk on my own so it's not that severe yet. Just want to inform you so that you can go home early and accompany me into the birthing center, ouch!" the sharp pain goes again, she winced in pain.

Her face contorted in pain once more when a sudden cramp originates from the lower part of her abdomen, then she felt something like a liquid pouring out from her center.

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