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OMG! Her water broke! The water was trickling down her thighs slowly soaking the lower part of her maternity dress.

"My water broke!" she gushes, then again, she felt the pain in the lower part of her back.

"Cath, I'm going out of the office. I will instruct Allan to bring you to the birthing center now, I will see you there!" John said.

The call ended.

Minerva entered the room.

"I broke my water, Minerva," Catherine said.

"Let's go to the birthing home now, Cath. Usually, contractions happen within 12 to 20 hours or sometimes early," Minerva said.

Allan entered the room holding the bag that contains Catherine's essentials. "Do you need assistance, girls?" he asked. "I can carry you, Catherine," he offered.

Catherine shook her head. "I can still walk on my own, I will let you know if the pain is already too much for me to endure," she said. "I will change my dress first..."

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"Okay, I will for you in the living room, girls," Allan said and he walked away.

Catherine attempted to stand up, good thing the pain was still bearable, she was assisted by Minerva in changing her maternity dress.

A few moments later, the three of them exited the flat and they entered the elevator. Minerva was rubbing Catherine's back and wiping the sweats that glistened on the younger woman's forehead.

They finally landed on the ground floor.

Allan instructed them to wait in the lobby first cause he needs to get the car from the parking area. He hurriedly goes on his way to get the car.

Five minutes later, Allan parked the Rolls Royce vehicle at the entrance of the condominium building and assisted the ladies to get inside the car.

Fifteen minutes later, they were already on their way to the birthing center.

Catherine called the OB-Gyn and informed her that her water already broke. She was instructed by the OB-Gyn to keep calm and that she was already waiting for her arrival in the birthing clinic. She was getting nervous, to be honest...

"You will be fine, Catherine," Minerva said while she continues rubbing the lower part of the younger woman's back.

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"Will it hurt so bad?" Catherine asked.

Minerva smiled at her. "It will hurt real bad, of course, but you won't be able to notice it once you are already in labor because the thing that will linger in your mind the most is to keep pushing hard so that you will finally able to see your baby. Once the baby is already out of your body and you hear him cry for the first time, all the pain will vanish into thin air. At least that is one thing I can assure you because that is also what I had experienced when I had given birth to my firstborn. Don't worry Catherine...John, your OB-Gyn and I will be by your side to assist and help you, so there is nothing to worry about and don't be afraid of, okay? Trust me you will deliver your baby normally and you will be fine during the labor and delivery..."

Catherine smiled a little.

Ouch! Another pain hit the lower part of her stomach near her crotch as if the fetus head was trying to get out of her cervix...she bit her lip in pain.

Thirty minutes later they finally arrived in the birthing center. John and Catherine's doctor was already waiting for them at the entrance of the center.

Catherine gets out of the car assisted by John. "Are you okay, Cath?" he asked worriedly.

She nodded her head, tears shimmered in her eyes. "It's so painful!"

Catherine's OB-Gyn led them inside the birthing center. Inside the center were five large room that can accommodate five pregnant women awaiting delivery. Three of the room were already occupied by three women who recently gave birth to their firstborn. The other two rooms were vacant.

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The doctor pushed open the door of one of the unoccupied room and they went inside.

The room was spacious, the furniture inside consisted of one table and two chairs, cabinet, sofa, a comfy bed good enough for two-person, in the corner near the bathroom was a birthing tub.

Beside the bed, the assistant nurse was arranging the things needed for the delivery in the side table.

Allan put down the bag on the sofa and get out of the room.

Minerva opened the bag and took out all the things inside and arranged them neatly in the cabinet.

While the OB instructed Catherine to lay down in the bed for further check-up. John assisted Catherine up in the bed. The doctor checked her BP, everything is normal. Then she checked Catherine's cervix.

"Just relax Catherine, your baby's head is already positioning down in your cervix. From the looks of it, you will give birth to your baby tomorrow, for the whole night you will be undergoing labor and you will also undergo painful cramps on your lower back and the lower part of your abdomen and pelvis. Your baby will repeatedly be poking or bumping his head in the entrance of your cervix all night long and it's really painful, you won't be able to sleep because of the pain, you just have to bear with it as much as you can. You can walk back and forth inside the room to alleviate the pain. Trust me, you just have to put up with a few hours of pain, after you see your baby for the first time, the pain will no longer exist, it will be replaced with profound joy upon hearing your baby cry for the first time," the OB explained, she sympathize with the younger woman whose face was already contorting in pain.

"Thank you for the words of encouragement, Doc," Catherine said.

"Thank you, Doc," John murmured.

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"I will be right inside my office if you need me. I will be dropping by now and then to check on your progress and condition," said the OB.

The doctor walked towards the door followed by the assistant nurse, the door was closed gently behind them.

Minerva rose to her feet from the sofa.

"Sir John, I will go outside," Minerva said. She looked at Catherine. "Would you like something to eat, Cath? I can buy it for you," she asked.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Can I have my Watermelon Strawberry Smoothie, please, even a little bit will help cheer me up," Catherine said, her eyes watered again due to sudden pain she felt down her abdomen.

John picked up some money from his wallet and gave it to Minerva.

Minerva exited the room.

John massages the lower part of Catherine's abdomen. "It's painful, Cath?" he asked.

"Yes!" she answered.

"Transfer the pain to me," he offered, smiling a little, caressing her cheeks lovingly.

"How?" she pouted. "Help me down, I want to walk, it's too damn painful!" she complained.

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