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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" That was the third painful scream and her most powerful push, it was much longer than the last, her face contorted in pain, then the baby comes out in an instant, in split-second time John immediately brought the baby into the surface of the water, while the OB's hands were in support below John's hand, Catherine tears were streaming down her face the moment John handed her their son, she cradled her newborn baby in her chest, a single tear of happiness fell from John's eyes, it's so hard to describe the joy he was feeling inside at this very moment when he first laid eyes on his son. It's simply hard to describe in words.

Such a heavenly feeling! 

The doctor massaged the baby's head gently. Then the baby starts crying, the room was filled with his crying as if alerting everyone that he finally arrived into the world!

A few moments later...

Catherine was already cleaned and transferred to the dry bed and John was given the honor to cut the umbilical cord of his son.

"Wow, he weighs a ton and so cute!" murmured Minerva.

The assistant nurse began documenting the weight, the height of the baby and etcetera.

Baby James Fuentes was born weighing 7 lbs at exactly 11:30 AM, Tuesday. It's John and Catherine's momentous event together to finally witness the arrival of their firstborn into the world, the product of their sweet turbulent love affair was finally born!

A moment later, baby James opened his eyes and his cute tiny black eyes roamed around the room.

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John and Catherine were staring and observing their son in awe!

Then baby James let out an ear-splitting wail...

The OB smiled. "He is hungry now, let him suck at your breasts, Catherine," she said.

"But I have no breast milk yet," she protested.

"Don't worry, it will come, just let him suck your breast first," said the doctor gently.

Catherine positioned her son on her breast and the baby starts sucking hungrily at her nipple, at first it's a bit painful, but later on she realized that a small trickle of milk was already coming out from her breast and baby James was hungrily devouring it, she endured the pain, breastfeeding is painful!

A moment later...

Catherine smiled lovingly at her son, she's loving him so much already! She looked at John, there were tears of joy glistening in their eyes.

A few hours later Catherine fell asleep resting well in the comfortable bed, while John was smiling happily cradling baby James in his arms, singing a sweet lullaby and soon the baby feel asleep as well just like her mother. John put the baby beside Catherine, he watched happily at the mother and son sleeping peacefully side by side, his two most prized position in life, his wife and his firstborn!

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His heart was bursting with happiness right now. He reached for his phone and swipes at it, taking photos of the mother and son and sent the pic to his family in the US.

A few minutes later, John's dialogue box was filled with his mother and father's congratulatory messages that warms his heart. They kept gushing and praising the baby and they can't wait to cradle their grandson in their arms the moment they will be back on the country.

Done with video calling with her parents to bring the good news, he sent the video and photos to Romeo.

Romeo called him right away.

"OMG! The baby is so big!" he commented. "He looks like me!" said Romeo chuckling. "Congratulation bro, you are now a full pledge father! How do you feel right now?"

"I'm so happy, I can't describe how I feel right now," he said.

"Rest now bro, I will visit you guys there in the birthing center tomorrow! See yeah!" said Romeo.

Their conversation ended.

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John placed his phone on the bedside table.

The door opened, Allan and Ramon entered the room.

"Can we see the baby, Boss?" asked Ramon excitedly.

John nodded at them, they walked closely towards the bed and stared at the baby.

"Awww, so cute! He looks like me!" said Ramon grinning.

"No, his feet look like your face," said Allan joking.

They were able to admire, praised and gawk at the baby's cuteness for awhile.

Then Allan and Ramon exited the room.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John keeps smiling while caressing his son's tender feet and arms lovingly, finally they can now be called a complete family!

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Thirty minutes later...

Catherine slowly opened her eyes and saw John's smiling face looking at their baby while his right hand was busy caressing baby James' feet. Her mouth curved into a smile. "Why aren't you resting? Close your eyes and take a nap, I will look after our baby," she said.

John smiled fondly at Catherine. "I love you so much, Cath! Thank you for giving me a son," his eyes spoke volumes.

Catherine's face broke into a dazzling smile. "I love you more, John! Look at him, baby James looks like you, he got your eyes and your nose!" she cheerfully said.

John nodded. "He got your lips!" he grinned from ear to ear.

Tears of happiness shone on Catherine's eyes, the painful delivery she experienced earlier was worth it. She marveled to see her son's likeness to his father.

Baby James is like a little angel, her very own angel!

"I love you so much, baby James!" she nuzzled his tiny arms.

Baby James opened his eyes slowly and roamed his gaze around the room innocently.

John's eyes sparkled with happiness while watching his wife and his son sharing precious mother and son moment.

It's the tenderest feeling in the world.

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