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John assisted Catherine down from the bed.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Dinner time...

Catherine consumed a little food which consists only of rice and chicken broth.

She keeps walking back and forth inside the delivery room, while John followed everywhere she goes, giving her gentle massages on her back and lower abdomen.

Her eyes flooded with tears. "My God! It's so damn painful. I can't take it anymore!" she sobbed.

"Love, please endure it a little bit, okay?" he whispered softly in her ears.

"I changed my mind I want to give birth through cesarean delivery! Natural birth is so painful," she whined.

"No. Your doctor won't allow it. You are healthy, cesarean delivery is only for women with health problems. Don't worry love, I'm here to assist you, okay?" John said.

She pouted.

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Ouch! Painful cramps hit her lower abdomen again. Fresh tears ran down her cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut. John was quick enough to wipe the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

John and Catherine were not able to sleep the whole night because her labor was getting painful every minute that passes by. All she does is walked back and forth inside the room and John was trying his best to alleviate his ladylove pain by massaging her lower back and her lower abdomen, but to no avail because the pain is something that can't be described in words for a first-time mother like Catherine.

Dawn was coming...

John's eyes were ready to shut down due to sleepiness.

"Love, you don't want to rest and sleep?" he asked smiling a bit.

Catherine looked at him. "I won't be able to sleep with this kind of pain I am suffering right now. Go ahead, you can sleep and rest on the sofa."

At exactly 4:00 AM, Minerva volunteered to take care and assist Catherine so that John can have a few hours of sleep and rest.

John finally relented. He lies down on the sofa and covered his face with a towel, five minutes later he was already snoring softly.

Morning comes...

At 8:00 AM, John woke up to see Catherine already eating her light breakfast consist of boiled egg, plain biscuit, and hot tea.

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Allan and Ramon entered the room, bringing John and Minerva's breakfast they had bought from the restaurant in front of the birthing center. Then they exited the room waiting outside for further instruction by their Boss.

At 10:00 AM, the OB drop by and check Catherine's cervix, it's now dilated to 2 cm.

"Catherine your cervix dilation is now at 2 cm. We need to have at least 10 cm dilation so that you can deliver the baby normally. Do you want to try the birthing tub?" the doctor pointed at the tub. "It is a more relaxed and less painful way of giving birth to your baby? Or you can remain to lie here in the bed, which way you like best?" the doctor asked.

Catherine was confused about what to choose...

"Is there any danger my baby will get drown accidentally in the water, Doc?" she asked worriedly.

The doctor shook her head and smiled at her. She motioned for her nurse assistant to bring to her the tablet.

The doctor showed her a video...

The video of the pregnant woman giving birth to her firstborn in the birthing tub start playing, Catherine wipes the tears from her eyes after watching the 12 minutes video. It's simply beautiful! The way the mother screamed in pain, bracing for the emerging of her baby outside her vagina is beyond amazing! And the way her face lighted up in joy when she saw her baby for the first time, simply breathtaking!

"Yes. I want that water birth kind of delivery, it looks less painful!" she said enthusiastically.

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The doctor smiled broadly. "I will be back after thirty minutes then we will check your cervix again. After checking, you can start relaxing in the bathtub. But if you want to start relaxing now you can get into the tub anytime you want," she offered.

"Okay, Doc," Catherine answered.

The assistant nurse was already filling the tub with water.

Catherine was looking at the birthing tub excitedly. But she will wait for the doctor's return first before immersing herself in the water.

Thirty minutes later her OB returned and checked her cervix it's now fully dilated at 10 cm.

"Catherine you are now about to give birth any moment from now," said the doctor.

"I wanted to get into the tub now!" she said.

John and the OB assisted Catherine into the tub. She strips her maternity clothes, only her bra and panty remained to cover her modesty.

While Catherine was relaxing in the tub the OB and her assistant sat down on the sofa, while John was massaging Catherine's lower back.

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Thirty minutes later...

"Ouch!" Catherine let out a painful scream.

"Ahhhhhhh! Doc, I can feel my baby is coming out!" she shouted. She discarded her panty right away it landed on John's face, he grinned and put aside the flimsy garments on the vacant chair.

The doctor, the nurse assistant, and Minerva, all scrambled to their feet.

The assistant nurse positioned herself at the back and continue massaging Catherine's back. Then the OB and John positioned in front of Catherine to catch the baby right away after exiting her mother's vagina.

"Start pushing hard, Catherine," Minerva positioned herself in front of the younger woman to give her moral support.

"Push!" Minerva shouted.

Catherine gave all she got on her push.

"Ahhhh...!" The first painful scream tore from her mouth, sweats glistening in her forehead.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Second painful scream was much longer than the first, the pain was simply unbearable! She feels like her vagina was about to split in half.

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